-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Colleen Jones trolled:
>Well, I have had it with these computer genius types;  most of whom,
>cannot type of course.   Me, I am a lowly type and type 120 wpm
>officially per minute....and up to 150 on a computer.  That was 10 years
>ago, and I have slowed down a lot.

I'm a computer programmer, but I only type 65-70 wpm...never billed
myself as a 'genius type', guess that's why...

Back in the late 60s, when I took typing classes in highschool, only a
very few people could consistently achieve 120 wpm...the 'best' average
was considered 80 to 100 wpm...

And in all my working career, esp. PRE-programming when I worked in
offices with clerical staff and keypunch personnel, I never once met
anyone who could consistently type at 120wpm...

If you have that skill, dear, you should be commanding a very hefty

>Now, all these computer genius types; why is it that this so called
>"glitch" happened with all these genius types walking about making
>billions of dollars at the top.

Because it was the management genius types call...THEY didn't see it as a
problem, so never allocated the funds nor the staff to correct it.

>Consider in the Star War movies
>computers operating hundreds of years from now, and do not say nobody
>recognized this problem long ago.

If you base your philosophy/mindset/worldview solely on Hollywood, God
help you.

But yes, the 'problem' WAS recognized back in the 60s and 70s, but as I
said, it was management's call as to whether to spend to time fixing it,
and they decided not to.

>who profits.   Will it be Bill Gates - well, I imagine so.

Desktop systems aren't the problems, mainframes are...so Bill Gates has
nothing to do with it.


You should be spending some time studying a dictionary, dear...perhaps
your lack of spelling and grammar skills is what has held you in low-
paying positions, and not your supposed typing speed.

>some poor folk will get a piece of this action   After all, computers do
>not build skyscrapers, pick up your trash every day

No, but they run the businesses that employ the people who DO work in
thoe fields...

Computers are used to design the blueprints for skyscrapers, to run the
HVAC system, to generate the payroll to pay the builders of the
skyscrapers and those who work within them, to pay the bills of the
companies who provide products and services to that skyscraper...

>Is there a simple solution for these genius types for the pending doom
>and gloom not prophesied by our computer gurus?  Why can they not
>program the computers to simply add two digits on all numbers starting
>from 1800 to 2000, etc.

Because most software hasn't allowed for the space for the century digit.

If a two-digit year occupied position 1 and 2 of a field layout, followed
by, say, an account number starting in position 3, one can't just go in
and say the year is now 4-digits, starting in position 1, since your
existing database has an account number starting in position 3.

Even in the cases where space IS allocated for a 4-digit year, the OS is
so old it can't be upgraded, and it only recognizes two-digit years as
being in the twentieth century...so when '1' gets added to '99',
presuming an overflow error condition has been taken care of, the OS will
assume the year '00' represents 1900 and not 2000.  I'm currently working
on such an antique system...it handles four digit years correctly, e.g.
it can rollover from 1999 to 2000 without any problems, but it chokes on
a 2-digit year, assuming the day after 12-31-99 is January 1, 1900...

Then there's the potential problem with Sept. 9, 1999...9/9/99 -- some
programs utilized all nines to indicate an error condition; there's also
a potential problem with Feb. 29, 2000 -- 1900 wasn't a leap year, so
anyone figuring 'what the heck, I'll just go along with two digits no
matter WHAT my computer 'thinks' the century is' will run into a problem
then; there's also a potential problem with Oct. 10, 2000 -- 10/10/00 --
the first full digit date, and a possible problem going from 12/31/2000
to 01/01/2001...

None of it is 'rocket science' programming, it's just a matter of dealing
with systems and code -- some of which haven't been recompiled in years
-- under a limited time frame...


        "To love another person is to see the face of God."

                            -Les Miserables
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