-Caveat Lector-

Think of it more in the nature of keeping the masses entertained.
George Orwell's "1984"
Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"

Could the Activist in the movie industry be - being intimidated too?  Which
magazines cover those people?  Star, Enquirer so on.  Has anyone noticed that many
Pharmaceutical commercials are going to cartoons and not real people?  Do the
Actors and Actresses want to endorse some of those products and who is willing to
endorse them and for how long?

Who needs actors when you can photograph a person and use digital technology to
keep the masses occupied?  Those actors and also musicians might end up being role

Who else makes a lot of money and / or is in the news that might speak against
your agenda?  The Monarchy, Pricess Di, ect?  Think individuals - that we normally
are interested in.  Notice the propaganda?  The grocery store mags.  Every one has
a picture of Clinton or Hillary or Monica -- along side the ones that we normally
are interested in - Dick Van Dyke, Mick Jagger - the list goes on and this has
been happening since for a long time, they managed to get into many isssues that
also covered Princess Di (when she was alive).  Would these people normally want
to be on the same cover with them?  Do you think of  Clinton or Hillary or Monica
at the same moral level as some one that you are normally interested in --

aka The Pied Piper

Kris Millegan wrote:

>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Religion, sex, drugs and mind control
> Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 02:14:34 +0000
> From: Carrie Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: International Coalition for Separation of Religion and State
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Tallyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >Subject: Operation: WATCHTOWER
> > >From: Tallyman
> > >Organization: KultKrimeFighters(tm)
> > >Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 15:22:07 -0500
> > >Newsgroups:
> >
> alt.mindcontrol,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,talk.religion.misc,alt.ANYBO
> > DY!
> > >
> > >Still trying to find out any and all information possible about a
> > >US Govt? Mind Control program deemed -- "Operation: WATCHTOWER"
> > >
> > same news reporter tells me that Mrs. Smith indicated to him that she has
> > documents hidden away that give what she believes is the real reason for
> > Smith's death.  He further stated that these documents will appear, if and
> > when, an official public investigation takes place.  It is the reporters
> > understanding that the documents has something to do with CIA and Green
> > Beret personnel smuggling drugs.  This reporter backed off the story
> > because he was afraid for his life.
> >
> A friend of mine, David Thompson had developed a strong interest in the
> Colombian Cocaine cartel and Palo Escobar while living on his coffee
> exporting company in Colombia.  When he returned to the U.S., he did
> extensive research to follow up on some of the things he learned while
> living in Medallin, and made several trips back and forth between San
> Francisco and Colombia.  In 1991, he persuaded Rolling Stone to pay his
> expenses to go to Colombia to get an interview with Pablo Escobar, but
> the closest he could get was an interview with Escobar's chief attorney,
> Guido Parra Montoya (who has since been murdered with his son).  When
> David returned, Rolling Stone cancelled out on David to cover Desert
> Storm, so I published his interview in in Mind Matters Review.  He
> eventually got an interview with Escobar after he was captured, but he
> got distracted from that by a deal with Conflict Magazine, supposed
> published by Rand Corporation and a French publisher for a book and an
> article.  He did get that article published on the cartels in Colombia.
> On another trip to do a follow-up article and to finish his book, one
> evening he received a phone call from someone who offered the key bit of
> information he needed to finish his book. He was told to meet the man
> some place in Medallin that night.  After a few hours, he returned home,
> stumbling and mumbling and went right to bed.  He didn't wake up the
> next day and was taken to the hospital in a coma.  The doctors who
> examined him suspected poison.  When he was brought back to California
> in a coma, his medical records were lost.  After his girl friend in
> Venice, California received threatening phone calls from the Colombian
> Secret Police, she started telling everyone who knew David that he drank
> himself to death that night when he went out to meet the man who offered
> information in Medallin.
> In David's interview with Guido Parra Montoya, Parra stated, "If you
> analyze it very precisely, you might come to the conclusin that drugs
> could become an instrument of the New Cold War."  That seemed to fit in
> with experiences that I have had with an even more bizarre twist of  the
> use of drugs for mind control in medical experimentation that I have
> suspected to have links to the CIA's MK-ULTRA right here in San
> Francisco at the San Francisco Dept. of Public Health where I worked for
> 10 years until I was run out for blowing the whistle.  It is
> well-documented that the CIA used prostitutes to lure men into houses
> with the promise of sex, but to be given LSD without their knowledge.
> Working in the health dept, I noticed a long pattern of the mixture of
> the use of sex and drugs and psychological blackmail with classic
> mind-control techniques... sometimes under the pretense of "sensitivity
> training sessions" for employees consisting of employees being required
> to sit for hours watching pornographic films of every imaginable type of
> sexual behavior.
> The most bizarre twist on mind control there was brainwashing in one of
> their clinics designed to lure men into changing their gender by taking
> female hormones, but without informing them that the dosages they were
> given were enough to produce mind-altering experiences.  One of the
> things that the CIA wanted to find out in its Project MK-ULTRA was how
> LSD changes sex patterns, and I believe, from my experiences there, that
> there was a coverup of collaboration between sadistic psychiatrists and
> other medical employees of the health dept. and the CIA designed to give
> the homosexual agenda an enormous role in the psychological warfare in
> the 1990s.
> Think about it:  Clinton is the first U.S. president to invite
> homosexual activists into the White House.  It's not just homosexuality
> that the homosexual agenda is pushing... but a whole new view of sex as
> a legitimate tool of persuasion in public policy despite ample knowledge
> of how easily sex has been used to get people to compromise ethical
> judgement.  Think about the role of sex in Clinton's public-approval
> rating despite all of the corruption that Clinton is involved in.
> I have made a video on the use of sex, drugs, and religion for mind
> control purposes that is based on my experiences and research in this
> area, "The Mind Erasing Tape".  I offer it free to anyone interested,
> and I ask for a donation from only those who have seen it, and feel that
> it is worth it to them.  Because each copy is made one at a time using
> two VCRs to copy from a master video, I offer it on a first-come, first
> serve basis.
> Carrie Drake

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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