-Caveat Lector-

>Sunday, 1.31.99 -- CBS News reports about several "Top Gun" Air Force
reservists who are >refusing to get vaccinated for anthrax.  Their unit,
along with millions of other U.S. soldiers, >especially those doing
stints in Iraq, have been getting vaccinated due to concerns of chemical
>The report, airing on CBS only (ABC News broadcast mentioned nothing),
had a news reporter >interviewing 5 -6 reserve officers who have refused
to get vaccinated for anthrax. The pilots say >that the vaccine "will do
more harm than good," and that while they "love to fly," they refuse to
get >stuck with a needle the DoD says contains vaccine for anthrax.
>Why are they refusing? The CBS report maintains it's because of an
Internet web site where a >doctor has posted medical information
supporting their claims that the vaccine is harmful.  The DoD >says
there's no justifiable reason for their refusal, and will ground them
unless they agree to being >vaccinated.
>Bad rap for the Net? Is the doc a wacko? Will they get court-martialed?
Have they really gone off >the deep end?

Anyone have the URL?  I saw the report too and the picture of the
computer screen aired during the report was too small to read the URL.


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