-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Sno0wl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm surprised at you, June, with your "rule of law." This is not
"evidence," it's hearsay.

No, hearsay in a legal sense is reporting what one OVERHEARD, or was told
a THIRD PARTY said or did...what we have in the case of Broaddrick is
DIRECT testimony of what people said SHE said, or what they themselves SAW
(an upset Broaddrick at the convention)...

It would be hearsay if someone stated that they OVERHEARD Broaddrick
relating to a third person that she'd been attacked...

If an acquaintance/relative of Broaddrick stated that 'Clinton said/did
this' based on Broaddrick's statements, that indeed is hearsay...but that
is NOT what they are saying, they are describing what BROADDRICK said/did
directly to them...therefore, it is not hearsay.

It IS a question as to whether they, and Broaddrick, are telling the
TRUTH, or whether anyone's memories are faulty...but it is not HEARSAY.

But I find it interesting that you continue to cast aspersions on anyone
accusing Clinton of any wrongdoing, and continue to kneejerk support
Clinton, no matter what.  I'd think that you'd at least want an
INVESTIGATION into these allegations...


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