Brady Gun Control Shows its Ugly Face
      -- GOA needs your horror stories

by Larry Pratt
Executive Director, Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151

        (Friday, December 11, 1998)-- It is no understatement to say
that the first week for the National Instant Background Check was a
huge flop.  Despite five years to prepare for the November 30
deadline, the administration and the FBI simply weren't ready.

        Delays, delays, and more delays marked the first few days
under Part II of the Brady law.  If one were cynical, one might be
tempted to think that the delays were intentional.

        Nationwide, customers have left gun stores in disgust
without purchasing their intended firearms.  And in some cases,
gun dealers have even been stuck with special orders that they
have purchased, but couldn't transfer when endless delays caused
the gun buyers to give up.

What to do when the "trains don't run on time" . . .

        Unfortunately, the answer in some sectors of the pro-gun
movement has been to work towards making the "trains run on
time."  Make the Instant "Registration" Check work more efficiently,
they say, so there won't be any delays and interruptions.

        Those of you who have been with us for a while know that
we are completely opposed to this approach.  We don't want these
government "trains" running at all.  But this stance should come as
no surprise.  Gun Owners of America was the only national gun
lobby to oppose the Instant Registration Check in 1993, when the
law first passed.  And to this day, we continue to fight against this
unconstitutional monstrosity with every ounce of our organizational

Fire back with a "shotgun approach"

        During the last Congress, you helped us push for the repeal
of the entire Brady law, including the insidious Instant Registration
Check.  Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) was the author of the bill to repeal
this law (H.R. 2721), and he has already told us that he plans to
reintroduce his bill next year.

        At this moment, GOA is looking at opportunities to challenge
this law.  The current case that has been filed in the federal courts
is a good first step.  But GOA wants to challenge the ENTIRE
background check system, not just the part about illegally
registering gun owners (as bad as that is).

        GOA needs your help.  We need to hear about some of the
horror stories that you are enduring.  We've already received some.
But we need to get some more.  First, let me tell you what I'm NOT
asking for.

        Delays.  If there is one word that characterizes the Instant
Registration system right now, it is the word "delay."  The press has
been replete with examples, and that's one area that is pretty much
common knowledge.  Additional examples are not needed to make
this case.

        What I do need are actual examples of abuse.  (I realize that
delays-- if intentionally caused-- can be a form of abuse.  But one
needs evidence to prove the delays were intentional.)  As for
examples of official abuse, some of you have already sent some
pretty compelling stories:

    * FBI officials telling gun dealers that a buyer can only
      purchase one handgun in a month's period (in a state
      which does NOT have a one-gun-a-month law);

    * State officials admitting they use the background checks
      to deny people with unpaid traffic fines;

    * State officials requesting copies of the 4473 forms
      without any statutory authority to do so; and

    * FBI officials asking for gun serial numbers or for Social
      Security numbers before approving background checks.

        These are the types of incidents that will help us fight this
law in Congress and in the courts.  So if you have an example
(even one that mirrors the above four cases), please send GOA
your story, and include as much documentation as you possibly

        You can contact GOA by either snail-mail or e-mail:

Gun Owners of America
Attn: Brady abuses
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA  22151

        Also, please circulate this alert to any FFL's that you know.
Thank you.

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