-Caveat Lector-

There is a slight change in the coverage of Clinton, who has always been
totally at the mercy of the big networks. Quick re-cap: In late 1997,

Act I: Clinton refused to see Netanyahu twice, once when they were both on
the same airfield. This is a guess, but I have a feeling peace-nik Clinton,
thinking himself safe in his second term, didn't want to see further abuse
of the "peace" process against the Palestinians - remember Hillary's
declaration for a Palestinian state during a sensitive moment a few months
ago? -- and for sure Clinton didn't want to become the first president to
bomb another country (Iraq) who had not attacked somebody first. No doubt
the spineless Clinton was being urged by more level-headed anti-Netanyahu
Jewish factions in the USA to steer a more even-handed course, as no doubt
they see the dangers immediately ahead involving terrorism -- and maybe

Act II: Netanyahu met with Clinton on the night of January 20, 1998, and
came out to make a press statement carried by CNN in whic he said the
meeting went pretty well, but Israel could only go so far . . .

Act III: 8 hours later ALL FOUR BIG TV NETWORKS ordered their anchors to
get up out of bed and leave Cuba, Casto, and John Paul II, to get back to
New York and D.C. to cover the all-important Monica affair -- they all knew
in advance it was going to be all-important, just as they knew in advance
that the Gennifer Flowers and Paul Jones stories would not be that big a
deal. (Hint: Flowers and Jones were getting in the way of Clinton's service
to the dominant faction of World Jewry, Lewinsky was going to help put
pressure on Clinton to come to heel and do what he was told by the
Netanyahu faction.)

Act IV: This was the clincher and you had to see it. From Jan 21, 98 to Jan
27, 98, there was "no smiles" coverage against Clinton; the story was no
longer told from his angle; Clinton was treated as a virtual danger to
society. This was "watergate" style coverage, very grave, no smiles --
COMPLETELY different from the coverage up to that point. So hostile was the
coverage on all four Big TV channels (yes, all four) that Sam Donaldson
actually wondered that Sunday, "Dare we say it, President Gore?"

Act V: On the morning of Jan 27, the State of the Union address, everything
changed (a deal must have been struck, as would become clear in the speech
that night) -- now the press started to tell the story from Clinton's point
of view again. Hey, suddenly ALL FOUR BIG TV NETWORKS (yes, all four of
them) took notice that their house polls supported Clinton (another
manipulated hoax) - the people LIKE him, and the job he's doing -- hey,
leave him alone! That was the new message. And, what do you know?, that
night Clinton threatened Saddam and Iraq in his speech -- and the mad dash
was on for a murderous bombing campaign against Iraq. (Incidentally, this
mode of coverage continued until this last week, which JYester pointed out,
in which the story was told from Clinton's point of view, and emphasis was
all on those network house polls which nobody who wants to remain on TV had
better ever question too vigorously. (See the book SuperPollsters, How They
Manipulate and Measure public opinion, by David Moore. Moore worked for
Gallup for 20 years and the book is endorsed by David Broder !)

Act VI: The fiasco at Ohio University in which Albright, Berger, and Cohen
(the ABC's of America's decline) got thoroughly shellacked on worldwide TV
by informed students and citizens at OSU --- combined with UN Kofi's visit
to Iraq, -- thwarted the plans to bomb Iraq. The OSU town meeting was the
greatest media fiasco for the Ruling Elite in my lifetime. The hypocrisy
and doublestandard of the wamongering three Clintonistes on stage was
thoroughly exposed. How many Americans ever stop to think how ridiculous it
looks to Arabs in the Mideast that three Jews are sitting up there
representing "our" government? Of course, their pals at the big TV networks
would never point this out to the general public.

Act VII: Did anyone notice how convenient it was that the MidEast peace
conference was timed at the White House a week or so before the Mid term
elections? Well, Clinton delivered: a) stationed the CIA and troops to back
them up (by implication) in the mideast forever so that an attack on Israel
will contitute an attack on US. b) gave Netanyahu the wink to expand
settlements again, which he announced he would do within ten days of the
election; 3) tried to ramp up another frenzy against Iraq -- but too much
talk about wag the dog and general opposition to the bloodthirsty bombing
intentions -- again forced a postponement of the Netanyahu faction's
attempt to manipulate the US into attacking Iraq.

Act VIII; Reciprocation: Clinton's servile performance is rewarded by
thoroughly unchecked and uncheckable computerized eleciton results showing
Democratic gains ( how absurd!), the only time this happened in this cen
tury except when the American people mistakenly rallied around FDR in 1934
because he had handed them a crutch after FDR's bankster friends at the FED
had broken their collected legs through the engineered Great Depression
(see Eustace Mullins' Secret of the Federal Reserve and G. Edward Griffin's
Creature from Jekyl Island). For strong evidence of how bogus exit polls
and uncheckable computerized election results are poised to steal any
election for the Ruling Elite, see Votescam: The Stealing of America by Jim
Collier; the Nov 1996 Relevance Magazine issue on Pandora's Black Box, DId
it realy count your vote? or our website, www.networkamerica.org -- also,
New Yorker Magazine, Nov 7, 1988, The Dangers of Computerized Elections by
Ronnie Dugger.

Act IX; The Republicans refuse to give Clinton a pass. The only thing that
doesn't make sense about this, is that the Republicans take a dive whenever
their leadership tells them to, and up till now, the GOP leadership
(especially under traitor Gingrich, has taken a dive almost everytime for
Clinton,  remember Nafta, and recently the total planned cave in on the
Budget deal.

Yet, it is true, the Media is now treating Clinton more coldly, and
"abandoning" him to some extent: One of two possibilities, and I have no
inside information, so I will have to wait like everybody else to see which
it is:

possibility a) Clinton is in the Mid east right now. If press coverage
shifts back in his favor when he returns, AND if the Republicans FAIL to
impeach him, then it's really crass. That means this scare put on Clinton
was to make sure he toed the line for Netanyahu over there, and I'm sure
that's part of it. And certain Republicans will be blackmailed or bought
off in time to defeat impeachment.BUT, I think possibility "b" is what's
going on.

possibility b) Clinton is being abandoned to the Senate Trial because his
lying, perjury, and predatory womanizing just cannot be covered up by all
the King's horses (Big Media) and all the King's men (Apologists like the
inept Paul Begala, the smooth talking Lanny Davis, and the
Woody-Allen-Body-Double Alan Dershowitz). The forces of evil are in a real
bind - the have to pick the lesser of two evils from their point of view:
the have to let Clinton be impeached, thereby tainting everything he did
for all time to come, or they have to send a signal to the country that
it's OK to lie to the courts and the government (controlled by and large by
the same people trying to save Clinton). Also, the dominant Jewish Lobby
can't come out in the open totally or they would become identified in the
public's mind and the mind of many Congressmen with lying, perjury and
infidelity in marriage. They've done their best, but they've lost the
impeachment battle. Now they hope to win in the Senate in save Clinton, but
they'll let him go if they can't spin him out of the position he's in,
which is, liar, liar pants on fire. (Incidentally, I say "dominant" Jewish
lobby to recognize those few but courageous Jews who are opposing the
Netanyahu faction and trying to be even-handed regarding the future of the
Mideast, such as those who help bring the MER (Middle East Report) to the
internet and some public TV stations.)

Finally, I really rear that the CIA and/or Mossad (Israel's intelligence
agency) are right now figuring out how to create a "terrorist" incident
that will rev public opinion up to support an attack on Iraq. This tactic
was used in World War I when Great Britain (not Germany) sunk the Lusitania
(see works of Douglas Reed such as Far and Wide or the Controversy of Zion,
among many others) and in WWII when FDR cut off vital raw materials to
Japan, backing them into a corner, and then held the intelligence that a
Japanese attack was imminent from the naval commanders at Pearl Harbor on
Dec 7, 1941. This to maximize the damage at Pearl Harbor to insure that the
US public would be outraged into entering WWII.)

If you find this e-mail helpful, please spread it around the net. It took
me quite a while to write it. I hope it fills in the picture a little for
those perceptive souls who noticed the recent post-election shift in media
tone against Clinton. Jim Condit Jr.

On Monday, December 14, 1998 10:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 12/14/98 9:51:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> >
> >  All:
> >
> >  Has anyone besides myself noticed a slight--but nonetheless
> >  palpable--change in the media's approach to covering the Clinton
> >  impeachment proceedings? I could be wrong, but I am beginning to
detect a
> >  certain "hostile abandonment" concerning Clinton's plight.
> >
> >
> Now you've got me really confused. Others had me convinced that they
hated him
> all along.       Jim
> ==========
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> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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