-Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff wrote:

> The CDU campaigned on an openly racist platform. In face of heavy
> opposition within the CDU itself, their candidate for state premier
> initiated a campaign against the introduction of a new citizenship law by
> the federal government. Under certain conditions, the new law would enable
> immigrants to acquire a German passport without giving up their original
> nationality. It would also guarantee children born in Germany the right to
> citizenship.

   I don't believe that it is possible to have citizenship in the US and
another country at the same time. Am I wrong about this? If I am correct
does that make our country racist on that basis? Are you suggesting that
if a bill were placed before Congress to make it possible for US
citizens to also have citizenship in another country that anyone who
campaigned against such a law would be by definition a racist?

Howard Davis

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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