-Caveat Lector-


WASHINGTON (January 27, 1999 9:43 p.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - The
International Monetary Fund make more adjustments to the changing global
economy even though the lending body, under U.S. pressure, has already
embraced many changes, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers said on

Summers told a Senate panel that the IMF, which put together rescue deals
worth tens of billions of dollars in Asia, Russia and Brazil, needed to be
more accountable to its members and more open in its dealings.

The IMF's programs needed to take into account social issues and the private
sector should meet some of the cost, Summers added.

"The global economy has changed greatly in recent years, and the IMF has to
change with it," Summers told a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee.

The secretive IMF was thrust into the limelight over the last 18 months as
countries in Asia and beyond sought cash to help solve a raft of economic

But the multibillion-dollar rescue deals drained IMF resources and Congress,
approving new funds last year after a long delay, linked the extra cash to
demands for change.

"Congress ... affirmed its commitment to a much more reformed, much more
effective IMF," Summers said. "This is a commitment that the (Clinton)
administration wholeheartedly shares and we are extremely focused on working
to achieve."

Summers, long a defender of the IMF, said the crises in Asia and elsewhere
would have been deeper without the IMF.

"The costs of these crises would have been even higher and the impact on our
own economy and markets much more severe" had the IMF not acted, he said.

Summers said steps were under way to make the IMF more open. Internal staff
evaluations of IMF programs were being published, along with details of
countries' promises to the lending institution.

Reporting to Congress was being expanded to include a Treasury Secretary
report to congressional committees on any IMF lending supported by the
Exchange Stabilization Fund. The stabilization fund, which falls under
Treasury's control, has been an irritant to congressional Republicans because
the administration has been able to tap it without seeking congressional

IMF First Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer had been scheduled to brief
the Senate panel in a rare appearance that panel Chairman Chuck Hagel, a
Nebraska Republican, described as "the first appearance of a senior IMF
officer before a congressional committee in open session."

But Fischer told Hagel in a letter that he was too busy dealing with Brazil's
financial crisis to testify.


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