-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from-
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly reccomended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material. As, always, Caveat

In stock:A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)


     Memorandum Number Seven:

 How The Order Relates To The Council On
 Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission
        And Similar Organizations

 Organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) do not fit
the requirements for a conspiracy. They are simply too large and their
membership is not secret. The membership list for The Order has never
surfaced until now. Anyone can obtain a list of members for the CFR
and the Trilateral Commission. Also, too many people are included as
members in these organizations who are just not given to membership in
conspiratorial groups.

 Certainly there is off-the-record discussion and certainly the general
direction of U.S. policy reflects majority thinking in these organizations
- but they are not conspiracies.

 Moreover, the CFR and its sister organizations are not geared to ac-
tion and implementation of policy. Compare, for example, the Brown Brothers,
Harriman firm with nine members of The Order and the CFR
Obviously the first is more cohesive, yet more low profile, more able to
conceal its actions, yet more action oriented.

 The larger open organizations are a forum for discussion, a place
where ideas can be kicked around, "a rich man's club", as someone
commented, where people can be assessed, where discrete comment
and criticism can be made away from a nosy press and a possibly un-
sympathetic public. They may not be elected bodies, but neither are
they conspiracies; they fall in the shadow of a conspiracy. They are
neither democratic or dictatorial.

The Role Of The Order

 The Order is represented in these organizations but does not always
dominate. David Rockefeller, a former chairman of the CFR, is not a
member of The Order (only Percy Rockefeller has represented the fami-
ly), but the present CFR chairman, Winston Lord, is.

  We can represent the relationship between The Order and the larger
groups as a series of concentric circles. The CFR, etc. form an outer
circle, i.e., a penumbra. They exist in a shadow cast by an inner
organization. It is this inner organization that needs to be surfaced. The
Order is the inner circle and Chapter 322 is a part of this inner circle
because it is unlikely Chapter 322 is the only chapter in the U.S. We
suspect, but cannot yet prove, at least one other.

   How Chapter 322 Of The Order Relates
         To Other Organizations

The Inner Core

The Inner Circle
 Chapter 322 of THE ORDER

The Outer Circle  ---  The Penumbra of THE ORDER
Council on Foreign Relations
The Trilateral Commission
Pilgrim Society
Atlantic Council
Bohemian Club
(San Francisco)

  In brief, it looks like three segments:   -
    (1) The outer circle, made up of large, open organizations with
    some membership coming from The Order.

    (2) The inner circle, made up of one or more secret societies
    like Chapter 322. We can only prove one chapter at this time

    (3) The inner core, a secret society within a secret society. This
    is the inner decision-making core. We cannot prove it exists, but
    logic suggests that some members of the inner circle will form an
    executive committee, an action group, an inner core. While we
    cannot prove the existence of an inner core, there are some ob-
    vious candidates for membership and we could hazard a guess as
    to the identity of the Chairman.

 The Outer Circle

  The Council on Foreign Relations is the largest organization in the
outer circle. It has about 2500 members at any one time, as many as
The Order in its entire history. The Trilateral Commission has 200
members world wide, but only 70 in the United States. These are
younger organizations. The CFR dates from 1922. The Pilgrims from
1900, The Trilateral Commission from 1973. and the Biiderbergers
from the 1950s.

  How many members of The Order are in the CFR?

  This is not the place for an exhaustive analysis, but a general idea can
be gained from looking at names in The Order beginning with the letter

  The following are members of The Order and the Council on Foreign

   Jonathan Bingham (Congressman)

   William F. Buckley (Editor, National Review, and The Order's
    house conservative)

    McGeorge Bundy (Foundation executive)

   William Bundy (Central Intelligence Agency)

    George Bush (Vice-President of the United States)

  The makeup of the Council on Foreign Relations reflects its purpose
as a meeting ground, a discussion forum. The CFR mainly consists of
government officials, industrialists and academics. The Order has a
distinctly different makeup, i.e.. many more lawyers, for example, and
a wider variety of declared occupations with far fewer industrialists.

The Trilateral Commission

  The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by David
Rockefeller and comprises 200 members world wide, of whom about
77 are American. There is no overlap among memberships; for exam-
ple, lumber industrialist Frederick Weyerhaeuser was in The Order. but
his son is in the Trilateral Commission and not The Order. Similarly,
Robert Taft, Jr., is in the Trilateral Commission but not The Order, even
though The Order was co-founded by his great grandfather and eight
Tafts have been members. The link is elusive, conceivably there may
not be a link.

 The Trilateral Commission is not a conspiracy. Its membership list is
completely public - it costs a postage stamp to get one. The Commis-
sion publishes dozens of booklets. The organization is completely above
ground. In fact, this author has openly debated with George Franklin
Jr.. Coordinator of the Trilateral Commission on the radio. Mr. Franklin
did show a rather ill-concealed dislike for the assault on his pet global
New World Order - and made the mistake of attempting to disguise this
objective, but evasion and hostility do not constitute conspiracy.

Conspirators just don't appear on radio talk shows to debate their

 Temporarily the following facts should be held in mind:

   * J. Richardson Dilworth. at Room 3600 Rockefeller Plaza, and
    the Rockefeller Family Associates' chief financial and ad-
    ministrative officer. is a member of The Order.

   * Percy Rockefeller (1900) was a member of The Order, but no
    other Rockefeller name is on the list.

 It may be that the Trilateral Commission will prove to be a purely
David Rockefeller personal endeavor rather than a broader establish-
ment vehicle. However, Trilateral purposes, as portrayed in the
literature. are almost identical to those of The Order. It may be a vehicle to
attain an interim goal, i.e., three regional groupings. In this case J.
Richardson Dilworth is the conduit and liaison.


 So far as we can trace, only William F. Buckley is a member of the
Bilderbergers and The Order.

Pilgrim Society

 The Order does not show up directly on the Executive Committee of
the Pilgrim Society, but only through family names, i.e., Aldrich and
Pratt. The Pilgrim Society is probably a rather harmless social club using
its annual dinners to cement ties between the British and American

The Inner Circle

Chapter 322 of The Order differs from the CFR, the Trilateral Com-
 mission and similar organizations in that it is truly a secret society. Its
purposes and membership are not disclosed. It is paranoid about the
 secrecy and in covering its trail.

  The circumstances that surround the founding of Scroll & Key in
 1850s suggest this secret society may in fact be Chapter 323. But that is
 pure speculation. So we have two secret societies that differ extensively
 from the CFR, Trilaterals and others and which can be seen as making
 up an inner circle.

  Even this inner circle is too large for decision making. No doubt in-
 cludes many active or just plain bored members, even many who have
 forgotten they were ever initiated and who might be shocked to read in
 this book that they belong to a subversive organization. So logically
 there is a secret society within the secret society. Again, we cannot
 prove it, but it's a logical deduction. This would be an executive com-
 mittee that controls finances and makes basic decisions.

 Another important distinction between the outer core and the inner
circle is in funding. This is important because funding controls
everything. The families in The Order are closer to more foundations
and more sources of funding than the Rockefeller family. To be sure
the Rockefeller family has 1 percent of Chase Manhattan stock, enough
for control, and it has influence in the Rockefeller Foundation, but this
doesn't compare to the centuries long pervasive influence of The Order.
Remember, it was The Order that got John D. Rockefeller off the
ground with his General Education Board, not the other way round.

 It's an open question quite how the Trilaterals fit with The Order. It
may be the international aspect of The Order, it may be a Rockefeller
dominated group.

 Many of these old line families see the Rockefellers as upstarts, as
nouveau riche, not quite on the outside looking in, but definitely not
socially acceptable without some reservations _ except for their
money, of course. Anyone who heard Nelson Rockefeller speak and
compared his syntax to the polished charm of a Boston Brahmin will
understand. There's a New England saying that "the Lowells only talk
to the Cabots and the Cabots only talk to God". The Rockefellers just
are not in this league.

 And if we may be excused a little gossip : we have been told by several
establishment people that David Rockefeller is just "not too bright", and
Nelson Rockefeller was the only man in America who could torture the
English language to the extent of placing two "non sequiturs" in one

   If we were to look back to 1983 from the year 2083, it could be that
the Rockefellers will have followed in the footsteps of the Carnegies and
the Morgans. Names in dusty files but no longer represented in the
power group.

pps. 36-40
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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