-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.madcowprod.com/enterprise_in_enterprise.htm">The
Enterprise in Enterprise</A>
Greetings from Enterprise, Alabama!


The MadCow Savage Heartland Tour 98 received a distressing letter from
the wife of a CIA drug pilot (on current duty) several weeks ago.

Beth Lyman is the estranged wife of a man whom she says, in testimony to
a federal grand jury, is a drug pilot at a CIA proprietary airline,
Tepper Aviation, run by a man who is a close friend of notorious CIA
killer-cum-drug- kingpin, Felix Rodriguez.

Lyman, after testifying to a federal grand jury in Montgomery Alabama,
about what she knew about CIA drug smuggling engaged in by local
businesspeople with CIA connections, came home to a 5-foot long
rattlesnake waiting for her in her mailbox.

Tiny Enterprise, Alabama, located near the Florida state line, has the
busiest airport in the world--4500 sorties per day.

CIA Drugs--A continuing national scandal

Oliver North's Enterprise (see accompanying story) was likely named
after the very real town of Enterprise, Alabama, a place notorious both
for having hosted Tom Posey's CMA contra training camp as well as a
hunting camp frequented by prominent members of the Medellin cartel,
including Carlos Ledher, whom Barry Seal flew in in the middle 80's,
according to law enforcement sources within the Alabama Bureau of

The idea that North's then-illegal contra efforts may have occupied the
same space at the same time with a Medellin Cartel hunting lodge is
yet-another piece of stunning evidence pointing towards a CIA/Medellin
alliance. (Other evidence includes the testimony of Colombia's top
general, quoted by Alexander Cockburn in his book Dangerous Alliances
saying that he always believed that the CIA had a special relationship
with the Medellin cartel.)

The letter from Beth rang a strong chord with us--especially after it
mentioned the activities of a current sitting Senator from Alabama, Jeff
Sessions, whose actions while a US Attorney in Mobile, revealed in
official court documents, protected the sanctioned traffic in narcotics
through that section of the country.

" In August of 1998," Beth told us, "I testified before a federal grand
jury concerning my knowledge of drug smuggling concerning a very wealthy
business owner for whom my husband works, John Collins, who is
associated with Tepper Aviation in Crestview, Fla. which is a CIA
proprietary company."

The Mafia, the CIA, and George Bush--Again?

"I have in my possession documents that prove from the mid 1980's the
involvement of certain individuals in the massive defrauding of banks
and S&L's."

"A close friend of mine armed with this information was threatened by
the US Attorney's office in Mobile, Alabama. They accused him of
stealing classified documents. This is not true."

The US Attorney which she is talking about, the aforementioned Jeff
Sessions, has since moved up to become a United States Senator from

Almost a year ago a prominent attorney in Mobile,Alabama, Dom Soto, had
led us to court documents regarding former associates of Barry Seal.

In these documents, Barry's supposed "handler," Ernst Jacobsen,
repeatedly appears to perjure himself in testimony regarding a DEA
"informant," Ellis McKenzie, who had captained Seal's fleet of
ocean-going drug-smuggling ships.

And even a casual reading of these official court transcripts indicates
that Jeff Sessions aided and abetted this perjury.

Another Mena Connection

The CIA proprietary airline referenced by Lyman, Tepper Aviation in
Crestview, Fla., was also the employer of a Mena Arkansas-based C130
which went down in Angola while delivering weapons to both sides of that
civil war during the 1980's, killing the young nephew of a Congressman,
who then began to take an interest in the illegal activity taking place
there, to no ultimate avail.

("Forget national security," one source had explained to us, when we
inquired as to which side we were on in that conflict. "Its all about

Ms. Lyman's woes since blowing the whistle on this latest manifestation
of elite deviance include having her 15-year old daughter beaten in a
parking lot, as well as several home invasions.

"During the latest," she relates, " two men attempted to break into my
home around 4 a.m. triggering my burglar alarm to go off. One of these
men I have a protective order against as he is considered very

" I was then told at the police department that if I did not know the
social security numbers of these individuals an offense report could not
be completed."

The DrugMoney Times will continue to follow this developing story, in
the interests of bringing the events in Enterprise Alabama to national
attention, which, recent history teaches, is the only way of ensuring
the safety of yet another courageous whistle-blower coming face-to-face
with the drug cartel running this country.

February 1, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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