-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:488029">::: BROTHERHOOD OF THE MASTERS
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brother Blue)
Date: Fri, Feb 12, 1999 1:05 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


[from http://bbs.rowlandnet.com/cgi-bin/WebX?14@@.ee6dad1/13]


SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD THERE is a secret council, whose members
move among us from time to time and have immense influence on the
society around us.  The more charitable have declared these
'Ascended Masters' to have once been humans like ourselves, but
who have now achieved enlightenment and immortality.  Some less
charitable speak of a mysterious cabal of 'Illuminati' who
manipulate multinational business interests and individual will
as part of a plan to bring global society under the heel of a
single world government.  There appears to be circumstantial
evidence for both of these arguments.

::: The White Brotherhood :::

The idea of a secret society of spiritually advanced beings seems
to have emerged relatively recently, alongside the popularity of
the Spiritualist movement during the latter part of the last
century.  Early members of the Theosophists in particular, claimed
to be in communication with members of a lodge of Ascended Masters
hidden deep within the Himalayan mountains.  In 1875 the self-
styled medium Helena Blavatsky claimed to receive messages from
the "Masters of Wisdom and Compassion" which were designed to
enhance the evolutionary development of the human soul.

Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, believed that all spiritual
beliefs sprang from a single world religion which the Masters
were encouraging us to rediscover by re-acquainting Western
society with the older spiritual philosophies of the East, as
well as our own mystical traditions.  Ascended Masters were
thought to include spiritually enlightened philosophers such
as Jesus, Buddha and Confucius as well as the previously unknown
Dywhal Khul, with whom Madam Blavatsky was in contact.

In fact Helena Blavatsky may have based her understanding on
even older traditions of immortal master alchemists, who seem
to emerge every few hundred years to reveal the secrets of their
material and spiritual success to struggling initiates, and
revitalise the Rosicrucian movement toward the end of each
century.  The most famous master alchemist is the Comte de St
Germain, a legendary immortal who was the toast of European
courts throughout the 1700s and supposedly took an assumed
identity to spearhead the major rebirth of alchemy at the turn
of the 19th Century -- 50 years after his reported death.  Some
modern Rosicrucians have suggested that St Germain has been
solely responsible for the development of alchemic practise
throughout the centuries and may be due back in time for the
upcoming millennium in the year 2000.  He is believed to have
masqueraded in Paris under the name Fulcanelli as recently as
the 1920s when he warned against the development of atomic
science.  [some may recall Fulcanelli's mysterious remarks
regarding the atrocities of "nuclear alchemy" in Pauwells'
& Bergier's seminal _Morning of the Magicians_ -B:.B:.]

Other Masters have apparently been continuing their contacts
throughout this century, sometimes in unexpected quarters.
Napoleon Hill was a best selling author of self-help books --
including the seminal work Think and Grow Rich -- throughout
the 1940s, '50s and '60s.  However in the later work, Grow
Rich with Peace of Mind, Hill abandons his normal examination
of strategies and examples and devotes a chapter to reporting
an apparent incident of Clairaudience.  He apparently receives
a message from an un-named member of the School of the Masters,
a body of 33 scholars who live in the Himalayas and pass on
instructions for those seeking to becoming an Initiate of the
School and eventually a Master Adept -- in other words,
achieving immortality, spiritual enlightenment and psychic
powers.  This report may tally with the brief reference made
in Bram Stoker's Dracula to a secret mountain school called
the Scholomance, where ten students a year receive esoteric
training based on the mystical knowledge of King Solomon.  At
the end of the course one student of the ten is then obliged
to serve the devil.  Similar auditory contact has been reported
by Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society.  King
also accepts the existence of a Great White Brotherhood of 144
Masters, as claimed by Madam Blavatsky, who live in secret
retreats inside mountains and believe they are working to
further the spiritual development of mankind, alongside other
etheric beings from other planets within the solar system.

The Aetherius Society is helping establish new retreats for the
Masters by distributing cosmic energy to create 'holy' sites.
Though many of these are secret, those identified by King
include the Himalayas, the Andes in South America, Mount
Kilimanjero in Africa and Ben MacDhui in Scotland.

Linda Goodman, the late astrologer, used to say that she was
prompted to write her third book, Star Signs, at the behest of
a Himalayan immortal with an Oxford accent who appeared in her
Los Angeles hotel room on New Year's Day 1970. [cf: the strange
uninvited hotel room guests encountered recently by UFO author
Whitley Strieber and CIA/SRI players Green, Puthoff and Targ
-B:.B:.]  The man introduced himself as "Nahtan" and claimed to
have been trained in Zen Buddhism and Hatha Yoga.  So if the
Masters are still living, breathing corporeal human beings rather
than spiritual presences where do they come from?

It may be possible that the mountain homes are in fact just
gateways to a massive underground world where the Masters live
in a series of over 100 cities known as the Agartha Network.
Masters from the secret world venture above ground, either on
foot through passages to mountain exits or in flying saucers
to assist in the spiritual development of individuals who may
eventually be invited back to the lower realms.  Some who claim
to be in contact with emissaries from this secret world have
been alerted that the time is fast approaching when the Masters
will travel openly and return lost technologies to surface

::: The Illuminati :::

For those who find the idea of a conspiracy on a global scale
totally ridiculous, it might be timely to point out that the
early existence of The Illuminati is an undisputed fact.
Illuminati can be discovered as far back as 16th Century Spain
when a group of renegade Jesuits and Franciscans took the name
Alumbrados (Enlightened).  Their belief in direct contact between
the human soul and holy spirit prompted the Inquisition to issue
three edicts against the group and they -- like the Gnostics and
other mystical orders of the time -- were viciously suppressed
by the Church hierarchy.  For the less generous observer, the
foundation of the Illuminati began in far less spiritual quarters.

Originally called the 'Order of the Perfectibilists', the group
of Illuminati most favoured by conspiracy enthusiasts was
founded in Bavaria on May Day 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit-
trained Professor of Natural and Canon Law at the University of
Ingoldstadt.  Weishaupt apparently founded the Order of the
Enlightened, or Illuminati, as a foil to the religious superstition
that still had a stranglehold on the University administration.
The group became immediately popular and racked up 2,000 members
in lodges across France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Hungary
and Poland.  The Order was apparently modelled along similar lines
to Freemasonry and exactly mirrored their three symbolic degrees
in the fourth, fifth and sixth degrees of the Illuminati's own
ten degree system.  Membership of the Masons wasn't essential but
Weishaupt was later initiated into the Munich Lodge Theodore of
Good Council in 1777.

The Order was presumed to have been dispersed by the end of the
century, apart from a brief scare in New England during the 1790s,
but some believe that Illuminati members chose instead to conceal
themselves and their plans within the cloak of Freemasonry, under
which aegis they continue to thrive.  Despite the historical
precedent of the Knights Templar hundreds of years earlier -- an
Order also suppressed by the Church who allegedly found sanctuary
amongst the Freemasons -- Masonic scholars give short shrift to
the idea of a secret society operating within a secret society
but their findings are considered part of a pattern to camouflage
the Illuminati's existence.  Very little had been heard of the
Illuminati for almost two centuries until two US writers created
the fictional Illuminatus! trilogy which became runaway best-
sellers during the mid-1970s.

The books were deliberately written to plant doubts about the
nature of reality in readers' minds, and successfully combined
real events with long-standing conspiracy theories.  Robert Anton
Wilson, one of the pair, has gone on to almost personally
spearhead an Illuminati industry including additional fiction
and non-fiction of his own and even a role playing game.

::: So what do they want? :::

Wilson's work had caused the Illuminati to become synonymous with
the establishment of the 'one world government' mentioned in
Revelations, along with accusations of a Jewish industrial cabal
(though this anti-semitism is often perceived as another tool to
deflect attention from their existence).

Conspiracy theorists hold that the Illuminati have been biding
their time and establishing a secret powerbase both from within
the ranks of Freemasonry and other fraternal, literary and
political societies.  Their immense political and economic
influence has been traced to the year of foundation, when
Weishaupt published Wealth of Nations which many scholars cite
as the inspiration for capitalism and the eventual Industrial
Revolution.  The American Revolution was erupting at a similar
time, and it is believed that not only were the drafters of the
American constitution practising Masons, but also secret members
of the Illuminati.  The seal of the newly established United
States and design of the one dollar bill are full of mystical
symbolism -- the latter is most famous for the all-seeing eye
atop an Egyptian pyramid.  It is the accepted symbol of the
Illuminati conspiracy.

If, as it is claimed, this group has maintained its stranglehold
on the political, financial and social administration of the US,
then they have already gone a significant way to influencing
the global business of nations.

There is even some evidence that the group are getting bolder
now that their power is well established.  Though previously
preferring to pull the strings from the shadows, hiding well
away from public scrutiny, it is believed that a high ranking
member of the Illuminati conspiracy has recently served as

::: Imagining the Unimaginable :::

Outrageous?  Unthinkable?  That a group should exert so much
control over society and yet be unaccountable?  It's already
happening here.

Britain is currently experiencing a of boom in Quangos.  These
are unelected committees whose members are appointed by the ruling
party -- usually friends or relatives of sitting members or retired
members themselves -- and whose decisions are free from the
influence of the same public forced to swallow the consequences
of their findings.  With such an obvious domestic template, is
there any reason to assume that this same system could not work
on a global scale with the Illuminati as the 'ruling party'?
There are signs that these organisations already exist and have
begun to meet in secluded locations throughout the world.

::: Davos and the World Economic Forum :::

For the last 25 years, the World Economic Forum has been attended
by thousands of the world's most influential business leaders,
media moguls, politicians and scientists.  People who have
previously received invitations include Directors of the FBI,
Presidents of the World Bank and Bundesbank, PLO Leader Yasser
Arafat, Toyota executives, oil company management and the late
Israeli Prime Minister, Shimon Peres.  It is unlikely that you've
heard of this event as even if the media could afford to attend,
they are discouraged from covering event by their corporation
owners who have been invited.

The leading international futurist organisation is a relatively
small company from San Francisco known as the Global Business
Network.  The GBN is another invitation only group -- this time
of diverse and innovative thinkers from across the social and
technological board -- whose expertise in predicting the future
is hired out for millions by organisations such as Shell, the
US Joint Chiefs of Staff and the American Express bank.  The
major concern here is perhaps not the information itself but
the influence.

The GBN is possibly the most highest regarded consultancy in the
world.  Flying visits by network members are afforded unparalleled
access to high level corporate and government administrators and
their proposals are unquestioned.  But how 'free' are the thinkers
of the GBN?  Of the 90 core network members only 15 are women and
the group is heavily weighted with white male professional
executives.  Their professional interests began to play a part?
Illuminati control of GBN would have the knock-on effect of
manipulating the decisions of all of its clients.

::: Reality Check :::

The evidence for the existence and power of the Brotherhood of
the Masters, whether White Lodge or Illuminati, is certainly
circumstantial -- at least for the moment -- but enough
circumstantial evidence can still obtain a conviction in a court
of law and we appear to be nearing a time when enough evidence
WILL be available.  So far we can see the institutions and the
mechanisms which are being used to manipulate our life and society,
even our future, but for the moment the master controllers are
still unknown.  I have suggested who they may be, but the decision
whether to believe in the hidden puppet masters has to be your own.

Just the word 'conspiracy' is enough to shut down the credulity
of most people.  "Oh, come on." is the disgusted comment.  "Do
you really think they would do THAT?"

Perhaps we should then be asking, "Do you really think they


-Brother Blue, B:.B:.
 Brotherhood of Galactic Science
"Where Adamski meets Crowley at Langley"
"For sixty bucks, I want a live alien addressing
 the audience these days.  Not the same old bunch
 of windbags gassing on about ancient history."

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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