Title: no ss#
AMAZING: Judge OKs religious ban of SSN


Those seeking to free themselves from Babylon,
If these men can get away from a law based upon their beliefs,
then what is stopping us?
Check this out below.


Saturday October 25 4:35 PM EDT
Judge OKs religious ban of Social Security Numbers
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 25 (UPI) _ A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has ruled
in favor of five men who refused to supply their Social Security numbers on
driver's license applications because of their religious beliefs.
Judge Diane Wayne said she based her ruling on the men's ``sincerely held
religious convictions ..that anyone who uses his or her Social Security
number is in danger of not receiving eternal life.''
As a result, the California Department of Motor Vehicles will be forced
to  accommodate the men, who believe the numbers are the ``mark of the
beast'' referred to in the Bible's Book of Revelations.
California residents involved in the suit were Michael Bromley of Mojave,
James Clifford Brunson of Quartz Hill, Leo Guglielmo of West Hills and Paul
Villandry of Littlerock. A fifth man, Steven Jones, currently lives in Idaho.
Some evangelical Christians believe the biblical end of the world will be
characterized, in part, as a time in which those without an identifying mark
or number will not be able to participate in commerce.
They believe this is the number or mark of the anti-Christian beast.
Villandry says ``If I'm locked into that number, I'm going to hell.''
The Los Angeles Times says this is the first court decision to declare
that a driver's license applicant can refuse to give the DMV a Social
Security number for religious reasons.
But prosecutors say they'll appeal the ruling on the grounds that a
universal driver's license application is needed because it's used to track
parents who are delinquent in child support payments.


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