-Caveat Lector-

Fixing the Weather

By William Thomas

SEATTLE, Washington, February 22, 1999 (ENS) - Someone is finally
doing something about the weather. As water authorities around a
parched globe rush to contract weather modification specialists to
replenish depleted reservoirs for irrigation, drinking water and hydroelectric
generation, weather modification has become a growth business.

Pine Flat Dam (Photo courtesy Kings River Conservation District)

In the United States, at least 29 states have licensed weather modification
programs. Weather Modification Inc. of Fargo, North Dakota has
been working with the Kings River Conservation District (KRCD) in
California's Central San Joaquin Valley since 1954. Responsible for one of
the world's richest agricultural regions, the KCRD water management
agency has consistently contracted for cloud seeding above the crucial
Pine Flat Reservoir.

According to Weather Modification Inc. (WMI), "The program's objective is
to increase precipitation efficiency of clouds and storm systems
crossing the watershed." WMI says that artificially-induced rainfall in the
Kings River Conservation District replenishes groundwater depleted
by heavy use, allowing uninterrupted hydroelectric power generation.

Employing techniques little changed since Dr. Vincent Schaefer undertook
the first weather modification experiments for General Electric in
1946, cloud seeding companies use aircraft or ground generators to
release silver iodide particles into clouds when temperature and moisture
are ripe for rain. Attracting clumps of moisture, the silver iodide particles
trigger formation of ice crystals which then fall as additional rain or

TRC North American Weather Consultants has conducted more than 200
weather modification projects to augment normal snow or rainfall
since 1950. Using radar and aircraft sensors to track atmospheric
changes, TRC works to refill reservoirs and generate snow for ski resorts.
The weather modification company also drops dry ice to dissipate fog over
busy airports.

Silver iodide flares mounted on a cloud seeding aircraft (Photo courtesy
Atmospherics, Inc.)

Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, TRC claims that precipitation increases
from its weather modification programs range from 10 to 15 percent
over normal rainfall in the wintertime northern hemisphere areas to as much
as 25 percent in tropical regions. A partial listing of the company's
cloud seeding operations conducted through 1994 includes repeated
application of silver iodide to rainclouds over Utah, California, Wyoming,
Idaho, Colorado, Texas, Georgia, Oregon, Washington state, Iowa and
British Columbia. Similar projects have enhanced municipal water
supplies in Greece, Guatemala, Taiwan, Abu Dhabi, Jamaica and Mexico.

An 18 member U.S. Weather Modification Advisory Board established in
April, 1977 has sought in vain to introduce a national weather
modification policy. The board's efforts have been hampered by continuing
uncertainties in weather prediction and weather's trans-border
aspects which have already sparked lawsuits from litigants claiming to be
harmed by floods resulting from weather modification.

Besides the unpredictability of its effects, cloud seeding's biggest
drawback is that it requires clouds containing enough moisture for silver
iodide crystals to tip near-saturation into rain or snow. Draining energy from
budding hurricanes and hailstorms, or creating rain from a clear
blue sky are the twin grails of more ambitious weather wizards.

Internationally recognized weather modification expert Thomas Henderson
founded Atmospherics, Inc. in 1960. En route to Thailand from his
Fresno, California headquarters to attend the World Meteorological
Organization's International Weather Modification Conference, Henderson
told ENS, "Within the weather modification ranks interest has always
existed regarding discovery and development of potentially improved
seeding materials."

According to testimony before a House subcommittee on Science and
Technology in October, 1977 more than 60 countries were enagaged
in active weather modification at that time. A discussion paper released at
this early hearing called for "introducing perturbation energies to
redirect the atmosphere's 'natural' energies" using infusions of chemical
and electromagnetic energy.

Two decades later, a U.S. Air Force research study, "Weather as a Force
Multiplier" outlines how powerful "ionospheric heaters" and clouds
generated by chemical condensation trails - contrails - spread behind
airborne tankers could allow U.S. aerospace forces to "own the
weather" by the year 2025. Military researchers are already attempting to
influence the weather "by adding small amounts of energy at just the
right time and space," the report stated.

Array of HAARP antennas photographed by the HAARPcam, February 22,
1999. (Photo courtesy U.S. Air Force)

Located in Gakon, Alaska, an experimental U.S. Navy and Air Force
ionospheric heater known as the High-Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program (HAARP) has been projecting tightly-focused beams of
intense radio-frequency energy into the atmosphere for the past
several years.

Bernard Eastlund, the inventor and original patent-holder for HAARP, notes
NATO interest in modifying the weather for military advantage. In
May, 1990 a NATO paper, "Modification of Tropospheric Propagation
Conditions" detailed how the atmosphere could be modified to absorb
electromagnetic radiation by spraying polymers behind high-flying aircraft.

Absorbing microwaves transmitted by HAARP and other atmospheric
heaters linked from Puerto Rico, Germany and Russia, these artificial
mirrors could heat the air, inducing changes in the weather.

U.S. Patent 4253190 describes how a mirror made of "polyester resin"
could be held aloft by the pressure exerted by electromagnetic
radiation from a transmitter like HAARP.

A Ph.D. polymer researcher who wishes to remain anonymous told this
reporter that if HAARP's frequency output is matched to Earth's
magnetic field, its tightly-beamed energy could be imparted to molecules
"artificially introduced into this region." This highly reactive state
could then "promote polymerization and the formation of new compounds,"
he explained.

According to Eastlund, two U.S. companies make polymer products with
microwave-absorbing properties. Heat generation need to modify the
weather can be fostered by adding magnetic iron oxide powder to
polymers exuded by high-flying aircraft. Radio-frequency-absorbing
polymers such as Phillips Ryton F-5 PPS are sensitive in the 1-50 MHz
regime, Eastlund pointed out. HAARP transmits between two and 10

Former Raytheon missile engineer Tommy Farmer has been collecting
samples from the strangely lingering contrails covering U.S. skies for
the past two years. "The chemist I had originally engaged to analyze the
material, during microscopic exam, had noticed yellow orange orbs
impregnated into the filaments of the material," Farmer told ENS. Looking
for living pathogens, the researchers discounted the non-organic
material. "In retrospect," Farmer muses, "I must wonder if the orange yellow
orbs might be an oxidizing ferrous alloy as described in Dr.
Eastlund's commentary."

While admitting that an atmospheric mirror could be made from existing
polymers, weather expert Henderson told ENS, "I'm not too sure a
required very large mirror could be held aloft by strongly focused RF
energy. Right now the amount of heat required to alter the weather far
exceeds any realistic system I can imagine."

HAARP's U.S. Air Force and Navy sponsors claim that their transmitter will
eventually be able to produce 3.6 million watts of radio frequency
power. But on page 185 of an October, 1991 "Technical Memorandum 195" outlining 
projected HAARP tests, there is a call by the ionospheric
effects division of the U.S. Air Force Phillips Laboratory for HAARP to
reach a peak power output of 100 billion watts. Commercial radio
stations commonly broadcast at 50,000 watts.

A bigger objection to HAARPs ability to hurt the weather comes from the
Ph.D. polymer researcher interviewed above, who points out that jet
tankers normally cruise at 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) altitude. "I don't know if
it is possible to create this [artificially heated] region so close to the
ground. None of the patents I have looked at are claiming anything less
than 50 kilometers (31 miles). Furthermore, at the 10 kilometer height,
it is hard to see how HAARP would have anything to do with effects seen in
the lower 48 states."

Whatever the reasons, this winter has produced some of the wackiest
weather ever seen over the United States. Usually a hot weather
phenomenon, dozens of wintertime tornadoes have struck Arkansas,
Tennessee, Louisiana and Alabama this year. On February 11-12,
temperatures in Chicago, Dayton, Charleston, Indianapolis and other cities
ricocheted between the low seventies and the twenties, with
overnight snow falling in some of those cities basking in sunlight during the

While temperature records are normally broken by no more than a tenth of
a degree, the World Meteorological Organization reports global
temperatures up more than 0.6 degrees Celsius since the end of the last

As Pacific hurricanes packing 220 mile-per-hour winds introduce a new
Category 6 into storm lexicons, tropical mahi mahi and marlin are
being caught off the coast of Washington state.

Department of Energy researchers Alan Schroeder and David Bassett
note that 15 weather-related disasters in the U.S. since 1992 have cost
$70 billion in damages and several hundred deaths from floods, heat
waves, hurricanes, blizzards and hail storms.

With HAARP shut down for February and not scheduled for reactivation until March, 
1999, the race is on to modify climate being brought to a
boil by carbon emissions generated by burning fossil fuels, methane
releases from melting permafrost and record levels of heat-trapping cloud
cover. Despite exotic technologies and squadrons of cloud-seeding
aircraft, the people doing the most to change the weather may be us.

© Environment News Service (ENS) 1999. All Rights Reserved.

Steve Wingate

California Director

TODAY'S MP3: "I Wanna Watch the X-Files In The Rain", by DARKANGELES



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