-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 5:40 PM
Subject: (whiteoak) Society's Ethics - Time to Fry the Bacon, was biotech

>Francis Bacon was a philosopher of scientific optimism, an essayist and
>politician in London, England, in the late 16th and early 17th
>centuries.  He can be considered as the key Prophet of the New Science
>and New Learning, and his visions of scientific optimism included:
>- Science and technology would be used to disposess the other peoples of
>the planet and control Nature herself;
>- Truth would no longer be defined in terms of morals and religions, but
>of utility and usefulness;
>- Man would become Law unto himself, and depend no more on God.
>These are founding ideas towards building the society in which we now
>live, and perhaps the foundation of the systemic problems our society is
>suffering from. Capitalism is failing humanity. Our technology enslaved,
>selfish and greed-based society has no checks to prevent it's
>self-destruction because the only thing that holds our society's respect
>is the bottom dollar.
> I remember being taught in grade school that our society had long
>evolved up from the Might Equals Right societies of the Dark Ages. I now
>dispute this. Our society is greed-based. Might = Right, Financial power
>= Right, Political Power  = Right, Technological Capability = Right, and
>Desire = Right.
>Might = Right
> Exactly what was The Gulf War over? We have already discussed this,
>earlier on the list: Control of commodoties. Because the firepower to
>fight over the oil exists, it is used. We have it, therefore we have the
>Right to use it to "defend" whatever we want to: commodoties, politics,
>human rights, animal rights, etc. If we have the might, society says we
>have the Right.
>Financial Ability = Right
> In a Capitalist society, if there is a consumer demand for xyz, someone
>will supply xyz.  It does not matter is xyz is legal or not, healthy for
>the consumer or not, good for the environment or not, if demand exists,
>supply will be found and provided. Underground drug trade, underground
>gun trade, prostitutes and illegal aliens supplying the underground
>human services trade, these are all symptoms of this, and are
>unavoidable in a consumer driven market. In a Capitalist society,
>everything has a price: arms, legs, eyes, lives. If you are injured and
>you can blame someone else for your injury, sue them, you will get
>money. How much does your insurance company state an eye is worth? Your
>leg? Your life? Your child's life? In a Capitalist society, the only
>thing that holds the respect of that society is the bottom dollar. In
>this sue or be sued society, how many cases are settled out of court
>because somebody was willing to fork out the right amount of cash to
>cover the "moral injustice" that they did? If we have the financial
>ability, society says we have the Right.
>Political Power = Right
> What is currently politically correct? What was PC last year? Which way
>does the wind blow? Bill Clinton got away with what, why?  OJ Simpson
>got away with what, why? It took how long before the Swiss banks opened
>up the Nazi accounts, why? Political power, political fear, political
>sway, the politics were right, the politics weren't right, not PC,
>politically safe, political suicide, political rules, political games,
>do what you want until you get caught....   these are all familiar
>terms/sayings, we all have an understanding of them, our society accepts
>them. If we have the political power, society says we have the right.
>Our Western society claims to be a group of democracies, but a true
>annalysis reveals that in actual fact we have elected aristocracies:
>once they're voted in, they are really hard to get rid of until the end
>of their term, when we vote them out and replace them with  someone else
>we don't like until we can vote them out, and replace someone else we
>don't like.....   We don't really vote anyone IN, we only vote OUT.  Who
>exactly is doing all this voting? The average citizen. Let's explore
>this for a moment: The US is argueably the strongest political power in
>the world today, and is often accused of being a bully. The US also has
>one of the highest low literacy rates in the "developed world". Someone
>is considered literate if they can manage to understand the basic gist
>of the average newspaper article, which is (at least in Canada)
>considered to be a grade three/age 8 reading level.  Ever notice on
>schoolyards that the bullies tend to be the ones who are behind the
>other kids in their grades? This is well documented.  Since the US
>voters have a higher low literacy rate than the other developed
>countries, is it really any wonder that the US is behaving like a
>schoolyard bully on so many international issues? Who is financially
>backing the politicians so that they have enough sensational exposure to
>attract enough votes to be elected in? Big corporations, with big
>financial power. If the politician loses the financial backing, the
>politician loses voters' sight, and therfore votes.  Political power is
>supported by financial ability, and as we have already explored: society
>says that financial ability = Right.
> One of Democratic/Capitalist societies' biggest outcries against
>Dictatorships/Monopolies is control of public information by control of
>the media. This is the pot calling the kettle black. In a capitalist
>society, most of the income of a TV station or a newspaper is through
>advertising. Most of the advertising dollars are brought in through
>financially huge big companies.  To report against these companies,
>causing the public to not buy their products and therefore to not give
>the large companies money, would be financial suicide to the
>station/paper doing the reporting because the company would pull it's
>advertisments and all of the other companies owned by the same umbrella
>company would pull theirs, too. This illustrates how the information
>available to the public is just as controlled in a capitalist society as
>it is in a dictatorship through the financial ability of large
>companies, and remember: society says financial ability = Right.
>Technological Capability = Right
> Remember F. Bacon's foundations our what is now our society: man is Law
>unto himself, judgements are made based upon usefulness and utility, and
>technology will advance our society? Guess what folks - we're here! This
>is a technology-based society, proof being the Y2K panic about the world
>as we know it ending. Society is told that technology is useful,
>therefore it is judged by our society to be good. Technology is good.
>Technological capability = Right.
> Who tells society that technology is useful/necessary? Gee whiz, the
>ones who control the media. If we have the technology to remove y from
>between x and z and incert it between p and q, which would make abc
>better as far as ghi are concerned, then we have the Right and
>Responsibility to do so, because ghi hold 90% of the $$$ and tell us
>through the media they control that we have the Right and
>Responsibility, and the consumers buy it all hook, line and sinker. Yum!
> For instance: financially giant companies like MONSATO are using
>terrorist tactics to drive the public to buy into their products (in
>this case GE seeds/products like Terminators that are sold unlabeled as
>such - it's legal because politicians voted it legal - hmmmmn, agrocides
>like Agent Orange and RoundUp, and agrochemfeeds such as ChemLawn and
>MiracleGrow), such as the myth that there is soon going to be a global
>food shortage. Let's look at China for a minute: I have a relative
>living in Bejing, and she has travelled all over China during the last
>few years. She reports that most of the food in China is grown and
>harvested using the same agricultural technology that North Americans
>used at the turn of the century, and that not only is there no longer
>the food crises/starving millions that there were in the middle of this
>century, but that there is now such an over abundance of food to the
>extent that the average Chinese citizen throws out about as much
>perfectly good food as the average American does.  If the Chinese can
>feed their multi milloins with technology from the turn of the century,
>there is no possible way that there is a desperate need for MONSATO's
>technology because there is no fast approaching global food shortage.
>Why is there a global food shortage scare? Because MONSATO has a pile of
>politicians and news media in it's pocket, that's why. Why does MONSATO
>have this power? It is not a conspiracy; remember, society says
>financial ability = Right.
>Desire = Right
> If I have the financial ability to buy anything I want, anything my
>little heart desires, I have the Right to do so, because society says
>Financial ability = Right. Why do we have this idea? We live in a
>consumer-driven economy, and big companies advertise what the trends are
>so that the average consumer will know what to buy to keep up with the
>Jones' next door because we are greedy and want more than they have, and
>we will therefore know what the Jones' are going to buy before they do
>and therefore we are told what we will desire to buy. We are told what
>are desires are, thereby controlled where we will spend our money. The
>big companies are greedy, too, and are not likely to let us consider
>that Desire does not equal Right, because then we might not buy what we
>desire and that would put them out of money. If they don't have
>financial ability, they don't have Rights, and they want to keep their
> "The public has a Right to know" sells a lot of gossip rags. Let us
>acknowledge that Princess Diana died a horrific and unnecessary death
>because the public buys the gossip rags that pay the biggest bucks to
>the paparazzi (sp?) who hounded and chased her to her death. If people
>stopped buying the rags, the money for the paparazzi would not be there,
>and celebrities would be a lot safer. Why do people buy them? Because
>they desire to.
>This society says that desire = Right, because it says that financial
>ability = Right.
>We are selfish slaves to technology.
> Francis Bacon convinced us that science and technology would advance
>our society to the point that we would control Nature, herself. Our
>society is still clinging to the idea that technology will save us from
>anything, including ourselves. No wonder why there is such a panic about
>the Y2K computer problems.
>The Me Generation was taught that technology would free us to enable us
>to get more out of life, and so technology advanced further, faster than
>it ever had before as the consumer $$$ bought into the technology will
>free us campaign. We were told "do what you love, the money will
>follow."  YUPPies were told that if they worked hard enough they could
>earn enough money to buy any technology that was available so that they
>would be more free and therefore have better lives. More and more women
>joined the workforce to earn more money and therefore more freedom., and
>"Latch-Key Kid" became a household term. Generation X was raised on fast
>food and instant breakfasts so few of us know how to cook natural and
>unprocessed foods, reading Out Of Body Experiences In Thirty Days
>(actually it is a good book) and Lose 20 Lbs In 20 Days, and buying into
>instant gratification to the point that if we have to work hard for
>something we don't think that it is worth it.  We are taught that more
>income is needed to enable us to buy more technology in order to get
>more out of life, and our mass depression due to subconcious realization
>that this is false is treated by technologically produced prozac =
>happiness in a pill. We are so trusting of technology that we use TVs as
>babysitters, and we expect the schools and government to raise our
>children for us,  sueing the city if our child is harmed while we wern't
>looking.  We bought into that you should never say no to a child and
>that childred should be happy all the time so we have to feed them with
>instant gratification, buying them anything and everything they want,
>working longer and longer hours to earn more money to buy them more,
>spending less and less time being responsible parents, less and less
>time with our children, producing the mass unaccountability of Genration
>Next. We have produced epidemic autism, ADD, and Manic Depressive
>Disorders. We have a world where inner-city children run in gangs that
>shoot each other over runningshoes. We have Paparazzi chasing
>celebrities to their deaths and legitimizing it because "the public has
>a Right to know". We have low literacy because children are being taught
>more and more with flashy TV and need reading skills less and less in
>this picture-driven world. We have no time for our children, we have no
>time for our families, we have no time for our communities, because we
>are all working longer and longer hours to earn enough money to buy more
>and more technology because we believe we need it.
>We have no checks to prevent our own self-destruction.
>Knives are are useful tools. They can cut food, paper, wood, mow lawns,
>cut ropes, etc. Knives are household items. Society teaches that it is
>wrong to use knives against other people, and the average person has
>enough awareness to have some ability to avoid situations where knives
>could be used against them. A certain percentage of the population is
>going to have low enough ethics to use knives against other people.
>Technology is the same as knives: it is a useful tool, that certain
>members of society will have low enough ethics to use it against other
>people. We have no checks against situations where technology can be
>used unethically. We are bombarded with what we are told is information,
>predominantly in advertizing put out by big companies. These companies
>control a large amount of the information put out by the media through
>the financial backing provided by their advertizing. These companies
>control a large percentage of politicians through financial backing.
>Some of these companies own smaller companies who own publishing houses,
>controlling what gets printed, or internet providers, controlling what
>is accessable online. Our attention deficit disorder society is so
>bombarded by input of what we are told is information that we are also
>autistic, unable to sort out information from noise, unable to make
>educated decisions as to where we spend our hard-earned money. The
>consumer is no longer in the driver's seat, the supplier is, the
>financial giants like MONSATO  are the drivers. We have a
>supplier-driven society. Rainforest are burning, we have polluted our
>planet so thick with toxic poisons that environmental
>sensitivities/allergies like asthma  and CFS are epidemic, we have
>third-world children working for slavewages to produce runningshoes that
>sell for $150.00 a pair and have our own children shooting each other
>over them.  The only thing that holds the respect of this Capitalstic
>world is the bottom-dollar. We now have the technology to digitally
>alter video/photos, we have people long dead still "acting" in films and
>appearing in advertisments. How long before these methods are used in
>advertising or in the news? Or have they already been used? Do we really
>think that we would be able to know if they had been used?
> By adhering to Francis Bacon's prophecy we have cripled our society to
>the brink of self-destruction. Our insatiably greedy society is
>controlled by huge financial companies who supply us with what they tell
>us we want. We have no checks against them, we are their slaves because
>we are enslaved to the technology they provide us with.  Money and the
>Machine are winning. Time to fry the Bacon, while we still know what a
>frying pan is and how to use it.
>NaTasha E. G. "Shastan" Bertrand
>Feb. 27th/1999
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