-Caveat Lector-

Lots of relevent links concerning recent topics on CTRL. Cathy O'Brein,
Nimrod, Hoffman/Downard...

from Fortean Times #118 Feb 1999



Conspiracy-watcher URI DOWBENKO wonders whether the new vampire movie Blade is
a thinly-veiled metaphor for something far more sinister.

Based on a Marvel Comics character, Blade is a gory, graphic vampire story for
the end of the millennium. In this apocalyptic tale, Blade (Wesley Snipes) is
a half-human, half-vampire hybrid. Because his mother was bitten before he was
born, he has a vampire's strength and none of the weaknesses - although he
takes a serum to keep his own bloodlust in check.

Dressed in black leather and equipped with a ninja sword, Blade has become a
fearless vampire killer, waging a personal vendetta. His nemesis is Deacon
Frost (Steven Dorff), another half-vampire, whose sadistic fury makes him one
of their most ruthless. Besides seizing power from the vampire establishment,
Frost wants to decode an ancient ritual to invoke an apocalyptic "blood god".

Ostensibly a horror movie, Blade is actually a clever analogue of the world of
legendary Illuminati, with their global consolidation of wealth and power
through occult
rituals. From all accounts, the Illuminati consider themselves a separate
race, a network' of bloodlines, virtual gods destined to rule Planet Earth.
'~You'd better wake up," says Blade, "There's another world beneath the one
you live in.

Biblically, the cult of human sacrifice was introduced by Nimrod, the "mighty
hunter". The Curse of Canaan author Eustace Mullens writes that "in the
history of mankind, Nimrod stand unequalled for his symbolism of evil and
satanic practice. He is credited for having founded Freemasonry and for
building the legendary Tower of Babel in defiance of God's will. In Talmudic
literature, he is noted as 'he who made all the people rebel agalnst God.

"The legend of the Midrash recounts that when Nimrod was informed of Abraham's
birth, he ordered all the male children killed to be certaln of eliminating
him. In his fury and hatred [Nimrod] often burned them [his victims] alive,"
continues Muliens. "'They
sacrificed their sons and daughters to the demon; they poured out innocent
blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, when they sacrificed to the
idols of Canaan.' (Psalms 06:37-38)."

In Blade, the vampire Frost also has a sneering disdain for humans. "Look at
them," he says. "They're cattle... pieces of meat."

John Coleman - 'Illuminati in America', World in Review (2533 N. Carson St.,
Carson City NV 89706, USA) - equates the Illuminati with satanism, clalming:
"...the CIA was
controlled by a satanist while Dulles had charge of it. The same holds true
for George
Bush [a member of the Order of Scull and Bones]. Given the ghastly mind
experiments constantly being conducted by ~ It does not take much to conclude
that the CIA follows satanic roads." Coleman goes on to finger the Monarch
programme as an example of state-military mind control.

The horrendous Monarch Programme has been verified by numerous mind control
atrocity survivors like Cathy O'Brien -author of Trance Formation of America
(US$20: Box 27740, Las Vegas, NV 89126, USA) - Brice Thylor - author of
Starshine (US$20:
Box 655, Landrum, SC 29356, USA) - and K Sullivan - author of MK QTS$18: Box
1328, Soddy Dalsy, TN 37384, USA). Their cross-corroboration of Illuminati
abusers and spiritual wickedness in high places is astounding... a living
testimony to the indomitable courage and perseverance of the human spirit.

Therapist-researcher Fritz Springmeier - author of Illuminati Formula Used to
Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (US$59: 916 Linn Ave,
Oregon City, OR
97045, USA) - has also written extensively on the deliberate creation of
personality disorder (MPD). His book describes the "science" of trauma-based
programming techniques used to create sex slaves, international drug and money
couriers, as well as assassins for the Illuminati.

"The basis for the success of Monarch mind control programming is that
personallties - called alters - can be created who do not know each other but
who can take the body at different times," writes Springmeier in this
monumental and mind-boggling 468-page book. "The amnesia walls that are built
by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from
being found out." Unless, specific memories leak out and demand attention.

More than a cautionary tale, Blade seems to fall in the category of what
Michael A
Hoffman II and James Shelby Downard call "the Revelation of the Method." In
Societies and Psychological Warfare (www.hoffman-info.com), Hoffman writes
that this is "the process wherein murderous deeds and hair-raising
conspiracies involving wars, revolutions, decapitations and every manner of
horror show are first buried beneath a cloak of secrecy... and then, when
finally accomplished and secured, slowly revealed to the unsuspecting populace
who watch deep frozen... as the hidden history is unveiled."

Sounds like going to the movies.

Dr. Albert Mackey, a 33rd degree Mason, wrote in The Encyclopedia of
Freemasonry that the definition of 'hoodwink' is a "symbol of the secrecy,
silence and darkness in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved
from the unhallowed gaze of the profane."

"That is how they see us," writes Downard, "as 'profane', as 'cowans'
(outsiders)... murder, sexual atrocities, mind control attacks agalnst the
people, all of these things are so
elevated, so lofty and pure as to be beyond the ken of mere humans."

As the rebel vampire Frost says in Blade, "We should be ruling the humans...
These people are our food - not our allies."

"We're going to be gods," says a vampire. "We're just a product of natural
selection. We're the new race," says another.

The Illuminati would agree.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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