-Caveat Lector-

Spy data 'sent via Australian station'


Canberra Times Thursday Jan 28

A former United States National Security Agency officer, Bill Arkin,
has reportedly told the New York Times that intelligence data from
Iraq might have been transmitted through an Australian
communications station in Victoria, used during the Cold War.

Mr Arkin, who once worked for the NSA the world's largest electronic
spy outfit has joined former United Nations Special Commission
officer Scott Ritter in his criticism of UNSCOM'S activities in Iraq,
where it has been accused of spying for the US.

Electronic interceptions made by Australian intelligence officers
around the world at the height of the Cold War were transmitted
through the Watsonia station, in Victoria, but a national security
specialist said yesterday that he doubted the station was used for
intelligence gathered in Iraq.

He said it was more likely that any such data was first transmitted to
the US through the joint-intelligence facility at Pine Gap in the
Northern Territory, or through the NSA's station at Menwith Hill,

"These are the two most secure routes," he said.

The Federal Government rejected yesterday the reports that
Australians spied for the United States in Iraq, and said Mr Ritter, the
former head of UNSCOM'S Concealment Unit in Iraq, lacked

Mr Ritter said in The Canberra Times yesterday that last July the US
Government had directed the head of UNSCOM, Australian Richard
Butler, to pass on any intelligence it gathered in Iraq to the US.

The Australian Government was fully aware of this peculiar
arrangement, he said, despite its endangering lives of UNSCOM
members and breaching the UN's mandate in Iraq.

He had also said the US did not want to disarm Saddam Hussein's
regime, only to contain it with economic sanctions. Before
December's bombing of Iraq, the US was fearful of having to back
down again; to avoid this, Washington decided to "rein in"
UNSCOM's intelligence activities.

A spokesman for the Minister for Defence, John Moore, said
yesterday, "We think Mr Ritter lacks credibility. The Economist says
he lacks credibility and so do we. All staff provided by Australia to
UNSCOM were provided in response to specific requests by the UN.

''The purpose of their involvement was to assist in efforts to establish
the location, extent, type and destruction of weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq."

Mr Ritter has said that by withholding intelligence support at a crucial
moment, the US Government blocked a surprise inspection of the
document sites of Saddam Hussein's secretary, Abid Hamid
Mahmoud, and that at least six times between November, 1996, and
August, 1998, the US had intervened directly to stop surprise

"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart information and
ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." - Universal
Declaration of Human Rights


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