-Caveat Lector-

 (Seems strange two intelligent people would be killed "walking across a
highway" I mean, most people look before crossing, unless... Hillory? --SW)

Senate's legislative clerk killed in accident

 February 6, 1999
 Web posted at: 1:00 p.m. EST (1800 GMT)

 WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, February 6) -- The legislative clerk who called
the roll during U.S. Senate votes was killed Friday in Arlington, Virginia.
Bates called the roll during Senate votes in Clinton's impeachment trial

 Raymond Scott Bates, 50, and his wife were struck by an automobile
about 6:30 p.m. as they were walking across Lee Highway. Bates died a
few hours later at Washington Hospital Center, and Ricki Ellison Bates was
listed in critical condition Saturday morning.

 The car that struck them was driven by an unidentified 22-year-old man
from Manassas, Virginia, police said. No charges have been filed, but
police are investigating.

 Bates' voice was heard across the country when he called the roll during
votes in President Clinton's impeachment trial.

 The Washington Post reported that Bates had worked in the Senate for 30
years, the last eight as the legislative clerk. Senate Parliamentarian Robert
B. Dove said Bates began his Senate career as a bill clerk after arriving in
the nation's capital from Arkansas.

 Ricki Bates is employed by the Arlington County public school system,
neighbors said. The couple have two daughters in college and a son in
middle school.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Steve Wingate
California Director

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