"... a subculture of gay men who eroticize risky sexual practices
and embrace the prospect of becoming infected.
     "Across a network of Web sites, gay men from Wichita to
Rotterdam advertise group sex parties for men who actively seek
to become infected with HIV (a practice called "bug chasing")
or seek to infect others with the virus (called "giving The Gift") ..."
     (And who, no doubt, are big Anne Rice fans.)

"Russian Roulette" Sex Parties

     Gay fringe group's unsafe practices alarms AIDS experts

     by Sabin Russell, Chronicle Staff Writer
     San Francisco Chronicle, January 29, 1999

     In a Castro district apartment house, an $8 admission fee
promises a night of communal gay sex.  The only rules: no
clothes, no condoms, no discussion of HIV.
     Two decades into an epidemic that has taken the lives of
nearly 18,000 San Franciscans, a new homosexual subculture is
emerging: Healthy men are seeking unprotected sex with
HIV-infected men, for the erotic thrill of communion with the
deadly AIDS virus.

     For years, AIDS experts have been concerned about the growth
of a practice known as ``barebacking,'' where condoms are
abandoned, usually based on assumptions that partners are both
HIV positive or both negative.
     Now a fringe element, linked by the Internet, is taking it
even further.
     Web sites are offering lists of "extreme sex" party sites
where the prospect of becoming infected or of infecting others is
part of the erotic allure.
     At a "Russian roulette party" set for next month in Houston,
a posting seeks three healthy men to have sex with five other
men. Four of those must be HIV negative, but the fifth is already
infected with the AIDS virus.

     Only a tiny fraction of gay men are believed to frequent
such venues.  Even so, many veteran AIDS activists, who
championed the "safer sex" ethic that has checked the spread of
the AIDS virus since the mid-1980s, are disturbed by the trend.
     "More than anger, I find it heartbreaking and tragic," said
Daniel Zingale, executive director of AIDS Action of Washington,
D.C., the nation's most powerful AIDS lobby.
     New research from San Francisco confirms that an increasing
number of gay men are having sex with multiple partners, and
without the protection of condoms.
     Yesterday, the federal Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention reported that among men who have anal sex with other
men, the portion of men who did so without condoms rose to 39
percent in 1997, from 30 percent in 1994.  Rates of sex with more
than one partner also rose, and of those engaged in the riskiest
practices, 68 percent did not know whether their partner was
infected with the AIDS virus.
     "Groups of men engaging in high-risk sex with multiple
partners, that is the kind of behavior that caused the epidemic
to explode," said Robert Perez of the Stop AIDS Project in San
     The practice of barebacking has been fiercely debated in the
gay community for several years.  But nothing is creating quite
the stir as the lastest issue of POZ, a glossy monthly magazine
brimming with ads for AIDS drugs, featuring a sympathetic
portrayal of the barebacking phenomenon.

     The cover features a handsome gay model, Tony Valenzuela,
resting naked atop a black stallion.  While the story describes
the plight of Valenzuela as an outcast in the San Diego gay
community for publicly advocating barebacking, the photos and
graphic images portray a glamorous, sexy new icon.
     "The cover photo definitely turns him into a sex object.  I
understand people's criticisms," said POZ editor-in-chief Walter
Armstrong. "We wanted to provoke people.  We're willing to take
the heat for that."
     But AIDS Action's Zingale finds this "bareback chic"
     "Anything that glamorizes putting your own health at risk is
irresponsible and threatens to unravel all our progress," he
     POZ, which has a modest national circulation of 130,000 is
not just trying to sell magazines, said Armstrong. "It's not that
we wanted to defend barebacking," he said. "We wanted to try to
give a fair, and considered, and nonjudgmental analysis of why
this is taking place ...  We want to see less condemnation of it
as a behavior, and more discussion about why gay men are wanting
to stop using condoms."
     The subculture of barebacking is explored in depth in a
second POZ article "A Ride on the Wild Side," by San Francisco
free-lance journalist Michael Scarce.  It uncritically explores
the methods and motives of men who have rejected condoms and are
having unprotected sex in organized venues.  It includes a visit
to the Castro "Bareback House" and an account of what goes on
     Scarce, 28 years old and HIV-negative, describes a
subculture of gay men who eroticize risky sexual practices, and
in some cases, are embracing the prospect of becoming infected.
     Across a network of Web sites, gay men from Wichita to
Rotterdam advertise group sex parties for barebacking men.
     Using street parlance, the Web sites describe the act of
seeking HIV ("bug chasing"), or seeking to infect willing
partners with the virus ("giving the gift").

     Scarce, who has investigated the Internet phenomenon and is
writing a book about it, said he has interviewed numerous
"inoculation party" participants. The parties, he said, are not
an Internet hoax or a fantasy played out only on screen.
     But he concedes, "We are talking about a very small
minority of the barebacking subculture."
     A former HIV prevention worker who now works at a resource
center for gays and lesbian students at the University of
California at San Francisco, Scarce said gay men need to
recognize the appeal of unprotected sex in order to come to terms
with it.
     "We have to stop kidding ourselves that safer sex is hotter
sex.  It's just not.  There is a particular appeal to barebacking
because it is sexier.  It is hotter," said Scarce in a recent
     "It amazes and impresses me that gay men value their
sexuality, and that they find such meaning in it that they are
willing to take certain kinds of risks," he said. "That is an
important and beautiful thing, although it can have harmful and
damaging consequences."
     To Tom Coates, the director of the UCSF AIDS Research
Institute, the implications of such thinking are saddening. The
POZ article, he said, may "legitimize barebacking" and help
break down the behavior changes that have protected San
Francisco's gay community from the rampant spread of the virus.
     "I am surprised at POZ not only for sensationalizing the
movement, but for not presenting a balanced view.  Nowhere did I
see the word 'responsibility.'  As an HIV-infected man myself, I
take that responsibility very seriously," said Coates.
     Scarce dismisses the highly respected AIDS expert as part of
an "old guard" whose vision of HIV prevention is grounded in
the experience of Baby Boomers devastated by the epidemic.
     This vision of a generation gap within the gay community
permeates much of the discussion of barebacking and the shift to
riskier sexual practices.
     Surveys show younger gay men are more likely than their
older peers to engage in unprotected sex.
     To younger gay men such as Scarce, AIDS has become
interwoven as part of gay identity. "AIDS and gay culture are
permanently tethered to one another, and not necessarily in a bad
way," he said.
     Such talk, in the view of some veteran AIDS activists,
dishonors the dead, and makes not only for bad public health
policy, but disastrous gay politics.
     "How sympathetic will be the public, which has coughed up a
lot of money for services and research, if we don't have
responsibility?" said Coates.
     Rene Durazzo, program director for the San Francisco AIDS
Foundation, said the POZ article provides a service in bringing
discussions about barebacking into the open. "We have to be
challenged how to understand the complex nature of that issue,"
he said. "We need to give men opportunities to talk about it and
make their own decisions."
     The long history of AIDS in San Francisco, he suggested,
shows that the city's gay community has acted responsibly and
will continue to do so.
     "In this city," Durazzo said, "men have made good choices
around HIV and their sexual lives.  They are making complex
decisions how to stay safe.  If they were making bad choices, we
would see an enormously escalating epidemic."

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