-Caveat Lector-

   Monday March 15 4:44 PM ET

Judge Dismisses Human Organs Case

   NEW YORK (Reuters) - The absence of a key witness caused a federal
   judge Monday to throw out an indictment of two men accused of
   trafficking in human organs taken from executed Chinese prisoners.

   The trial of Chen Yong Wang and Xing Qi Fu had originally been set for
   Feb. 1, but was delayed when it was determined that an informant in
   the case had left the United States and was refusing to testify.

   U.S. District Judge Deborah Batts ruled Monday that defense attorneys
   had shown it would violate their clients' constitutional rights to
   proceed to trial without being allowed to question the witness.

   Batts also criticized federal prosecutors for failing to investigate
   the informant's credibility or reliability.

   ``The government believes that its investigation and prosecution of
   this case was responsible and well-founded,'' said Herbert Haddad, a
   spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Manhattan. He said
   prosecutors disagreed with the judge's ruling and are assessing their

   Defense lawyers had argued that records obtained from the government
   showed that the informant had instigated the scheme and entrapped Chen
   and Xing.

   The defendants were indicted last year for allegedly conspiring to
   acquire organs from executed Chinese prisoners to be used in
   transplant operations. At the time, federal officials said the case
   could provide the first evidence to support dissidents' descriptions
   of the trafficking in human organs in China.

   The charges grew out of an FBI sting operation based on information
   from human rights advocate Harry Wu, who spent 19 years in Chinese
   labor camps for criticizing the Chinese leadership.

   According to court papers, Chen, who lives in the New York City
   borough of Queens, worked previously as a public prosecutor in China.
   Xing is a Chinese citizen also living in Queens.


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