-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/23/99 11:38:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< i am well aware of dasgoat's position on these matters and for the most
 part we agree. my position is not to believe everything and to believe
 everything. sitchin's writings provide a better explanation for what is,
 than the creationists or the evolutionists. evolution is more likely to
 have taken certain leaps than not. i believe also that the evidence is out
 there but is being concealed, along with certain ufo connected stuff. it
 is almost like this is the ultimate conspiracy because it denies us our
 celestial roots.
 maybe it is because this stuff has been with me for so long but i cannot
 even consider the possibility that it is any other way. in this belief i
 am connected to my roots. i do not know if you have had any advanced
 courses in halucinagenics but; in that realm there is no other
 explanation. that halucinagenics exist at all is a testiment to higher
 consciousness and higher beings. i could loose all of this belief at the
 next passing thought, and i allow for that possibility but for now this is
 what i think.
 my opinion about reincarnation is pretty much the same as my belief on all
 of these matters and that is that; i could be inclined to believe it and a
 lot of people say that they have a good reason to believe it but; until i
 have a solidly good reason to believe, there will always be the question.
 edgar cayce makes a very good study but not until i find it for myself.

 it is a good thing to be skeptical about everything and then only those
 things that you are not skeptical of, get you. that is relatively true in
 almost all realms of belief.

 ramblin' guy


Well, Ramblin' guy, we do not disagree on some things!  Some comments that you
make are right up my alley.  First as to higher realms, absolutely agree but
as to definition thereof that is another question entirely.  I only have
limited experience into hallucinogenics, but your reasoning is sound based on
my knowledge.  I would clarify this concept by saying that hallucinogenics
merely enable you to cast aside the illusory sheen that overlays "reality" and
allows to you to see what is "really" there.  This implies a "higher" state of
consciousness, but is not necessarily so.  The higher nature of it is just
I could not agree with you more about the truth being out there and being
hidden.  Your speculation as too celestial origin could be true, in many less
obvious ways than alien interference even, but for now the jury is out and
that is where I stand on the issue.  My thoughts are likewise subject to
revision at a moments notice (I used to be a fundamentalist Protestant
Calvinist after all!!)  UFO's and conspiracy go hand in hand as does the
science of origins, even in the metaphysical realm, such as postulating a
celestial origin in a scenario which features "alien" life forms actively
manipulating life on earth.  I believe that science in these areas is pretty
well compromised.  When there is so much dissension even among academics about
issues that should be settled matters one has to wonder about more
problematical ones, does one not?
Knowledge is being kept from us, that is fact.  That knowledge would be
personally soul shaking and have a global effect if released.  I believe that
UFO's are real, but they are earthly craft piloted by humans, no ET's needed.
That of course is excluding UFO's of natural origin.  HOWEVER, as soon as one
piece of evidence makes itself known (or is released since in your view such
already exists) I would be the first to hail it as a major discovery and
change my view as to "aliens".  Part of the whole UFO phenomenon is one of
societal control, a mechanism, such as that described by Jacque Vallee.  It
wants to control us and manipulate our mental energies in a certain direction,
this is tied in heavily with mind control researches and experimentation.
I appreciate your thoughts on the matter as always, feel free to contact me on
these matters any time you wish I would always be willing to discuss them with
you (or others on list).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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