In a message dated 99-03-02 10:35:47 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< We observe that the populist movement against the so-called "free trade"
 agenda of the transnational corporate elite transcends partisan politics;
 and whatever else you say about Pat Buchanan, he will be the only candidate
 in the 2000 presidential sweepstakes who will passionately and
 unconditionally defend the legitimate expectations of working families in
 the global economy.

 We note further that the defeat of "Fast Track" last year depended upon 71
 Republican votes in the House to butress the progressive Democratic
 antipathy to NAFTA expasnion.

 Finally, we direct your attention back to the L.A. Times story [February 28,
 1999, Sunday, Part A; Page 1: "TRADE PACTS ACCUSED OF SUBVERTING U.S.
 POLICIES" by Evelyn Iritani], recently posted to this modest listserve.
 Fair Trade partisans across a wide ideological spectrum share our concern --
 even indignation -- over the damage to the fundamentals of governance and
 sovereignty wrought by the NAFTA and the GATT/WTO.
 Buchanan Dumps on Clinton Steel Policy
 By Edward Walsh
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Tuesday, March 2, 1999; Page A5

 WEIRTON, W.Va., March 1-It was only a warm-up, but conservative
 commentator Patrick J. Buchanan was at full throttle here today on the
 subject of America's place in the global economy and what he described
 as the threat posed by the Clinton administration's trade policies
 toward the country's manufacturing base and its workers.

 With the familiar chant of "Go, Pat, go" ringing in the air, he entered
 the Thomas Milsop Community Center to a rousing reception, once again a
 seemingly happy warrior delivering an angry message of economic

 Buchanan's appearance here was a prelude to the main event, his
 scheduled announcement Tuesday in Manchester, N.H., that for the third
 time in this decade he will seek the Republican presidential nomination.
 His candidacy is viewed as the longest of long-shots, but twice before
 Buchanan's calls to protect American workers and their jobs have
 bedeviled the GOP establishment and its anointed front-runners, and he
 clearly hopes to do so again.

 "Free trade is the philosophy of nations on the way down," he thundered
 to a crowd of about 800 in the community center, where hand-made signs
 proclaimed that "Free Traders Are Traitors" and "Stand Up For America."

 Asserting that China is using its trade surplus with the United States
 to finance an armaments program that could threaten U.S. forces in the
 Pacific, he said of U.S. trade policy toward China, "You're walking very
 close to the line of treason."

 In some ways this was an odd place for a pre-campaign rally for a
 conservative Republican. This is solidly Democratic territory, where
 every local official is a Democrat and Republicans last ran a candidate
 for Congress in 1994.

 But Weirton Steel Corp., an employee-owned firm that was rescued in the
 mid-1980s when its parent company, National Steel, tried to shut it
 down, is emblematic of problems besetting the U.S. steel industry as it
 tries to compete with cheap steel imports.

 According to company officials, "dumping" of cheap steel products
 largely by Brazil, Japan and Russia was the cause of its loss of $13.6
 million in the last two quarters of 1998, forcing it to lay off 800 of
 4,700 employees; 10,000 steelworkers have been laid off nationwide.

 Responding to "dumping" complaints, the Commerce Department ruled last
 month that Japanese and Brazilian steel was subject to stiff duties. A
 similar finding against Russia was eased in return for a promise from
 Moscow to slash Russian steel shipments by 70 percent. Citing a 34
 percent decline in steel shipments to the United States in the last
 three months, the administration argues that the flood of cheap steel
 coming into the country is receding.

 But that has not satisfied Weirton officials or their employees. Nor did
 it satisfy Buchanan, who today demanded that President Clinton impose
 "across-the-board quotas on all steel and steel products" shipped to the
 United States.

 "They are letting go with indifference to the heart of this country, the
 muscle of this country," Buchanan said in an echo of his 1996 campaign,
 when he stunned his party by winning the New Hampshire primary. "For
 what? So they can trade pieces of paper on Wall Street."

 Buchanan's contention is that the International Monetary Fund has
 encouraged the dumping of cheap steel and other products in the United
 States by economically troubled countries so that they can raise the
 money to repay IMF loans. He made that case in a newspaper column last
 year that referred to a rally held here to protest dumping practices.
 That led to the invitation to stop here on his way later today to New

 It also made him "somewhat of a cult figure" in this gritty industrial
 town of 22,000 that is tucked in a valley of West Virginia's narrow
 panhandle, said Mayor Dean Harris, 43, a Democrat and 25-year employee
 of the steel plant that provides about half of the city's tax revenue.

 There are other reasons that Buchanan could expect a receptive audience
 in Weirton for his populist, anti-Wall Street, pro-worker message,
 Harris said. One is the vivid memory of the 1992 visit here of
 Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton and his running mate, Al
 Gore, on their first campaign bus tour, when Clinton promised to
 "enforce strictly the anti-dumping laws."

 For years, pictures of the visit were displayed at the community center,
 but about six weeks ago they were taken down. "The pictures are facing a
 wall in a closet collecting dust," said Terry Weigel, who runs the
 community center. "That seems to be the action he's taken on the import
 crisis -- collecting dust -- so that's what his pictures are doing."

 Buchanan made sure to recall that 1992 visit today to an audience that
 liked what it heard even if many remained skeptical of the prospects of
 a Buchanan candidacy. "At least a voice is heard," said Kent Hudspeth,
 58, a retired steelworker.

 Buchanan hinted that may be enough for him. Dressed casually in a plaid
 shirt, white Weirton Steel hard hat and green company jacket, he emerged
 from a plant tour this morning and spoke briefly to reporters. "When you
 have a campaign, you ought to use it for a cause," he said. "The cause
 of my campaign if and when I announce tomorrow will be to put American
 workers and people first."

 c Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company

 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
 without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
 included information for research and educational purposes.

 Mike Dolan, Field Director
 Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
 ph  202.546.4996 x322
 fx   202.547.7392

 Subscribe to TW-LIST, the Global Trade Watch list-server.
 We will keep you up to date on trade and globalization policy.


We observe that the populist movement against the so-called "free trade"
agenda of the transnational corporate elite transcends partisan politics;
and whatever else you say about Pat Buchanan, he will be the only candidate
in the 2000 presidential sweepstakes who will passionately and
unconditionally defend the legitimate expectations of working families in
the global economy.

We note further that the defeat of "Fast Track" last year depended upon 71
Republican votes in the House to butress the progressive Democratic
antipathy to NAFTA expasnion.

Finally, we direct your attention back to the L.A. Times story [February 28,
POLICIES" by Evelyn Iritani], recently posted to this modest listserve.
Fair Trade partisans across a wide ideological spectrum share our concern --
even indignation -- over the damage to the fundamentals of governance and
sovereignty wrought by the NAFTA and the GATT/WTO.
Buchanan Dumps on Clinton Steel Policy
By Edward Walsh
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 2, 1999; Page A5

WEIRTON, W.Va., March 1-It was only a warm-up, but conservative
commentator Patrick J. Buchanan was at full throttle here today on the
subject of America's place in the global economy and what he described
as the threat posed by the Clinton administration's trade policies
toward the country's manufacturing base and its workers.

With the familiar chant of "Go, Pat, go" ringing in the air, he entered
the Thomas Milsop Community Center to a rousing reception, once again a
seemingly happy warrior delivering an angry message of economic

Buchanan's appearance here was a prelude to the main event, his
scheduled announcement Tuesday in Manchester, N.H., that for the third
time in this decade he will seek the Republican presidential nomination.
His candidacy is viewed as the longest of long-shots, but twice before
Buchanan's calls to protect American workers and their jobs have
bedeviled the GOP establishment and its anointed front-runners, and he
clearly hopes to do so again.

"Free trade is the philosophy of nations on the way down," he thundered
to a crowd of about 800 in the community center, where hand-made signs
proclaimed that "Free Traders Are Traitors" and "Stand Up For America."

Asserting that China is using its trade surplus with the United States
to finance an armaments program that could threaten U.S. forces in the
Pacific, he said of U.S. trade policy toward China, "You're walking very
close to the line of treason."

In some ways this was an odd place for a pre-campaign rally for a
conservative Republican. This is solidly Democratic territory, where
every local official is a Democrat and Republicans last ran a candidate
for Congress in 1994.

But Weirton Steel Corp., an employee-owned firm that was rescued in the
mid-1980s when its parent company, National Steel, tried to shut it
down, is emblematic of problems besetting the U.S. steel industry as it
tries to compete with cheap steel imports.

According to company officials, "dumping" of cheap steel products
largely by Brazil, Japan and Russia was the cause of its loss of $13.6
million in the last two quarters of 1998, forcing it to lay off 800 of
4,700 employees; 10,000 steelworkers have been laid off nationwide.

Responding to "dumping" complaints, the Commerce Department ruled last
month that Japanese and Brazilian steel was subject to stiff duties. A
similar finding against Russia was eased in return for a promise from
Moscow to slash Russian steel shipments by 70 percent. Citing a 34
percent decline in steel shipments to the United States in the last
three months, the administration argues that the flood of cheap steel
coming into the country is receding.

But that has not satisfied Weirton officials or their employees. Nor did
it satisfy Buchanan, who today demanded that President Clinton impose
"across-the-board quotas on all steel and steel products" shipped to the
United States.

"They are letting go with indifference to the heart of this country, the
muscle of this country," Buchanan said in an echo of his 1996 campaign,
when he stunned his party by winning the New Hampshire primary. "For
what? So they can trade pieces of paper on Wall Street."

Buchanan's contention is that the International Monetary Fund has
encouraged the dumping of cheap steel and other products in the United
States by economically troubled countries so that they can raise the
money to repay IMF loans. He made that case in a newspaper column last
year that referred to a rally held here to protest dumping practices.
That led to the invitation to stop here on his way later today to New

It also made him "somewhat of a cult figure" in this gritty industrial
town of 22,000 that is tucked in a valley of West Virginia's narrow
panhandle, said Mayor Dean Harris, 43, a Democrat and 25-year employee
of the steel plant that provides about half of the city's tax revenue.

There are other reasons that Buchanan could expect a receptive audience
in Weirton for his populist, anti-Wall Street, pro-worker message,
Harris said. One is the vivid memory of the 1992 visit here of
Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton and his running mate, Al
Gore, on their first campaign bus tour, when Clinton promised to
"enforce strictly the anti-dumping laws."

For years, pictures of the visit were displayed at the community center,
but about six weeks ago they were taken down. "The pictures are facing a
wall in a closet collecting dust," said Terry Weigel, who runs the
community center. "That seems to be the action he's taken on the import
crisis -- collecting dust -- so that's what his pictures are doing."

Buchanan made sure to recall that 1992 visit today to an audience that
liked what it heard even if many remained skeptical of the prospects of
a Buchanan candidacy. "At least a voice is heard," said Kent Hudspeth,
58, a retired steelworker.

Buchanan hinted that may be enough for him. Dressed casually in a plaid
shirt, white Weirton Steel hard hat and green company jacket, he emerged
from a plant tour this morning and spoke briefly to reporters. "When you
have a campaign, you ought to use it for a cause," he said. "The cause
of my campaign if and when I announce tomorrow will be to put American
workers and people first."

c Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
included information for research and educational purposes.

Mike Dolan, Field Director
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
ph  202.546.4996 x322
fx   202.547.7392

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We will keep you up to date on trade and globalization policy.

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