-Caveat Lector-

>On Thu, 10 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> from:
>> http://www.etext.org/Politics/LaRouche/iclc.0320.larouche.pike
>> Federalist v7, #14.

   Here's the easy-to-read formatted version:

 Albert Pike and Satanism -
 From the Civil War to C. Fred Kleinknecht
 by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
 From New Federalist v7, #14

 {During the 1992 presidential campaign, Lyndon H. LaRouche and
 his vice presidential running mate, the Reverend James Bevel,
 launched a mobilization to remove the statue of General Albert
 Pike from its place of honor in Washington, D.C.'s Judiciary
 Square. On February 1, the campaign drew an angry attack from
 freemasonic leader C. Fred Kleinknecht, who attempted to defend
 both Pike and the Ku Klux Klan from LaRouche and Bevel's attack.
 On April 19, Reverend Bevel and historian Anton Chaitkin are
 scheduled to go to trial on charges of "statue-climbing," for a
 non-violent demonstration they led at the Pike statue.  They face
 possible six-month prison terms for this "crime."

 On March 21, Mr. LaRouche addressed a conference of the Schiller
 Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees in
 Northern Virginia, via audiotape, explaining the issues of this
 fight. The following is the text of his speech.}

 Recently, there was a letter and an accompanying document
 attacking me issued by the Supreme Commander of the Southern
 Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, one C.  Fred
 Kleinknecht.  The issue which the document addresses explicitly,
 is my proposal to remove from its position on U.S. government
 property in Washington, D.C., the ugly statue of a traitor, a war
 criminal, a racist, and a satanic degenerate, General Albert
 Pike, who was one of the leading predecessors of Mr.  Kleinknecht
 as Sovereign Supreme Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of
 the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

 Moreover, Mr. Pike -- General Pike, as he is sometimes called --
 is the author of a book called {Morals and Dogma,} which is
 considered by many members of the Scottish Rite in the United
 States a virtual bible, or at least the anti-bible, of that
 section of Freemasonry; and that book, {Morals and Dogma,} is a
 book consistent with the satanic religious beliefs explicitly
 adopted and advocated by General Pike. General Pike, of course,
 was the founder of the Ku Klux Klan; that is not disputable on
 the basis of the evidence in hand, though Mr.  Kleinknecht
 proposes to dispute it.

 What I wish to do here, is to identify the nature of the core or
 characteristic issue at stake between me and the fellow who has
 engaged me publicly for this debate, Sovereign Supreme Commander
 C. Fred Kleinknecht.

 The Party of Treason

 As the letters of Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini illustrate the
 point, Pike, like Mazzini, was a satanist; and like Mazzini, was
 an {instrument} of a circle in London headed or associated
 prominently with Lord Palmerston, the author of the Opium Wars
 against China, among his other "virtues."

 The object of Pike's endeavor and that of Palmerston and also
 Mazzini, was to destroy the United States, a continuing
 commitment since our War of Independence, this time by means of
 fomenting a division of the nation between one part of the nation
 controlled by the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite and
 other parts of the nation. This was a conspiracy of traitors --
 and they were all in the leadership {conscious traitors} to the
 United States, that is, acting as agents of a Britain which {used
 them} in an effort called the Civil War or the Secession, to
 destroy the United States by dismembering it and thus making the
 entire Western Hemisphere virtually a colony of the British
 Empire. These people were not honest rebels, they were traitors.

 This Party of Treason was born among the Tory British
 sympathizers of the period of the American War of Independence.
 Because of a treaty arrangement, these people, who were traitors
 in effect to the United States then, stayed behind in large part
 and {formed} what became the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in its
 modern form within the United States. They were famous as the
 slave traders, they were famous as the partners of the British
 East India Company, i.e., Lord Palmerston's Britain, in running
 opium principally into China (the Lowell family, for example,
 from which McGeorge Bundy is descended, was part of this gang of
 treasonously inclined opium traders). They were the Perkins
 Syndicate of Salem, Massachusetts, from which a lot of the
 Massachusetts blueblood families, so-called, derived their
 wealth; and they were also part of the Russell Syndicate out of
 Russell and Co. in Connecticut, the Russell and Co. which is the
 controlling interest from then, early in the nineteenth century
 to the present day, at Yale University -- which gave us, of
 course, such things as George Bush.

 These people were notorious in 1814 as having been part of
 British agent Aaron Burr's conspiracy to destroy the United
 States; they were part of what was called the Hartford Convention
 of 1814, a conspiracy by traitors to the United States, and they
 were outright traitors to the United States.

 The failure of this treason in 1814 led to the new conspiracy to
 divide the United States into two parts by secession -- one, a
 Southern group of states committed to slavery, and the other, a
 Northern group of states committed to abolition of slavery.  The
 Northerners, such as the Lowell family of McGeorge Bundy's
 ancestors, while objecting to slavery in Massachusetts, did not
 object to it in the South; in fact, they benefitted greatly from
 the use of slave-produced cotton for the New England cotton mills
 -- like Friedrich Engels, the scoundrel whose wealth was derived
 from the use of slave cotton in England.

 After the Civil War, with the execution of Lincoln by circles
 which were associated with the treasonous Southern Jurisdiction
 of the Scottish Rite and with its B'nai B'rith offshoot, which is
 the treasonous and racist section of a very small minority of
 American Judaism at the time, Lincoln was assassinated by these
 people and their friends, and a more agreeable individual, at
 least from the traitors' standpoint, Andrew Johnson, became

 As a result of a number of developments leading into the election
 of such atrocities as Confederate sympathizers Teddy Roosevelt,
 whose ideas were shaped by his uncle, a Confederate traitor,
 Bullock, and the Confederate who became President Woodrow Wilson,
 who, among other things, co-sponsored the re-founding of the Ku
 Klux Klan in 1915, this nation was gradually taken over by the
 same group of racist traitors who had formed the Confederacy

 To this date, the internal history of the United States, and the
 conflict in the United States's position in the world as an ally
 of British imperialism and similar evil enterprises, have been
 based on a takeover of more and more of the institutions of the
 United States {by the circles associated with the leadership of
 the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.}
 These are the racists, these are the accomplices of those who set
 forth two world wars in this century; these are the people who
 committed all of the atrocities against the peoples of the
 Caribbean region of South and Central America from the United
 States; these are the people who have trampled upon our
 Constitution, who have trampled upon our economy, by introducing
 things like the Federal Reserve System; these are the actual
 enemies of the United States. Although each is accountable in his
 own person for what he does, the essence of the matter, is this
 association of people who are in the tradition of Palmerston,
 Pike, and Mazzini in leading institutions of the United States --
 those who are in the tradition of the drug runners of the Perkins
 Syndicate and Russell and Co.  today.

 So therefore, I am very happy that C. Fred Kleinknecht has chosen
 to attack me so frequently and so violently by name, and to seek
 to mobilize all Freemasonic officers through lodges throughout
 the country in a general mobilization against me; because this
 indicates that those Freemasons recognize that we have become a
 {significant threat} to their power, chiefly by our raising,
 during my presidential campaign together with Reverend Bevel, the
 issue of the Pike statue.

 the Issue of the Pike Statue

 If the statue comes down, that, of course, injures the interest
 of the Southern Jursidiction of the Scottish Rite -- no question
 about it. However, if the Scottish Rite, aided by its
 Anti-Defamation League [ADL] agents, were to succeed in
 preventing our efforts to pull down the statue, this would result
 in a much greater damage to the Scottish Rite, by the following

 Let me call your attention to a book which is fairly famous in
 military history, which contains an apt description of the
 foolish situation into which Mr. Kleinknecht has maneuvered
 himself recently. This book is by the great German military
 strategist von Schlieffen and its title is {Cannae.} It deals not
 only with the Battle of Cannae, in which Hannibal defeated the
 Romans, but also with the theory of the flank throughout military
 history, including an examination of the genius of one of
 America's greatest military figures, General William Tecumseh
 Sherman, who was the hammer that beat the Confederacy military
 force into a pulp on the anvil provided by Sherman's
 collaborator, General Grant.

 At Cannae, the Roman forces which outnumbered the Carthaginians
 and their allies formed a compact mass to assault the
 Carthaginians.  In point of fact, they {overconcentrated} what
 was, for that period of time, their firepower.  The military
 genius Hannibal exploited this mistake of the Romans, of
 concentrating their firepower to the fore, by flanking them and
 reducing a superior military force, that is, the Roman force, to
 a shattered remnant, in a battle which remained decisive for a
 long period thereafter -- although Hannibal himself was
 ultimately defeated, for different reasons.

 What Kleinknecht and his associates have done, is to commit the
 same kind of folly in the political domain that the Roman
 commanders committed leading to their defeat at the Battle of
 Cannae. That is, they concentrated their forces, including the
 ADL and their stooges, even within the civil rights movement, to
 defend this statue at all costs. In so doing, they
 overconcentrated their forces toward the front, and invited an
 attack upon their flank.

 Let me explain this in the following way.

 Instead of giving up the Pike statue -- which they should have
 done from the standpoint of elementary military and analogous
 reasoning -- what they have done, is to stake everything on
 holding it. And that is one sure way in military circles to
 ensure one's own defeat or the likelihood of one's own defeat.

 ADL: Stooge of the Freemasons

 First, they put the ADL out there in front. The Freemasons said,
 and they said explicitly, that they were {not} going to come out
 and take me on publicly, but rather they were going to use their
 stooge, the Anti-Defamation League -- which has always been a
 stooge of this treasonous section of the Scottish Rite in America
 -- to "deal" with this issue.

 Well, the ADL was in a pickle. Not only is Pike the founder, who
 represents the spiritual essence of the Ku Klux Klan, both in its
 first and second incarnation, but the ADL itself, through the
 B'nai B'rith, was a co-founder of the original Ku Klux Klan, and
 the ADL {in its own right} was a participant in the second coming
 of the Ku Klux Klan in 1915. There was a link between the two in
 the person of Simon Wolf, who was a key intelligence operative
 for the B'nai B'rith, working with the assassins of Abraham
 Lincoln back during the 1860s, and it was the very same Simon
 Wolf who lived until the 1920s, who was instrumental in bringing
 about the founding or the second coming of the Ku Klux Klan, with
 the sponsorship of Woodrow Wilson, in 1915.

 So the ADL currently, which pretends to be anti-racist --
 although it is racist and has a racist philosophy -- has been
 campaigning around the country using the disgust against the Ku
 Klux Klan as a basis for presenting itself, the ADL, as the major
 defender of American virtue against the Ku Klux Klan.

 It was very foolish of the Scottish Rite to propose that this
 Anti-Defamation League, this ADL, which purportedly is attacking
 the Klan in every legislature in the country, should come out in
 Washington, D.C., and around the country {in defense of the
 founder of the Klan,} that racist, traitorous, satanic,
 degenerate, Gen.  Albert Pike. Or at least Pike's statue.

 So the ADL found itself in difficulty; and the ADL could not
 therefore politically carry out the job which the Scottish Rite
 headquarters had assigned to it. Thus, because of resolutions
 around the country, in city councils and so forth, demanding the
 pulling down of this statue, the Scottish Rite decided that it
 had to come out in its own name.

 A Weak Flank

 One of the associated reasons for the sensitivity of the Scottish
 Rite at this time was the fact that last year, the Southern
 Baptist Convention entertained a motion to ban membership in the
 non-Christian, satanic Scottish Rite by members of the Baptist
 congregations. The banning did not occur; however, a resolution
 was successfully passed, which proposed an investigation of the
 matter, a series of hearings, so to speak, which were made
 pursuant to reconsidering a motion to ban the Scottish Rite.

 So the Scottish Rite is very sensitive, and since it has about an
 estimated {million} of the members of the Southern Jursidiction
 of the Scottish Rite in the Baptist Convention, this is a very
 grave threat to the powers of the Scottish Rite, the backers of
 the drug pusher and scoundrel Oliver North, of Iran-Contra

 So my attack on the Scottish Rite's Pike at this time, opened up
 a weak flank in the entirety of the Confederate tradition which
 this treasonous cabal which it represents.

 Therefore, we are now in a position to do the following.

 Kleinknecht and company have adopted the provably treasonous,
 satanic degenerate Pike as their own -- not merely from the past
 as a matter of tradition, but they have adopted him as something
 which they have to defend today. They have defended his work,
 they have defended his ideas; and thus they have identified
 themselves with those ideas which their own library identifies
 Pike as advocating. They have also identified themselves as
 defending or apologizing for the crimes which Pike committed
 while he was alive. Thus they have put the stain of treason,
 Pike's treason, the stain of satanism, Pike's satanism, and the
 stain of satanic degeneracy in general upon themselves as an
 organization until they shall repudiate it.

 In the meantime, the major visible public campaign of the
 Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, since the 1940s, has
 been to serve the cause of Satan, exactly as General Pike
 advocated, by attempting to destroy Christianity in the United
 States while pretending to believe, of course, in the Supreme
 Being, just as Robespierre, the butcher of the French Revolution,
 professed his belief in a Supreme Being, and he was, of course, a
 Freemason, essentially of the same philosophical origins as the
 Southern Jurisdiction.

 The way this was done, was by a former Ku Klux Klan member, who
 was actually still secretly a member of the Ku Klux Klan,
 Associate Justice Hugo Black of the Supreme Court, who introduced
 and led in introducing measures leading to the so-called
 separation of church and state.

 In effect, these Freemasons got God out of the schools and got
 Satan or Lucifer in -- and if you do not believe it, you can go
 to many a secondary school today and see it; or you can see the
 insistence that homosexuality be taught as a mandatory course
 instruction to first graders in various school systems around the
 country. And we see a promotion of these same general directions
 and ideas, by the Anti-Defamation League, a branch of the
 Scottish Rite, with its "World of Difference" program.

 It should also be noted that the Anti-Defamation League, like the
 Scottish Rite, publicly proclaims its commitment to this
 anti-Christian, satanic campaign as part of its ongoing,
 longstanding commitment.

 So what Kleinknecht has done, is to put all of his troops in
 concentration to the front, all his firepower to the front, to
 defend the statue of Pike. In so doing, he has shown his
 organization's commitment to Pike, which permits those of us who
 are alert to take a leaf out of the book of Hannibal, and to
 attack the flanks of this organization; to expose it for what it
 is, or rather to point out what it has self-exposed itself
 publicly to be.

 This is not simply a quarrel with the Southern Jurisdiction, of
 course; this is our effort to get at, to uproot, to expose, and
 to weaken, the pernicious, the treasonous, the satanic influence,
 which the institution of the Confederacy, called the Southern
 Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, has had to the present day, in
 shaping the United States.


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