-Caveat Lector-

JoAnne Schmitz wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> I wrote this more than a month ago but did not finish it.  Some numerology on
> Juanita Broaddrick:
>         4                 7
>        13                16
>   3     9   1       6 1       9         11
> J U A N I T A   B R O A D D R I C K             80 = 8
> 1   1 5   2     2 9     4 4 9   3 11    15
>        9                 42              6
>                           6
>          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 11 22
> native   4  2  2  2  1  1        4  1
> derived           1     2  1  1  1  1
> final                         *
> [Native numbers are those associated with the letters in the name; derived are
> those that are produced by addition of elements of the name, final is the final
> complete total.]
> When a final number is not represented in the native numbers, it means that the
> individual has a destiny or goal beyond that which they are easily suited for.
> In this case the destiny or goal is related to power.  8 is also called the
> "instant karma" number because it often presages a payback this time around on
> the wheel, or right away instead of waiting for the next incarnation or next
> year.
> She gets the 8 from the 80; she gets power by being powerless (0) next to a
> powerful person (any guesses?).
> She has an unusual strength in the number 1, which is leadership or
> strong-willed behavior.  She is also strong with the number 9 of subtle
> transformation.  She lacks 7 and 8, which is not unusual, but suggests a certain
> unwillingness to see her own power and a disconnect from spiritual things and
> anything other than the practical matters most at hand.  That the 7 and 8 do
> appear in her derived numbers suggests that she does work on these, they're just
> not easy for her and may feel imposed by circumstance.
> The 4 is stronger in her nature than in her derived numbers; she feels like she
> should be more involved in bedrock activity, making things, in on the bottom
> floor of structures.  The 6 is stronger in her derived than in her native
> numbers; she ends up being a second banana or employee type more than she would
> like, though she is good at it, she'd like more initiative.
> We don't expect 11 or 22 to be very common.  11 is transcendent but comes back
> to teach us.  22 is transcendent and goes beyond us.  Those who have a strong 22
> can be very powerful spiritually but have a very difficult time conveying what
> they know to others and usually don't try for long.  Juanita has the 11 but not
> the 22.  Sometimes 11 can be unaware of the message it is sending, or only sees
> it after it has been sent.  This number popped up in Monica Lewinsky's numbers
> too.
> 11 sends back through the person's other strong numbers -- in Juanita's case,
> she has a strong 9 and her often unconscious transformative power is notable.
> Interesting that she was in the retirement home business, where the 9 of
> recycling and ending would be strong.  The 1 power she has is probably not very
> visible to her either; she is visible to others a leader but does not see
> herself in that way.
> -JoAnne

Numerology is drivel. Non information posing as non information.

Worse than superstitious misinformation posing as religion in
the Bible.

Absolutely meaningless crap.


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