-Caveat Lector-

Are you two skating around the thought - that they are not following through on the
trail - because they are afraid that it will lead to Daddy Bush and that if (one of
the) Bush kids did get the Presidency that our government officials would be in
trouble?  To go after Clinton is to go after the Bush family involvement?  Well if
you did that how much history would have to come to light - all the way back to at
least the time between WW 1 and WW 2 or possibly even farther?
The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush - Online at

>From stuff such as the previous url, what could we possibly see as the future?
1984 by George Orwell (c)1981 Signet Classic NY originally written 1949
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (c) 1932, 1946 HarperPerennial NY

Howard R. Davis III wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Samatha 'Smith' wrote:
> >
> > Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: [FAIR-L] ACTION ALERT: MSNBC's "New" Lineup: Same...
> > Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 16:58:14 EST
> >
> > In a message dated 99-02-08 16:04:26 EST, you write:
> >
> > > In the Nixon case, Gerald Ford was his replacement and he was not
> > >  elected even as vice-president. I don't remember this being an issue. My
> > >  understanding is that if Gore becomes president a new vice-president
> > >  would be appointed. In Ford's case, Nelson Rockefeller was appointed to
> > >  replace him. So, we had a vice president and a president who both had
> > >  been appointed and not elected to their offices. And one was a Rockefeller!
> > >
> > >  Howard Davis
> >
> >     The issue of overturning an election is a serious one.  The Nixon
> > impeachment had bipartisan support and the support of the public.  I've never
> > heard it suggested  it was a coup.
> ***
>    You've never heard it suggested that it was a coup? I have heard that
> theory on numerous occasions.
> >
> >     The question here is whether or not impeaching Clinton could be considered
> > a coup de etat.  The argument made being that Gore would become President and
> > it wouldn't be a coup.  I disagree.  Overthrowing an elected President by
> > subversive means, whether or not a political ally would then become President
> > is still a coup, in my opinion.
> >
> ***
> Subversive means? It was he that initiated the problem with Paula Jones.
> It was he that lied in testimony in a deposition in the subsequent
> sexual harassment case. It was he who used his position of power to
> influence the case.
> >     Isn't it true that the Senate had to approve Rockefeller's appointment as
> > VP?  If so, as we've seen with judgeships and cabinet posts, approval of
> > Clinton appointees has repeatedly been delayed.  If the approval process were
> > delayed long enough for "something to happen" to Gore, the Speaker would
> > become President.
> >
> >     After seeing that there is no point BELOW which the President's enemies
> > will not go to regain the WH, I wouldn't put anything past them.  They can't
> > seem to "earn it the old-fashioned way" and, having no honor whatsoever, will
> > beg, borrow, slander and steal to have it back.
> > Samantha
> ***
>    If Clinton is impeached and Gore takes over as president and then the
> Senate refuses to approve his choice, then you might have a point.
> Otherwise, you are just making suppositions.
> Howard Davis

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