-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.in-search-
of.com/frames/government/articles/bush_061297.shtml">The Case of Bush's
The Case of
Bush's Follies

The Case of Bush's Follies

AP article on 10/1/95. Barbara Bush's Book: Former first lady Barbara
Bush admires a book of drawings presented to her Thursday by some of the
pediatric patients at Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine, which is
creating a new $9 million pediatric hospital to be called Barbara Bush
Children's Hospital. [Perhaps this is in honor of the daughter they lost
to leukemia.]

Newsweek, 9/25/95, p. 54: In Tokyo, [George] Bush delivered a paid
speech on "family values" to an enthusiastic crowd of 20,000 women.
Problem was, the Woman's Federation for World Peace was set up by the
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and most of those who paid $120 to get in were
members of Moon's Unification Church, often called a cult. (A Bush
spokesman said he had been unaware of the Moon connection.)

AP, 9/15/95: TOKYO -- George Bush addressed 50,000 disciples of the Rev.
Sun Myung Moon, ignoring critics who accused him of lending his name to
an unscrupulous cult. As Bush urged the group Thursday to devote itself
"to finding ways to strengthen the family," Japanese mothers stood
outside passing out leaflets and describing how Moon's Unification
Church split their families apart. "They are like manipulated puppets,"
Teruko Honma, leader of one opponents' group, said of Moon's young
followers. The former president and his wife, Barbara, spoke at the
Tokyo Dome stadium before an assembly of the Women's Federation for
World Peace, headed by Moon's wife, Hak Ja Han Moon. The former
president did not mention the protests or the Unification Church in his
half-hour speech. Both Bushes were effusive in their praise for the
women's federation and its chairwoman, Motoko Sugiyama. Mrs. Bush said
she was thrilled to be invited to Japan for the gathering and called
Sugiyama 'my younger sister.' Officials of the women's federation insi
sted it was separate from the Unification Church but acknowledged it
follows Moon's teachings. The Unification Church, based in South Korea,
presents itself as mainstream Christian, but critics have accused it of
devious recruitment tactics, brainwashing members and duping them out of

Newsweek, 9/25/95, p. 71. (A picture is shown of Bush shaking hands with
MC victim (current) Michael Jackson in the White House.)

AP photo, 4/2/96: Caption reads "Former President George Bush and wife
Barbara assist singer Lee Greenwood in singing 'God Bless the USA'
yesterday in Sevierville, Tenn., at the grand-opening of the new Lee
Greenwood Theater..." [NOTE: Cathy mentioned the Bush/Greenwood in her
book, which was published in 9/95, seven months BEFORE Bush showed up at
the opening.

Chattanooga Times, 4/2/96: According to caption, "Barbara Bush and Gov.
Don Sundquist were also on hand to open the $10 million, 1,776-seat

Chatt. Free Press, 3/17/96, A12: "Bush Honored During Saudi Arabia
Visit" JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia -- King Fahd has decorated former President
George Bush with Saudi Arabia's highest honor, the King Abdul-Aziz
Medallion. Bush met Fahd on Friday evening in this Red Sea port city,
the official Saudi Press Agency reported Saturday. The medal he received
is named after Fahd's father, the founder of Saudi Arabia. Bush is held
in high regard in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil-rich Persian Gulf
Arab region for his role in assembling the international military
coalition that ousted Iraqi forces from Kuwait in the 1991 Gulf War.
Bush later flew to the capital, Riyadh, for meetings with government and
business leaders.

[Wait a minute. I thought Bush was out of office? No matter. Cathy
O'Brien exposed some other "business" arrangement between Bush and Fahd
in her book, some that involved her being used to prostitute to Fahd to
seal agreements. According to Cathy, Fahd had also been taught how to
use MK programming on sexual slaves.]

AP, 2/4/96: WASHINGTON -- The government believes George Bush accepted
$223,000 in illegal campaign contributions in 1988, but after seven
years of investigation concluded that it was too late to penalize him.
Instead of paying thousands of dollars in fines -- the usual punishment
for such an infraction -- Bush's campaign was simply reprimanded in a
letter from the Federal Election Commission and told to "take steps to
ensure that this kind of activity does not occur in the future," FEC
documents show. There's little chance of that. Bush lost the presidency
in 1992..."It tells people that crime does pay," said Ellen Miller,
director of the Center for Responsive Politics.

Atlanta Journal, 9/5/93, A4, by Jill Vejnoska: "Bush blends happy talk,
flag-waving in $100,000 speech to Amway crowd" "...private citizen
George Bush, speaking at the Georgia Dome on Saturday night, still
sounded like the public servant who espoused family values. 'When we
talked about traditional family values, the media and liberal critics
just didn't get it,' Mr. Bush told a capacity crowd of Amway
distributors...What better setting to make his 'largest-audience speech
since leaving public housing last January,' Mr. Bush wondered aloud,
than at the meeting 'surrounded by 75,000 pieces of the American
dream'...Referring to the past eight months as his 'rather pleasant
hiatus in private life,' Mr. Bush spoke of learning to play Nintendo
from an 8-year-old grandson and listening to a 4-month-old grandson
scream. 'Such lung power,' Mr. Bush said. 'I'm convinced he will be an
American senator.'"

Angela Reid's letter to Atlanta Journal, 9/6/92: My definition of family
values? Absolutely not Bush's definition of family values. Here's why:
No. 1, Neil Bush, a savings and loan scam crook who ripped off taxpayers
of millions of dollars and now has his assets in his wife's name. No. 2,
George Bush Jr., a director and major stockholder in a company (Harken
Energy of Texas) with exclusive rights to develop all of Bahrain's
offshore oil, where the United States is locating a major military base.
No. 3, Jeb Bush, owner of extensive real estate holdings in Cuba, where
the United States is building another military base while closing bases
around the nation. No.4, Brescott Bush, manager of Bush family finances,
invested $350 million in Panama. (Former Panamanian strongman Gen.
Manuel) Noriega was considering nationalizing all of the private
investments. Guess what happened? Operation Just Cause. Just cause the
Bush family had so much money tied up in Panama? No. 5, George Bush Sr.
'Read my lips. No new taxes.' 'I'm the education president.' 'I believe
in strong family values.' Need I say more? My elders taught me that you
try to do right by others. You don't lie, cheat, steal, or deliberately
hurt others. You be the kind of person who cares about ourself, others,
and the world you live in. I'm glad I listened to my elders.

PARADE 10/17/93: In a "New York Times" editorial...the conservative
William Safire has suggested..."George Bush privately assured Bill
Clinton he would not criticize the new President during the first year
of his term...In what may be an unspoken quid pro quo, the Clinton
Administration has moved to quash any revelations about Bush's Iraq-gate
scandal." This involved clandestine U.S. aid to Iraq in the '80s,
slipped through an Italian bank, which Saddam Hussein used to pay for
his secret nuclear building.

Atlanta Journal Constitution, 7/8/94 A8. Several of the 300 attendees
interviewed...said Bush told those gathered that it should be left to
elected opposition leaders, and not him, to critize Clinton policies.

Atlanta Journal Constitution, 11/16/94, A10: Premier Li Peng thanked
former President George Bush in Beijing for preserving China's
low-tariff trade status, one of the most controversial policies of his
administration. At a dinner he gave in Bush's honor, Li expressed
appreciation for "his correct decision to renew China's most-favored
-nation trading status," the official Xinhua News Agency said. Li
declared martial law in Beijing in 1989, clearing the way for the army
to fire on peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators. Bush imposed sanctions,
but for three straight years vetoed congressional efforts to cancel
China's most-favored-nation status as punishment.

Atlanta Journal Constitution, 3/22/94, A8: "I really meant it when I
said I would get active with the grandchildren. The biggest danger to us
is the disintegration of the American family."--Former President George
Bush, in Time magazine.

Newsweek, January 23, 1995, p. 4: A country-Music Jamboree wasn't
exactly what Barbara Bush had in mind for her 50th-wedding-anniversary
celebration. But George Bush enthusiastically agreed to the Grand Ole
Opry benefit concert planned by his favorite music group, the Oak Ridge
Boys [either MK handlers and/or slaves, according to O'Brien]. To
appease his grump wife, friends suggested that Bush first take her to
Sea Island, Ga., where they honeymooned. He did, and by the time the
couple reached the Opry house, Mrs. Bush was in a better mood for an
evening of songs by such folks as Loretta Lynn [another MK victim,
according to Cathy O'Brien], Ricky Skaggs, Eddie Rabbitt and Amy Grant
and testimonials from Phyllis Diller, Yakov Smirnoff, "Family Feud" host
Ray Combs and Marilyn Quayle. It was a "special evening we'll never
forget," said Bush. Who could?

NEWSWEEK, 7/4/94, p. 38: "The Bush Family Franchise" Ask George W. Bush
(CANDIDATE for governor of Texas) and Jeb Bush (candidate for governor
of Florida) to name their heroes and they give the same answer: "Winston
Churchill, my father and my mother." Ask what it means to be a Bush, and
you get a kind but pitying stare. "It means you don't talk about what it
means," says Jeb. "We didn't talk politics or duty and destiny at the
dinner table. Everything was sublimated"...George W...resume looks a lot
like his father's: DKE and Skull and Bones at Yale, military pilot,
Texas oilman...In the meantime, the Bush franchise is prepping a fourth
generation: Jeb's older son, the 18-year-old known as "P" in the
family...he has decided to attend Rice University in Houston. The campus
is a short drive from his grandparents' home...

Atlanta Journal Constitution, 7/26/94, B2. CAN YOU SAY HOLLYWOOD? Steven
Seagal made his entrance astride an elephant. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Sylvester Stallone did the macho bit on horse-drawn chariots...just
another opening of another show at another Planet Hollywood restaurant
grand opening...Even George and Barbara Bush were there, surprise guests
at a party that ran into the early hours Monday.

PARADE Magazine, 9/25/94, p. 18: Despite all their Presidential travel,
Mrs. Bush still sounds eager for more. "We have 13 grandchildren," she
said, "and george and I had such a great life. We took 11 of them and
went off on a tour of the Greek Isles and ended up at Euro Disney."

Atlanta Journal/Constitution full-page ad for "Georgia's Most Popular
Business Seminar, SUCCESS 1994...How much you earn is determined by how
much you learn...Attend this dynamic seminar and learn the latest
strategies for business and personal success." "Very special guest
speaker: Success 1994 is very proud to present President George Bush"
Other main speakers: Robert Schuller, Zig Ziglar, Dr. Ted Broer, Peter
Lowe, Mary Lou Retton, & Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf. Price per person
"Reg. $225 Now Only! $49."

Atlanta J/C, 9/13/94, C2: Former first lady Barbara Bush says in her
autobiography that she fell into a deep depression in 1976. It came
after she and George returned from his stint as ambassador to China in
1976. "Night after night George held me weeping in his arms while I
tried to explain my feelings," she writes in "A Memoir," out this month.
"Sometimes the pain was so great I felt the urge to drive into a tree or
an oncoming car." She says eventually the cloud "lifted" and enver

[It's my understanding that a number of Bushes, particularly George
Bush, are strong stockholders in Lilly & Co.] Atlanta J/C, 9/10/94, B3:
Eli Lilly & Co. said Friday it had completed the acquisition of all
remaining shares of Sphinx Pharmaceuticals Corp. for $6 each, or about
$72 million...Lilly plans to integrate Sphinx, based in Durham, N.C.,
with its Lilly Research Laboratories unit.

[Wasn't Lilly one of the companies that the CIA got its experimental LSD
from during earlier MKUltra testing on involuntary citizens?]

Atlanta J/C, 9/4/94, A9: At another point, [Barbara Bush] expresses
doubts about Anita Hill's veracity during hearings on the Supreme Court
nomination of Clarence Thomas. "The question is, is this woman telling
the truth?" she says she wrote in her diary..."It is Clarence's word a
gainst Anita Hill's. I do not mean to sit in judgment, but I will never
believe that she, a Yale Law School graduate, a woman of the '80s, would
put up with harassment for one moment, much less follow the harasser
from job to job." "It will come as no surprise that I felt a lesser man
by far had won the election," she writes of Bill Clinton in the

Atlanta J/C, 8/14/94, P.2: [George Bush's] main interest is planning his
Presidential library on the campus of Texas A&M. But Mr. Bush, now 70,
also is busy collaborating with Brent Scowcroft, his former
national-security adviser, on a book about foreign policy.

Atlanta J/C, 9/1/94, B6: George Bush and his national security adviser,
Brent Scowcroft, couldn't finish their book on foreign policy because
Bush had trouble focusing and Scowcroft hadn't kept good notes,
according to Washingtonian magazine, so they've hired writer James
McCall to wrap it up..."

Newsweek, p. 2, 8/8/94. In his book "Standing Firm," Dan Quayle takes
pot shots at most of the Bush team except the former president. In
public, Bush has returned the favor, maintaining a discreet silence
about Quayle's recap of his much-ridiculed vice presidency. But Bush has
told friends that settling scores in print with former colleagues-- and
potential '96 presidential rivals--like James Baker and Jack Kemp was
politically dumb. The ex-veep would have helped his image more by
offering new ideas or policy analysis, Bush has said. "The only guy who
gets hurt by that book is Quayle," Bush told a pal. [Picture: Bush with
two young ladies - granddaughters? - at EuroDisney.]

NEWSWEEK, 3/13/95, p. 20 - Only 14 Senate Democrats were supporting the
balanced-budget amendment, six others having tiptoed away from it since
last year. The final hope was Mark Hatfield, the lone "no" vote among 53
Republicans. So last Wednesday Dole placed a call to Houston to
Hatfield's good friend...George Bush...Would he use his stature as a
former president and appeal to Hatfield's loyalty? Bush did his part, of
course...The next day, Hatfield talked to Dole...Hatfield politely said

AP, 8/22/95. Fitzwater also wrote that Bush in his last year in office
suffered more from an irregular heartbeat that was generally known. He
said it was caused by changes in his medication for a thyroid problem,
which left him sick and tired: "His body was a reluctant warrior. The
old zip was gone."

Chatt. Times, 7/22/95, A6, "Is Newt Gingrich too cute?" by Maureen Dowd.
This weekend [Gingrich] will join the happy campers at Bohemian Grove,
the exclusive men's club in northern California that has, over the
years, offered power tents and "camp valets" to such Republicans as Kiss
inger, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, David Rockefeller and George Schultz.
The camp is a saturnalia of juvenilia, with a lot of old white rich guys
running around naked and in sheets, costumed as Druids. They drink
dawn-to-dusk gin fizzes, relieve themselves on redwoods and put on
theatricals where they dress up like women.

NEWSWEEK, 5/22/95, p. 4. The National Rifle Association may have lost
one high-profile member last week. But former president George Bush's
angry resignation seems to have intensified the group's commitment to
its hard-line policies -- and won it some new friends. top lobbyist Tan
ya Metaksa boasted to NEWSWEEK that NRA membership, now about 3.4
million, actually jumped in the wake of Bush's action, netting eight new
pledges for every one defection.

NEWSWEEK, 5/29/95, p. 17. "I've got to be careful about who I get in bed
with." Former president George Bush, on Democratic support he has
received since quitting the National Rifle Association.

Readers Digest, 5/95, p. 103. Former President Bush commented on how his
wife had not changed toward him since he was knighted by Queen
Elizabeth. "I asked her how she liked being married to a knight," Mr.
Bush said, "and she said, 'Sir George, make the coffee.'" Karen DeWitt
in New York Times

Harper's Magazine, 8/94, p. 37, "End Game" by Jack Hitt. After Franklin
Roosevelt, every president has walked out with all his own paperwork in
order to set up a library...Each modern president has "donated" his
papers to the National Archives in exchange for a perpetually funded
presidential library...President Bush's is now under construction, while
the 36 million [!] "official" documents of his service--which were
packed into four C-5 cargo planes his last day--sit in an abandoned
bowling alley in Texas...privacy claims diminish after death, but
property is forever, and it can be handed down to children,
grandchildren, or faithful executors.

NEWSWEEK, not dated. Washington's Alibi Club has long been a haunt for
old spooks. Allen Dulles, director of the CIA in the 1950s, used the
club as a retreat to hatch agency plots. Last month, another former CIA
director, George Bush, met with a group of cronies at the Alibi and
dreamed up an interesting political plot. Bush aides say the former
president, along with former secretary of state James Baker and several
other pals, was looking for a way to entice Colin Powell into the
presidential race. The Elder White Men devised a plan to persuade Powell
to take the vice presidential nomination--in exchange for a promise of
better things. The presidential nominee--namely Bob Dole--would agree to
serve for only one term and then step aide for Powell. And Powell as
veep would oversee foreign policy. Within a few days Bush visited Powell
at his Virginia home. No one is confirming what they discussed, but Bush
intimates are confident he told Powell that the Alibi Club scenario is

AP, 10/18/95. "Spirited former first lady admits life after White House
now gets her vote" ARLINGTON, Va.--Sporting her trademark faux pearls
and no-nonsense grit, former first lady Barbara Bush said Tuesday she
doesn't miss much about Washington. "I don't really miss it, no. I
always thought people who missed things were either stupid or dumb. If
you don't like what you're doing, change it," Mrs. Bush said at an
awards luncheon honoring her work on literacy. But would she recommend a
turn in the White House to old friends Alma and Colin Powell? He was
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Bush administration and is
considering his own presidential bid. "We spent the weekend together,
but as friends," Mrs. Bush said. "I didn't have to tell her anything.
She's...a strong woman." Mrs. Powell has said she doesn't want her
husband to run and she worries for his safety. Afger describing life
outside the White House as a whirlwind of ceremonies, dedications and
international travel, Mrs. Bush said of life with a one-term president:
"He may not be able to keep a job, but he's never boring." Mrs. Bush,
70, said her husband was a "tad amused" that she had been chosen for the
Freddom Forum's "Free Spirit" award. "He's been tellling me for years to
calm that free spirit down." Then, handed the silver award and told it
gives her license to exercise her free spirit, the former lady grinned.
"I think that should go in the bedroom," she said.

AP, 1/25/97. "Presidents join forces for volunteerism summit" WASHINGTON
 -- setting aside past political rivalries, President Clinton and former
President Bush announced Friday they will serve as co-hosts of an April
summit on community service and volunteerism. Retired Army Gen. Colin
Powell will run the Philadelphia meeting. "Citizen service belongs to no
party, no ideology. It is an American idea which every American should
embrace," Clinton said in an East Room ceremony attended by Bush and
Powell. Former Presidents Carter and Reagan have pledged their support
for the April 27-29 event, in which President Ford also plans to
participate. "When it comes to addressing many of the problems facing
our nation, it isn't a question of partisan politics, one side against
another. It's a question of all pulling for the 'common good,'" Bush
said...the summit is meant to build on the effort of Bush's [Illuminati]
"Thousand Points of Light" volunteerism initiative and Clinton's
AmeriCorps community service prograrm to encourage more activism among

[Picture shows a visibly sick and disoriented George Bush -- reportedly
due to his ongoing thyroid problems -- sitting to the next to President
Clinton, who acts like all is totally normal. Very weird situation.]

The Washington Times, Washington, D.C., 6/29/89, P. 1. "Homosexual
prostitution probe ensnares officials of Bush, Reagan" by Paul M.
Rodriguez and George Archibald. A homosexual prostitution ring is under
investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its
clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military
officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with clos
e social ties to Washington's political elite, documents obtained by The
Washington Times reveal. One of the ring's high-profile clients was so
well-connected, in fact, that he could arrange a middle-of-the-night
tour of the White House for his friends on Sunday, July3, of last year.
Among the six persons on the extraordinary 1 a.m. tour were two male

AP, 4/2/95. HOUSTON -- George Bush doesn't want to make a big deal out
of his trip to Vietnam this fall. "It's a private visit to a private
organization. There's no political ramifications to hiis visit," Bush
spopkesman Jim McGrath said Thursday, declining to elaborate. The trip,
tentatively set for September, will be sponsored by Citibank. McGrath
didn't know whether or how much the former president will be paid.

PEOPLE Magazine, 4/1/96, p. 41. Barbara Bush, practical joker? She
certainly laid claim to the title last November when Kevin Costner and
Don Johnson, in Houston shooting "Tin Cup"...dined with George Bush and
the former First Lady at the couple's house. After dinner, Mrs. Bush
asked her two guests to walk with her down the block to the home of one
of her best friends, Mildred Kerr. Once there, Mrs. Bush hid behind,
appropriately, a bush, as the two actors rang Kerr's bell. When Kerr
answered the door, Johnson asked for a cup of sugar. Before the stunned
woman could react, her pal jumped out and yelled, "Surprise!"

Esquire, 6/91. "George Bush: How He Got Here" by Richard Ben Cramer. P.
79: "After all, Grandfather Walker moved the family from St. Louis to
play with the Harrimans and Vanderbilts and Astors." "Prescott Bush
[George's father] spent the bulk of his adult life in the monied sanctum
of the Harrimans themselves: He was a managing partner of Brown Brothers
Harriman, private bankers to the owning class. He blonged to the clubs
of New York's forever-monied. He lived among them in Greenwich (his
daily commuting pal was a Rockefeller)." [Prescott Bush] was a man of
important service: founder of the Community Chest in Columbus, O. To be
a Bush was to be of benefit: That was the legacy." "Noone in Midland or
in New York, at the hospital, ever saw Barbara Bush cry, through seven
months, while her daughter [Robin, who died of leukemia] slipped
away...George was there that night, when Robin died. She was two months
short of her fourth birthday. George and Bar did not bury her, but left
her for the doctors at Sloan-Kettering...All at once, the unfairness,
the pain and loss, came crashing down on her and she was without
strength, without will. It was George now who took her in hand. And he
did what he thought best: The day after Robin died, it was George who
went to the hospital to tank everybody who had tried to save his child.
And then, in Rye, he took Bar to the club and they played golf...They
had to go on, he told her. But for a while, she did not know how...in
later years, she always gave him credit for saving her, for saving
them." "In the span of a year, Zapata and Perkins-Prothro drilled s
eventy-one holes...and seventy-one of them hit. By the end of that year,
they were pumping out 1,250 barrels of oil each day, aat that time worth
about 1.3 million a year. By the time the Jameson field was fully
drilled, the partnership had bored 127 holes...and 127 wells produced.
George and Hugh were said to be the first of the Midland independents
who were worth a milllion a piece" "George also teamed up with Bob Wood,
one of the fellows who snuck in a week ahead on that Jameson deal, and
those two started a bank, the Commercial Bank and Trust Company. Bush
was just thirty years old.

Chattanooga Free Press, 4/26/96, C1 by Chris Shackleford. Former
President George W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, may be out of the
political spotlight, but retirement hasn't slowed them down. During the
past six months the couple has traveled to 16 foreign countries and 22
states, delivering speeches and working on behalf of various causes and
charities. Last week it was the former first lady Barbara Bush's turn as
she addressed a crowd of 25,000 at Peter Lowe's Success 1996 Seminar at
Atlant's Georgia Dome...Looking back over 51 years of marriage and ups
and downs of life in the political arena, "I wouldn't change a thing
about George Bush and our life together," she told the audience.

Chatt. Free Press, 5/15/97, A2. WASHINGTON -- a former CIA agent has
withdrawn his $4 million defamation suit against Barbara Bush after she
acknowledged that his book was not responsible for the assassination of
another agent. In "Barbara Bush: A Memoir," the former first lady
claimed that a book written by Philip Aggee had led to the slaying of
Richard Welch, the CIA's station chief in Greece, many years earlier.

National Digest, 5/20/97. HOUSTON -- "President and Mrs. Bush are
somewhat in a state of shock because it happened so quickly," [Bush
spokesman] McGrath said. Mildred Kerr, the Bushes' longtime friend and
Houston neighbor for whom Millie was named, said the dog "was loved so
much by Mrs. Bush and the whole family."

Houston Chronical, reprinted in Atlanta J/C, 5/9/93. HOUSTON -- Many
Houstonians are angry that taxpayers might have to foot the bill for an
"elitist" proposal to build a fence so that former President George Bush
and his neighbors don't have to deal with tourist traffic through their
subdivision. "They seem to believe, said a woman answering the phones
[at the City Council], that if he...has enough money to summer in
Kennebunkport, Maine, he can buy his own fence." Because the street is
public property, the law prohibits residents from installing their own
barriers, which is why a change in law is sought, said Barbara Patton, a
Bush neighbor and gate advocate. She adds that residents have every
intention of reimbursing the city. She says the project is essential to
provide safety and restore tranquillity to the neighborhood.

Full-page ad in Chattanooga Free Press for "Peter Lowe's SUCCESS 1997."
 "Peter Lowe's SUCCESS 1997 is also very proud to present Barbara Bush."
Other speakers: Zig Ziglar "Gold in Goals: The Skills of Motivation",
Dr. Robert Schuller, "Live Your Dreams", Peter Lowe "Secrets of the
World's Most Successful People", Dick Vitale "Winning the Game of Life",
Dr. Ted Broer "Eat, Drink & Be Healthy", Tom Hopkins "Selling With
Integrity", and Larry King "Larry King...Live".

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Created: Thursday, June 12, 1997 -- Last update: Monday, January 11,
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
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