-Caveat Lector-

Smearing Hitch
February 10, 1999

One of our favorite journalists, Christopher Hitchens, the smart and acerbic
contributor to Vanity Fair and The Nation, has come under fire for providing
the House managers with an affidavit contradicting Sidney Blumenthal's sworn
testimony and implicating Clinton in a concerted effort to smear Monica
Lewinsky as a "stalker."  The attacks began in a February 8th, Washington
Post screed by Lloyd Grove that would set the tone for the mainstream press'
handling of the story.

Grove begins with a misty-eyed history of the long friendship between
Hitchens and Blumenthal, followed by a litany of quotes from shocked
establishment journalists, expressing disbelief and ad hominem outrage that
Hitchens should have done such a thing to a close friend and colleague.  Joe
Conasan's statement that he "can't say [Blumenthal's characterization of
Lewinksy as stalker] didn't happen" is a sneaky bit of rhetorical character
assassination along the lines of, "have you stopped beating your wife?"
Grove goes on to quote Joan Bingham, executive editor and vice president of
Grove/Atlantic Press, who wonders, "why Hitch would do this, unless he's
trying to promote his book."  Another unnamed journalist avers that, "this
says something about the true nature of Christopher's friendships."  Another
somberly  intoned, "I think it is such a pity that I'll never be able to
speak with Christopher again or have him in my house."

Grove's calculated tactic is to depict Hitchens as a crude Judas, or worse,
as just another huckster Beltway journalist engaged in a publicity stunt to
hawk his latest book.  Grove deflects the story away from Clinton and turns
it into a minor insider drama, where serious political and moral costs are
finally tallied in lost dinner invitations.  That Hitchens (and his wife)
may be speaking the truth is apparently not a matter for discussion, anymore
than are Clinton's numerous and documented betrayals of his friends and

And yet Clinton's laundry list of repeated betrayals are at the center of
this drama.  On February 9th in The Washington Post, Hitchens states that
far from trying to betray his old friend, he had reasons to believe that
Blumenthal was, "being readied, to be used as yet another human sacrifice by
his employer" and was acting partly out a desire to stop Blumenthal from
immolating himself upon Clinton's altar of moral hypocrisy.

Clinton, unlike Hitchens, has a publicly documented history of allowing his
closest aides and friends to take the falls for his indiscretions (and a
question for another time is why so many are willing to take the fall).
When Clinton doesn't betray his colleagues, he abandons them for the sake of
political expedience.  From Former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders to Lani
Guinier, to the many traditionally progressive constituencies who elected
him only to be rebuked once he shut the White House door behind him, Clinton
has made a career out of betrayal and abandonment.

Hitchens' affidavit lends credence to the darkest of the rumors that
surround Bill Clinton.  Those whom Clinton betrays dare not protest too
loudly, for he will stoop to use the full powers of the Presidency in order
to harrass and intimidate any such troublemakers into submission.  And when
he can't fully control an inconvenient situation of his own making, Clinton
will simply call in the military and order the murder of some foreign
populace in order to deflect the media's too easily distracted spotlights.
Clinton's willingness to destroy individuals, careers, and innocent foreign
nationals in order to protect his position is boundless, documented, and
reprehensible.  But I doubt few of those self-righteous Washington
journalists, so quick to shun Christopher Hitchens for telling the truth,
would so hastily deny Bill Clinton access to their homes.

Lucio Benedetto
Austin, TX

>From Why Clinton?  A Left-critique of Bill Clinton & the New Democrats

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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