-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Colleen Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>DO - of Heavens Gate sent all his tapes to a religious group prior to
>their demise.....this group is also a diligent seeker of the truth, and
>can understand and see all the evils being perpetuated upon the public.

'DO' and 'TI' did not first make headlines with Heaven's Gate...they went
by the name of 'BO' and 'PEEP' back in the 70s, had quite a large cult
following which turned all their earthly goods over to 'BO' and 'PEEP'
(e.g. their bank accounts) for the 'right' to be lifted off some mountain
to 'The Mother Ship' on some appointed date...forget what the exact date
was, but the true believers duly gathered on the appointed date to await
the end of the world and their rescue by the mother ship...

And they waited and they waited...after a couple of days, it dawned on
most that they'd been conned, as 'BO' and 'PEEP' were nowhere to be found,
the world obviously didn't end, and the 'mother ship' obviously hadn't
come and lifted them off into space...but at least these devotees got out
of it with their lives...

For some reason, local, state, and federal authorities did not seem too
eager to pursue 'BO' and 'PEEP', who obviously had scammed money out of a
large group of people and absconded over state lines with the funds...

I later read that 'BO'/'DO' had ties with the spook agencies, I've also
read of having ties with Jonestown...

>I have listened to one of Do's tapes (after death)....he was

He was a sincere con artist...

>he knew with the millenium, there would be genocide which
>would go by undetected;

Sounds like what Charlie Manson taught HIS devotees, too...

>What was Do trying to say to us;  if he was so happy about leaving
>Planet Earth, why, in this one tape, does he break down nerly into tears
>on two occasions.

Why did he have himself castrated?


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