-Caveat Lector-

Hello CTRL,
I just thought you might like to read the following letter I emailed to
elected officals in Washington, D.C.

I don't really think they will do anything about it even though it makes
more since than the way most politicians conduct financial affairs of
these United States of America. Anyway lets see how many people will
write such a proposal to Government and how far this honest conspriracy
to make our citizens more egual or at least in the direction of
financial equality with others in the world. After all we or should I
say our elected officals give billions to other countries. So why not
have them give some billions to the citizens of the USA. Have a great
day :-)

> To President Clinton, Vice President Gore, US Senate and Members of Congress
> President Clinton, Vice President Gore, US Senate and Members of Congress
> The White House
> United States Senate
> United States House of Representatives
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, and Honorable Members,
> This at first glance may seem to be a preposterous suggestion to the
> elected officals of these the United States of America. I assure nothing
> could be further from my oppinion of the the economic status of American
> citizens. I propose that every Citizen of the United States of America be
> issued a check in the amount of $20,000,000,000.00 ,the Constitution of
> the United States does indeed allow for this take place for the following
> reasons. The Congress has the power to coin and mint money and set the
> value thereof via the Treasury of the United States. If the Treasury
> were ordered to issue a check in the amount of 20 billion dollars to every
> Amercian Citizen by the Congress which in fact creates all money in
> circulation in the first place. We would not have such a vast inequality
> of wealth and prosperty we have in these United States of America. It is
> readily admitted that there is a debt in the trillions of dollars. Yet
> there is no mention of who this debt is owed to by any media or government
> agency that I am aware of. So I say to you our elected officals in these
> United States please do consider this proposal very seriously. Have a
> great day.
> Respectfully,
> Mark Allen Pitt

Mark Allen Pitt :) A.A.S. ;) aka Scroll lock *.* BBS
ICQ number; 4861371
Home Page; http://www.geocities.com/Area51/9357

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