-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 7:25 AM
Subject: "We're hoping to do two at once ... one bigger one and one smaller

>New York Daily News
>January 24, 1999
>Hustler Chief's Ready to Roll
>Daily News Staff Writer
>If all goes according to plan, smutmeister and self-styled Washington
>sex detective Larry Flynt will soon serve up a double helping of
>Hustler-style political news when he exposes the illicit sexual
>escapades of two more of President Clinton's Republican critics.
>"We're hoping to do two at once," said Hustler executive editor Allan
>MacDonell. "One bigger one and one smaller one. Smaller but louder."
>In fact, not much has gone as planned for Flynt and his team of
>investigators in attempting to orchestrate a series of exposés intended
>to embarrass the GOP and impede the impeachment process.
>First, in December, House Speaker-designate Robert Livingston stole
>Flynt's thunder by outing himself as a multiple adulterer. Then, two
>weeks ago, Flynt's widely trumpeted revelations about Rep. Bob Barr
>(R-Ga.) — including charges that abortion foe Barr did not discourage
>his second wife from ending a pregnancy in 1983 — generated about as
>much heat as a routine Barr denunciation of Clinton.
>Aside from Livingston's decision to resign from the House — a decision
>Flynt actually disagreed with — the skin-mag maestro's fat checkbook and
>gleeful disregard for the rules so far have generated a lot more
>publicity than actual news.
>Flynt has contributed two unforgettable scenes to the seemingly endless
>impeachment movie that has been running in America's head for the last
>year. One is the comically repulsive image of Livingston having phone
>sex. The other is the bleak, sad vision of Barr driving his second wife
>to an Atlanta abortion clinic — three years before their divorce and
>nine years before Bill Clinton was first elected President.
>But the chief product of the pornographer's controversial campaign has
>been talk about the pornographer's controversial campaign.
>"This created an opportunity for Larry Flynt to be on the lips of
>everyone in Washington," said former Clinton adviser James Carville, who
>has denied Republican charges that he is Flynt's link to the White
>House. Carville described Flynt's campaign as the "logical and
>inevitable result of the right wing and the mainstream media's obsession
>with sex."
>"Adultery and sex are gonna be with us for the foreseeable future in
>American politics," Carville said. "And it's not Larry Flynt's fault. He
>is not the disease; he is the symptom. I know everybody is worried about
>Larry Flynt paying somebody $100,000, but what about the $70 million we
>spent investigating the President?"
>Flynt is anxious to come up with some genuine sizzle in the wake of the
>Barr fizzle.
>"Yes, there is pressure," MacDonell said.
>But while the boss has proclaimed that his investigations of at least
>eight more right-wing conservative Republicans could leave the GOP "in
>shambles," his No. 2 man tells a different story.
>"We don't really think it's going to have any influence on how the
>senators vote," said MacDonell said. "But we just want to give the
>public insight into who it is that's doing this convicting [sic]."
>Unlike his counterparts in mainstream media, MacDonell — who has
>overseen the handling of thousands of tips generated by a full-page ad
>Flynt ran in the Washington Post last October — isn't interested in the
>political implications of his work.
>"I look at the Republicans and the Democrats as being like the Crips and
>the Bloods," he said. "They're the same people, and yet they are killing
>each other."
>With the clock ticking on the Senate impeachment trial, Flynt and his
>team, which includes journalist-for-hire Dan Moldea, are running out of
>time to deliver the dirty goods he has been promising for so long.
>A nasty bout with double pneumonia that's left him incommunicado since
>the Barr outing hasn't helped matters. Neither has a messy obscenity
>case pending against Flynt in Cincinnati that he literally dared
>officials to bring against him.
>In a classic example of colliding crusades, Flynt's scheme for raising
>hell in Ohio seem to have bollixed his plans for raising hell in
>"Why don't they just charge me with obscenity, and we'll go to trial?"
>Flynt asked last January on Court TV.
>The challenge was the culmination of a year-long campaign by Flynt to
>reintroduce Hustler magazine in Cincinnati, where he was convicted in
>1977 of peddling obscenity and engaging in organized crime.
>Twenty years later, he flew into town and handed out free copies of
>Hustler, creating a mob scene in a local park.
>Flynt was indicted last spring on 15 counts, including three counts of
>selling obscene material to a minor. He had fun with the case for a
>while and even sued the prosecutor for defamation of character.
>When his trial date arrived Tuesday, however, Flynt was in the middle of
>his GOP outing project. Publicity overload was averted by Flynt's
>pressing need for urological surgery. The judge reluctantly granted him
>a delay until April 5.
>While Flynt's Cincinnati attorney said the judge doesn't expect Flynt to
>stop speaking out, another member of Flynt's camp said there was concern
>about how the judge might react if Flynt quickly staged another of his
>anticipated outing extravaganzas.
>And if Flynt does present more documented cases of sexual shenanigans
>among the anti-Clinton forces, will it have an actual effect on
>anything? Or will he merely be guilty of a Washington sin even more
>common than adultery and perjury — repeating himself?
>Original Publication Date: 01/24/1999

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