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The Prophets Conference
Tulum - Chichen Itza - Coba - Yucatan
Playa del Carmen on the magnificent Caribbean coast of Mexico
Spring Equinox -March 15-22, 1999
Called for by the Mayan Calendar
Hosted by Maya Mysteries School & K'u-Kuul-Kaan Academy
A good many of you requesting information or registering for this coming
Caribbean Prophets Conference are telling us that you feel as if you are
being 'called' to participate in the sacred spring equinox ceremonies at
the Mayan sacred sites - Tulum, Chichen Itza, and Coba.

Prophets Conference host Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men, in the following excerpt,
brings us clarity toward the understanding of this 'calling' going out to
the planet from these ancient sacred sites.
Elder Hunbatz Men of the Maya tradition - Awakening the Centers
Excerpted from  "Profiles In Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About The Earth"
by Steven McFadden

"For the Maya," Hunbatz teaches, "it is the new age-time to give away the
knowledge again, to raise the frequency of the global mind.  Now the world
has a dark civilization, a dark culture.  We need to reestablish a high
culture."  One important part of doing this, according to Hunbatz, is
reopening the Mayan initiatic centers, the temples and pyramids of the
Yucatan, Guatemala, and Honduras.

"As foretold in the Mayan sacred calendars," Hunbatz says, "now is the time
to reconsecrate the sacred pyramids and temples, and all the other sacred
sites of the Americas.  In so doing, we can help bring about the
respiritualization of the people and the healing of the Earth.  Pilgrimages
to the magnetic center of Mayan lands are necessary to assist in the
enlightenment of the human race."  According to Hunbatz, the magnetic
energy of the Earth and the cosmos flows more fluidly in sacred sites.
When humans make ceremony there, it helps the energy to flow even better.

Hunbatz works not only with the Maya, but also with native people all over
the Americas-North and South.  "Most of the elders," he says, "know about
this-that it is time to reopen the old centers, to go there with respect,
and to begin to receive information."

"We must reopen these places where the knowledge of the great mysteries is
deposited," Hunbatz urges, "because the spirits of the ancient teachers are
awaiting the new mind of humanity in order that these sacred places might
be revived and indicate the correct path to humanity."  The pyramids of
Mesoamerica are not tombs, Hunbatz explains, but places to work with other
dimensions of consciousness, places to understand time.  The Mayan word for
the pyramids is k'u-part of the name of God, Hunab K'u.  "We go to the
pyramids because the energy flow in there makes for a different vibration.
We can use this to help make subtle changes in the frequency of our brain
waves.  In there we can make a connection with the magnetic forces of the
Earth and the cosmos.  The geometrical form of the pyramids helps people to
transform themselves, to raise their consciousness by raising the frequency
of their brain waves.  We hope something big is going to happen because of
these ceremonies and all the other sacred activities around the world-that
the frequency of the modern mind is going to change in a positive way.

"Now, I invite people to come and reopen the sacred centers.  When
thousands of people work like this, it will change the mind of all-even
those who do not believe.  You can't save the Earth by dictating laws-no
one believes or cares.  They will keep doing what they are doing to make
money.  We must change the frequency of the human mind."

You are invited, and in many cases called, to join the exceptional faculty
of The Prophets Conference~Tulum/Caribbean during the powerful and highly
significant spring equinox, March 15-22, 1999. This unparalleled event is
considered by many to be the constantly manifesting edge of ideas, bringing
together Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men, Bob Frissell, Hyemeyohsts Storm, James
Twyman, Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, Hank Wesselman, Ph.D., Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.,
Ilona Selke, Swan Storm, Mayan Master Miguel Angel Calleros, and Mary
Lightning Locke.  Sacred ceremony will be conducted by these presenters,
along with the teachers from the Maya Mysteries School and K'u-Kuul-Kaan
Academy.  The conference takes place at the sacred Mayan sites of Tulum,
Chichen Itza, Coba, and Playa del Carmen on the beautiful Caribbean coast
of Mexico.

Mayan sacred site ceremony; the highest quality of information; powerful
teachings of the North American Native Medicine Wheels; shamanic Huna
teachings of Hawaii; interdimensional Merkaba creation; dolphin
communication and knowledge; future visions of Mother Earth; and the
messages from the Emissaries Of Light, all come together March 15-22 to
create a life-transforming celebration of meaning and mystery - to
reenvision and reconfigure Reality.

Accommodations and location are exceptional.

To request a Prophets Conference brochure, email
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or visit
Or call your brochure request toll-free to 1-888-777-5981.

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