-Caveat Lector-

from  [rosslyntemplar] Digest Number 144
As always, Caveat Lector.
Message: 1

   Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 18:57:58 -0000

   From: "John Gault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Klansmen take their lead from Braveheart

Please forward this to people you think might be interested, and if you any

of you Aryan Scum have a problem with it, go and sitck your burning cross up

where the sun don't shine.

GUARDIAN 30.1.1998



Christie, breeder of racially pure children for the Aryan Nation, recommends

use of the Celtic cross.

"It's the easiest way to let other Aryans know what you believe without

attracting attention from the ignorant Jews and Liberals," she says.

On The internet's Aryan Dating page, where young American neo-nazis can find

mates with whom to breed for the coming race war, there is similar support

for the cross, held to allude to the most pure of the 10 lost tribes of

Israel. Dave Barley, spokesman for the Christian Identity movement, also has

ab affinity for Celtic and, in particular, Scottish culture. From his

America's Promise Ministries at Sandpoint in Idaho, he has distributed

50,000 copies of the Declaration of Arbroath, the 14th century manifesto for

Scottish Independence.

Pastor Barley believes the text represents the perfect rallying call for a

modern-day white America blighted by an interfering government, Jews, and

racial impurity. He is not alone. Across the southern states, more and more

groups are using Scottish history as justification for their extreme dogma

and for their assertion of the right to bear arms.

"This obsession with Scotland among the klan and hardcore militia groups has

been rising," says Mark Potok, editor of the intelligence project at the

Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama, which monitors the militia movement.

"These supremacist groups need to create a history for themselves that

paints them as bearers of true belief oppressed by a remote government. They

see the historical Scottish struggle as like theirs."

Though some historians dispute Scotland's links with the Ku Klux Klan, it is

believed the movement started in the 1860s as a club for Confederate cavalry

 officers of Scots descent, before evolving into a secret society to inspire

terror among freed slaves.

Many klan rituals are said to be based on those of the secretive Society of

the Horseman's Word, once active in North-East Scotland. The stereotypical

burningof the cross is a corruption of the traditional clan call to arms.

However, militia groups are more recent converts. "It all gained momentum

with Braveheart, That film is on the shelf of every white supremacist in

America," says Mr Potok.

"The Christian Identity and klan groups have always believed the Celts are

the most racially pure, but the neo-nazis, by definition not Christian,

really got into Scotland after Braveheart. Now it's often a focal point for


When Mel Gibson's historically duboious epic film was released, the militia

monitoring group at Radio for Peace International in Central America heard

so many references on short wave broadcasts it had to arrange for a

screening to find what the film was about.

The group had been used to an occasional reference to Scotland, but, after

Braveheart, its history became a talking point. Hatewatch,an Internet

monitoring group, reports a similar shift.

Mr Potok says:"There's definitely an obsession. Maybe you guys should be

careful - these are not the kind of people you want hijacking your history".

Though Pastor Barley has never been to Scotland, he has an intimate, if

somewhat skewed, knowledge of its history and culture. "We are very

interested in Scotland, very interested," he says. "We believe the

Declaration of Arbroath categorically proves the Celtic people are the most

pure of the lost tribes of Israel. Also, the Stone of Destiny [where

Scottish kings were crowned] may be the very pillow where Jacob lay to see

the ladder to heaven."

>From his Idaho church, the pastor uses the Internet to distribute pamphlets

asserting Jews  are the children of Satan and blacks are"no better then the

beasts in the fields". But there are other, more extreme individuals.

The most famous passage of the declaration, addressed to the Pope by

Scottish noblemen when at Edward II's behest he excommunicated Robert the

Bruce, refers to their desire to be free of tyranny: "For, so long as a

hundred reamain alive, we will never in any degree be subject to the

dominion of the English. Since not for glory, riches or honours do we fight,

but for freedom alone, which no man loses but with his life."

For militias who believe their government is corrupt and oppressive, the

delcaration has resonance. On the Internet It is mentioned with casual

frequency in pamphlets with titles like Guns, God and The Fight For Freedom.

Ron Cole, a former leader of the North American Liberation Association,

currently in jail for firearms offences, is a fan.

But, alongside the interest in history among the terrorist hardcore, there

are also references to modern Scotland. Cole, entirely falsely, has claime

to have links to the Scottish National Party. On the Internet there is

praise for the UK's tiny extremist Scottish Phalange group.

"There are plenty of militia and klan groups out there who clAim to have

close links to Scotland. Probablu that's not true; but it's a little

worrying that they inspiration from Scotland, and seem to be, getting more

obsessed by it," Says Mr Potok.


Campaign Against the Hi-jacking and Misrepsentation of Scottish History

Please e-mail me with ideas for stopping this happening.

John Gault

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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