-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/1/99 5:56:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< equested or drop out of the HMO.  He also told me that within a few
 months, the
 information taken from charts by one HMO would soon be on the
 internet!!!!! (encrypted he claims). The idea is to be able to share
 info with all insurance companies.
 He feels the danger of patient info getting out is not important. I told
 him doctors
 would put a stop to it. He laughed and said Doctors are irrelevant and
 are only needed
 as a middleman to do the work. Hopefully they would be replaced by
 nurses with an
 MD supervisor. >>

A few months ago, my husband and I were breakfasting at a small but well known
local restaurant.  The conversation at the next table kept us attentive but
silent for the better part of the meal.  We probably didn't taste much.  It
seemed that a local somebody was breakfasting with an individual (in very
expensive "casual"  and talking about his work which seemed to be recruiting
doctors for an HMO.  I can't say we understood everything or even got every
word, but let's say they were speaking of doctors (particularly surgeons) as
commodities that could be used up (burned out was the phrase used) and
replaced as needed.  I don't think I've ever heard any workers of any ilk
spoken of so disparagingly.  I think the owner of the restaurant where we were
eating has a more considerate view of the waitresses who work there.

This morning's paper has an article, "Doctors move to unionize" by Associated
Press writer Laura Meckler which I think says it all.  The doctors are
beginning to know what it feels like to be inferior bits of the corporate


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