Title: lucent-y2k ready?
i don't know if anybody has seen this. i just came across it.
as if it really matters.

Lucent Technologies Year 2000 Questions and Answers - Lucent Wide
Q1. When will Lucent be Year 2000 Ready?
A1. We're targeting June 30, 1999 to have finished Year 2000 deployment for our products, as well as address the Year 2000 readiness of our internal business systems.
Q2. What is Lucent doing to prepare for the Year 2000?
A2. We've taken a number of steps to help our customers make their businesses ready for the Year 2000, as well as make our own company ready.
Lucent's business groups each have a team of people, headed by a Y2K program leader, dedicated full-time to bringing their products and processes into conformance with Lucent's Y2K requirements. We're committed to having Y2K ready products and processes tested and available before 2000, and we're on track to do this.
Other full-time teams, most notably in our CIO organization, are focused on bringing our internal systems into compliance, as well as managing our suppliers' readiness.
While the primary accountability for the Y2K work is with these organizations, we also have a Lucent Year 2000 Program Office (LYPO) responsible to ensure that Y2K work spans the entire enterprise, that all aspects of key business risks have been identified and are being addressed, and where the LYPO identifies gaps, it raises those issues and assures they are addressed. The LYPO works with the accountable organizations to ensure that our products and computer-based financial and information systems are prepared.
Q3. How is Lucent's approaching the Year 2000 work?
A3. Every part of Lucent's business has been involved in a process that includes an inventory and assessment of the scope of their Y2K work. We examine the effect Y2K readiness will have on our products and how we manage our operations and on our customers. From this initial review, we have developed plans that focus on what remediation and testing needs to be done to make sure that our products, services, information systems and infrastructure are Y2K ready.
Q4. What is the objective of the Lucent Year 2000 work?
A4. Our goal is to move into the new millennium without any significant impacts to our customers and our business.  | About Lucent's Year 2000 Program | Enterprise Year 2000 | NSP Year 2000 |
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This Website is a "Year 2000 Internet Website" as defined in the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act, United States public law no. 105-271, 112 stat 2386 (1998) and contains both "Year 2000 statements" and "Year 2000 readiness disclosures" as defined in that act. This Website also contains republications of "Year 2000 statements" and "Year 2000 readiness disclosures" made by third parties about their products or services. Lucent has not verified the content of some or all of these third party statements, and urges visitors to this site to contact these third parties directly.

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