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The Uncensored National Rumor

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 02.11.99 RMNews Senator Kyl Says Tapes Exist!

                Did An Intelligence Agency Bug
                        The White House?

For years now, RMNews has been hearing stories about
various intelligence agencies bugging the White House.

One of the first stories to surface regarding this was from
Debra von Trapp. She presented evidence which showed
that the Japanese were eavesdropping on the Oval office.

Another credible story on White House bugging stated that
the Israeli's were bugging the White House. Various other
incarnations of this story have had the Chinese and the
Russians bugging the White House.

RMNews has wondered out loud how many other countries,
or business interests, both foreign and domestic have
bugged the White House. One of the super market tabloids
just ran an article about  call girl who are agents for foreign
countries. These girls supply sex for Washington bigwigs.

The article made me wonder if the President has brought
any of these foreign agents into the White House? And if he
did, could they have left behind a non detectable bug to
eavesdrop on his future conversations?

If Betty Currie brought Monica to the President without
having her cleared through the typical White House
clearing procedures, how many other women have been
brought into the White House this way?

Another point to ponder as you are thinking about how
many women have made it into the White House uncleared:
Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by a young woman bringing
him a bouquet of flowers. The flowers had a bomb hidden
in them. Both Gandhi and the young woman were killed.

What if a beautiful young woman, who also is a dedicated
Islamic terrorist, is ushered into the White House

She could have enough C-4 plastique in her purse to blow
up the entire White House. Or she could be carrying a large
brief case which contained a "backpack" nuclear bomb.
This type of bomb could level up to six square blocks of
Washington...or more!

Now that the Senate has given the President carte blanche
to do whatever he wants to do...

+  How soon will it be until he has a different girl every
+  How soon will it be until all our National secrets are in
the hands of foreign agents?
+  How soon will it be until one of the President's girls
brings in a package of C-4, anthrax, deadly chemical gas, or
a nuclear bomb?

 In a review of a book by former U.S.S.R. Col. Stanislav
Lunev, journalist Christopher Ruddy states:
 " Col. Lunev is the highest ranking military intelligence
  officer ever to have defected from Russia. He did so in
  1992 after the Soviet Union dissolved and Boris Yeltsin
  had come to power."
   Last year, Lunev detailed just some of his activities in
  a new book he co-authored with Ira Winkler, "Through the
  Eyes of the Enemy: Russia's Highest Ranking Military
  Defector Reveals Why Russia is More Dangerous than
Ever"  (Regnery, (800) 639-7629).

" The book is a light read with some sensational details
  about Russian plans to bring suitcase nuclear bombs into
  America and...

          " to use special forces to assassinate the
     president and congressional, military and other leaders
               during the initial phases of a war.

  Lunev claims in "Through the Eyes of the Enemy" that
  Russian military leaders still view a war with the
  United States as "inevitable" and that the Cold War
  never really ended.

*  How safe do you feel knowing that we have a President
in Washington who has allowed himself to be placed in
positions where he can be blackmailed?

* How safe do you feel knowing that the President is
probably a sex addict and will probably be feeding his
addiction with whatever beautiful girl strikes his fancy...
even a foreign agent.

* How safe do you feel knowing that your President could
be clearing into the White House a foreign agent who is
there to help her country start a war with the United States?

Remember the words of Colonel Lunev and ask yourself if
one of the foreign call girls ushered into the oval office is a
member of an elite  team whose orders are:

 use special forces to assassinate the
     president and congressional, military and other leaders
               during the initial phases of a war.

For years rumors of the White House being bugged by
foreign countries have been flying around. RMNews has
also been told that the White House has been taped by our
own intelligence services.  Now, one lone brave Senator
has the courage to stand up and say the same thing. Will it
do any good? Apparently not.

RMNews is wondering why the Senators are not demanding
that the tapes be produced and heard before the vote is
taken? If there is proof of perjury, obstruction of justice and
treason in the tapes, it will be very bad for the Senators who
refused to let them be found and heard before they took a

If you want your Senator to be reelected, you should bring
the existence of these tapes to his or her attention and
advise your Senator to listen to them before he or she casts
her vote.

It doesn't even matter if you want your Senator to be
reelected, you should write and tell them what they have to
lose if these tapes eventually go public and offer proof of
the President's crimes.

Please read the articles in the Arizona Republic about
Senator Kyl's warning regarding  the secret White House

Here is the link to the Arizona Republic. It has a lot of interesting
 <A HREF="">Clinton in crisis</A>

               Clinton calls might have been taped
         Senator  Kyl hints at intelligence monitoring
 Copyright 1999, The Arizona Republic

 By Chris Moeser  and Dave Wagner
 The Arizona Republic
 Feb. 10, 1999
 A U.S. intelligence agency may have taped telephone
conversations  between President Clinton and Monica
Lewinsky, and information about  the tapes has been turned
over to independent counsel Kenneth Starr,  Sen. Jon Kyl
said Tuesday.

 The information came to light last week as the Senate
considered  evidence in the president's impeachment trial.
 Kyl, a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence,
said key GOP  senators were approached by sources who
said they knew of the  possible existence of the tapes. The
names of those sources were  then turned over to Starr for
investigation, Kyl said.

It was unclear whether the development would affect the
impeachment  trial, which is scheduled to draw to a close

 "There are different agencies in the government that make
it their  business to tape certain things for certain reasons,
and it was one  of those agencies" that did the taping, Kyl
said.  "Incidentally, it may have been more than one of
those agencies," he  added.

 Kyl, R-Ariz., refused to identify the agency or agencies
involved in  the taping.  "That's something I absolutely can't
get into in any greater  detail," he said.  Kyl said of the
sources: "They are people who claim to have  information
about those tapes, who by virtue of who they are have some
credibility with respect to the information they have come
 forward about."

 When asked whether the sources were members of U.S.
intelligence,  Kyl said, "You can assume that they are
people who at some period in  time have been in the
employ of the federal government."

As for the motive of the sources, Kyl said he believed they
were  prompted by the testimony of witnesses in the
impeachment trial.  "Here you have a case going forward,
and at issue are a lot of  different interpretations of phone
conversations," Kyl said,  mentioning in particular
diverging memories about details of events  in the
testimony of Lewinsky and presidential friend Vernon

Kyl compared the allegations of the tapes' existence to the
"smoking  gun" evidence in the Watergate scandal, when
congressional witness   Alexander Butterfield "just blurted
out" a reference to former   President Nixon's taping system
in the Oval Office.

"Now you have people who have reason to know that the
tapes exist  and they say, 'Wait a minute, shouldn't someone
know about this?' "   Kyl said.  News reports Tuesday about
the possibility of tapes of presidential  conversations
focused on the possibility of a taping system in the   White
House that captured phone calls between Clinton and
Lewinsky,   but the White House denied the existence of
such a system.

 Kyl was the first to reveal that the conversations had been
recorded   by the unidentified intelligence sources.   U.S.
intelligence, including the CIA, the National Security
Agency  and all of the branches of military intelligence,
report to the   president and work for the executive branch.
The legality of   employees of these agencies informing
members of Congress of the   existence of classified
material was unclear Tuesday.

 Kyl first revealed the role of the unnamed intelligence
services in   his impeachment diary entry for Tuesday,
which is published in   today's Republic. Kyl has been
writing the diary for his   grandchildren, and the newspaper
has been printing excerpts of the   diary since the
impeachment trial of the president began in January.

 "Public reports are now surfacing about the possibility that
a  national security agency may have copies of taped
conversations of   White House calls made by or to the
president during the times   relevant to this case," Kyl
wrote. "I'll have more to say about this   as it is officially
dealt with publicly."

 The idea of turning over the records involving the tapes to
Starr's   office apparently originated with a member of the
GOP Senate   leadership.   "We've been talking about what
to do about this, and I suggested why   don't we turn it over
to Starr," Assistant Majority Leader Don   Nickles told the
Associated Press. "It's for him to handle; it's not   for us to

The AP reported that the Republican senators received
information   about a week ago, raising the possibility that a
White House taping   system might exist. Eager to finish
the impeachment trial, they sent   the information to Starr.

Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi told reporters
Tuesday   that the GOP senators played no role in the
matter other than to   receive the information and pass it on
to Starr.   "All I've done is make available information sent
to me," Lott said.

 White House spokesman Barry Toiv denied the existence
of a White   House recording operation.   "We're not aware
of any taping system," he told the AP.   Toiv said there are
occasional instances in which Clinton will   conduct an
interview by phone, and the call is taped to transcribe   the
conversation. In some other instances when Clinton speaks
to   groups long distance by phone, those calls are taped and
 transcribed, he said.
                              * * *

Day Two:     Kyl: Tapes report won't get in way. Trial will
stay on track despite allegations of phone recordings
 By Jeff Barker
 Republic Washington Bureau
 Feb. 11, 1999
 WASHINGTON -- Senate Republicans won't let the
impeachment trial be  derailed by allegations that a U.S.
intelligence agency may have  taped presidential telephone
conversations in the Monica Lewinsky  affair, Sen. Jon Kyl
said Wednesday.

 "It's not going to slow it down, stop it or affect it in
anyway,"  Kyl, R-Ariz., said in an interview. "If we had
wanted to do that, we  would have sought to bring
everything to a screeching halt until we  verified the
information one way or another."

 The Arizona Republic and the Wall Street Journal reported
Wednesday  that information had been passed to
independent counsel Kenneth   Starr that White House
telephone conversations may have been   monitored by a
U.S. intelligence agency. The unsubstantiated   allegations
of the existence of such tapes ended up in the hands of
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., who forwarded
the   information to Starr.

 The Journal reported that Lott asked Starr to investigate
allegations of "some type of communications-monitoring
system within   the Defense Department or intelligence
community (that) might have   picked up Mr. Clinton's
telephone conversations in the Monica   Lewinsky matter."

Kyl said Senate Republicans, to preserve the integrity of the
trial,  would resist stopping the proceedings while more is
learned about   the possible new tapes. Among the many
unanswered questions are why   an agency would record
Clinton's conversations and, if any tapes   exist, whether
they would shed more light on the two articles of
impeachment against the president.

Kyl said that the Senate Republican leadership faced risks
no matter   what it decided to do about the sketchy
information, first released   Tuesday.   If tapes exist, "and if
there is something on them, then we're going   to catch hell
for not having stopped the impeachment process until   the
whole thing could be checked out," Kyl said.   But he
quickly added, "We have done everything to keep the
impeachment process moving to a conclusion on Friday,
with no   reference to this whatsoever."

White House spokesman Joe Lockhart was asked by a
reporter Wednesday   whether there were recordings "done
not here at the White House with   any kind of built-in
system" but monitored in some manner from   outside the
White House.

"I'm not aware of any system that's either built-in or not
built-in," Lockhart said. "I'm not aware of any recordings
that   exist."   Kyl said the White House denials were
inconclusive. "The answer that   they're giving doesn't
answer the question of, "Do they exist   somewhere, does
somebody have them?' " Kyl said.   David Leavy, a
spokesman for the National Security Council, the
president's intelligence advisory group based in the White
House,   told the Journal, "There are no phone tapes of the
president that I   am aware of. I have checked, and the
answer is "no.' "

 The newspaper said another government intelligence
agency, the   National Security Agency, has the capability
to intercept calls, but   it is prohibited by law from
eavesdropping on domestic   conversations.   The
allegations conjure up images of President Nixon's
recording   system that led to a battle over the release of
White House tapes   during the Watergate scandal.   News
reports earlier this week had focused on the possibility of a
taping system in the White House that could have captured
phone   calls between Clinton and Lewinsky, the former
intern whose affair   with Clinton precipitated the
impeachment charges. Lockhart repeated   Wednesday that
no such system exists.   Kyl said he learned about the latest
twist through the Senate   Republican leadership.

"They (the sources) didn't come to me, they came to
somebody else,   and the information was then passed on to
the leader (Trent Lott),"   Kyl said. "The sources, and there
are more than one, were deemed by   the person they first
(approached) to be credible sources."   The impeachment
articles against Clinton accuse him of perjury and
obstruction of justice in trying to cover up an affair with
Lewinsky. Senators, who continued their closed-door
deliberations   Wednesday, are expected to acquit Clinton
of both charges.

 Copyright 1999, Arizona Central
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