-Caveat Lector-

[part 3 of 3]

        Reporter Roy Deane, in Idols  magazine (December, 1987), listed
some of the questions left hanging by the death of Jimi Hendrix:

           Three poor photocopies of memoes sent to the Director of the
F.B.I. They     were dated June '69; some passages were deleted. The way
the feds work, I knew they were the bits that mattered....  Canadian
immigration was trying to get the bureau to help deport Hendrix to the U.S.
The Canadians had charged him with possession of drugs but it wouldn't hold
up in court. Why they had wanted to deport him and why the F.B.I. was
interested was a mystery.
         There was another strange thing. A few hours after Jimi was dead,
all the flats he had in London or was known to crash in,were turned over.
Clothes, instruments, writings, almost anything it seems, was stolen.
Could this have been the final pay-off....
           There was one last cutting, stamped "S 31 JAN 84." The headline
read, "Hendrix was killed claims aide." It quoted Ed Chalpin saying,
"I believe the circumstances surrounding his death are suspicious
and I think he was murdered."

        And one other suggestion of foul play: "I'd noticed a clipping
earlier. There, just a snippet. It was a report of Hendrix having been
kidnapped. There was no call to the cops, no ransom - then, out of the
blue, three goodies from the management company show up and bust him
        Monika Dannemann was engaged to Hendrix at the time of his death.
She recalls, "as we entered the entrance to the hospital, the ambulancemen
started to move fast and put an oxygen mask on Jimi. So I knew there was
something wrong there. They immediately got him into wherever and I went to
one of the doctors. I had taken the packed with me it show what kind [of
barbiturate] they are.... And he was not so concerned about the tablets, he
was more concerned seeing me and Jimi - black and white - he didn't like
it. ..."
        "A sister came to me over half an hour later - I tried in between
to go in this room and each time they stopped me. She said I shouldn't
worry at all, his heart had stopped, but they got it all right again,
nothing to worry about." Some ten minutes later, "the sister returned and
told me that he had died."
        The emergency admissions officer contradicts Monika's story, and
claims that Hendrix died in the ambulance - even so, trained paramedics
would also have performed a tracheotomy. This was done in surgery - and
Hendrix was still alive after his throat was cleared. A volume of red wine
coursed up from his stomach.
        If not negligence, the only other possibility (and the logical
conclusion of events preceding the fatal ride to the hospital) is that
Hendrix was murdered by suffocation. This may explain why the pathologist's
report left the cause of death "open." Perhaps they could not believe that
nine mild sleeping tablets should prove fatal while the patient was under
the immediate care of medical personnel with any training at all.

        Mama Cass Elliot: As a result of Cass's marriage to her second
husband, Baron Donald von Weidenman, a German nobleman, today an artist
living in New York, the Mama was a Baroness. Among her entourage: Charles
Manson, Pic Dawson - under investigation by Scotland Yard for international
drug smuggling, the son of a State Department official - and one Bill
Mentzer, since convicted for the murder of fledgling Hollywood producer Roy
Radin. Mentzer was convicted with an accomplice, Alex Marti, former leader
of an Argentine death squad, to life in prison. Cass had recently finished
two weeks at the London Palladium. The coroner's report was not conclusive.
She "probably choked to death," but there was also "a possibility of heart
        In his biography of Cass Elliot, Jon Johnson published 12
photocopies from her FBI file, released under FOIA. The pages are almost
entirely redacted (?). Hoover's Bureau surveyed the singer at the request
of Alexander Butterfield, a deputy assistant to Richard Nixon. "She
reportedly has associated with drug addicts," the FBI reported, "and
individuals opposed to the President's Vietnam policy. "
        She had political ambitions. "I think that I would like to be a
senator or something in twenty years," she told Mike Douglas. Mama Cass
attended a variety of Democratic Party functions, participated in a Madison
Square Garden rally sponsored by Rose Kennedy, "I saw in the Democratic
Convention in Chicago that there were more people interested in what I was
interested in than I believed possible. It made me want to work ... there
would be room in an organized movement of politics for me to voice myself"
        Pathologists in London refused to state the cause of death at a
public hearing. They did, however, mutter fatuously that she may have
"choked" to death. Dr. Keith Simpson's autopsy found "left-sided heart
failure. She plainly had a heart attack." The coroner proposed that a
section of Elliot's heart muscle had  alchemically "turned to fat," and
attributed the coronary lapse to "stress." Johnson:

           The conclusion was termed "improper" by a Vanderbilt University
heart specialist immediately after it was made public. "It is true that
obesity is related to high blood pressure and stroke, but there's no
correlation with a heart attack,"  disputed Dr. George V. Mann. "He's
stating an old-fashioned dogma, a Victorian concept of fatty degeneration
that has gone out in modern times. Old time pathologists tend to look at
deposits of adipose tissue around the surface of the heart and associate it
with a heart attack, but a heart attack is due to limitation of blood
supply to the heart muscle with the result that some of the muscle dies."
           Whatever the underlying cause, the verdict remained unchanged.
She died of a massive heart attack. (Jon Johnson, Make Your Own Kind
of Music: A Career Retrospective of Cass Elliot,  Hollywood, CA:
Music Archives Press, 1987).

        Blood tests detected no drugs or alcohol in her system - but then,
this is the same report that arrived at erroneous, "Victorian" conclusions
about obesity. She took to her grave knowledge of drug trafficking by
Dawson, a State Department official's son, and any information that killers
Manson and Mentzer may have shared with her.

        Bob Marley: A CIA/State Department telegram sent in December, 1976
detailed an assassination attempt on Marley. "IT WAS DECLASSIFIED IN 1983.
        The communiqué described a provocation" "VIOLENCE IN JAMAICA GAINED
        Album cover artist Neville Garrick took photographss of the Marley
residence before and after the shootings, and upon close examination
discovered "suspicious characters" surrounding Marley, who had noticed
them, and suggested that they seemed to be "scouting" the residence
(Timothy White, Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley, 1991, New York, Henry
Holt, 1992).
        "After the last performance of Bob Marley and the Wailers in
America, at Madison Square Garden, Marley took seriously ill. Three years
before, in London, the singer had injured a toe in a football match. The
toe was found to be cancerous, and Marley was treated in Miami, Florida
with no success. By 1980, the growth had infected his entire body. He
struggled with the disease for eight months at the clinic of Dr. Joseph
Issels in Bavaria. Dr. Issels' brand of alternative medicine was non-toxic.
For a brief time Bob's condition appeared to stabilize. Eventually,
however, the battle proved too much. He died in a Miami hospital on Monday
May 11, 1981. Excerpt of an interview with Lew Lee, a documentary filmmaker
(the Oscar-winning Panama Deception and All Power to the People, an
examination of the FBI's COINTELPRO excesses), conducted on October 30,

          LEE: People came by his house. There were always people going in
and out. Someone gave Bob a pair of boots. He put his foot in and said,
"Ow!"  A friend got in there - you know how Jamaicans are. He said,
"let's get in here"  - in the boot, and he pulled a piece of copper wire
out. It was embedded in  the boot.
          A.C.: Do you believe it was treated chemically or irradiated,
          LEE: I didn't think so at the time, but I've always had my
suspicions because Marley later broke his toe playing soccer, and when the
bone wouldn't mend, the doctors found that the toe had cancer. The cancer
metastasized throughout his body, and he [Marley] believed he could fight
this thing. He wanted to do anything but to turn to Western medicine. This
may have been a mistake, maybe not. So they appointed for Bob - Chris
Blackwell, I guess, and a couple of other people - they found this doctor
is Switzerland, Dr. Issels, who said that he could cure Bob. And they cut
Bob's dreadlocks off.  And he was getting all of this crazy, crazy medical
treatment in Switzerland.
         I know this because Ray Von Evans, who played in Marley's group,
we were very close friends - as Bob was receiving these medical
            Ray would come by every two or three months -  19179-80 - and
told me,  "Yeah, mon,they're killing Bob. They are KILLING Bob." I said,
"What do you mean 'they are killing Bob?'" "No, no, mon," he said. "Dis Dr.
Issels, he's a Nazi!" We found out later that Dr. Issels WAS a Nazi doctor.
And he had worked with Dr. [Joseph] Mengele.

        Mengele survived the war and enjoyed the protection and employment
of the CIA. On five occasions his death has been reported. Attempts to
bring the facts to light have been subverted by employees of the Agency.
        Recent murders of Black musicians:

1987 - Peter Tosh, Wailer, shot to death in Jamaica.
            Major Worries, shot to death in Jamaica.
1988 - Tenor Saw, musician, shot to death in the U.S.
1990 - Nitty Gritty, musician, shot to death in the U.S.
1992 - Pan Head, shot to death in Jamaica.
            Dirksman, musician, shot to death in Jamaica.
1994 - Garnett Silk, perished in an arson attack on
             his family home, Jamaica.
1995 - Carl "Briggy C' Marsden," shot to death on a street
             in Brixton. UK.
             Ken Sarowiwa, hanged by the Nigerian government.
1996 - Jason Wharton, 24, shot dead outside a London niteclub
             whist sitting in a car.
             Rap star Tupac Shakur died from gunshot wounds,
             age 25 years. " *

        John Lennon: British barrister Fenton Bresler has long maintained
that the Beatle's murder was the result of CIA mind control programming. In
Who Killed John Lennon? (1989), he observed: "What really got the FBI and C
IA so geared up about Lennon was [his plan] for a 'revolutionary road
show,' starring Lennon and Yoko. This roving feast of rock music and
radical politics was to barnstorm its way across America." Did a programmed
killer abort the barnstorm? The FBI has long resisted all efforts by Jon
Weiner, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, to lay hands
on Lennon's file. Much of the file remains top secret.
        The mystery of Lennon's death - and unresolved circumstances in a
score of others (the theft and burning of Byrd guitarist Clarence White's
corpse by a Manson Family member, for one) - could be dispelled by access
to sealed files.
     The National Security Act of 1947, the CIA's charter, does not in the
real world extend to agents of "central intelligence" a license to kill


        * Jazz musicians haven't fared so well, either. The following
obituaries were found in a discussion of jazz aficionados on the Internet:

   "Albert Ayler's death [on November 25, 1970], has been referred to as
'suspicious.' If you don't know, he disappeared and his body was found
floating in the East River a few weeks later. Still undetermined as to
whether it was drugs, murder, suicide or what... "

        The medical examiner declared that Ayler had drowned and did not
perform an autopsy. Friends of Ayler believe he committed suicide, but two
musicians close to him perished 'suspiciously' within a year: Henry Grimes
moved to California to become an actor and vanished without a trace, and on
September 21, 1971, Call Cobbs Jr. was victim of a hit-and run-driver.

   "I'm surprised that no one has mentioned [trumpeter] Chet Baker.... He
died in Holland after falling from the window of a building. It has never
been proven if he jumped, fell accidentally, or was pushed out in a drug
related conflict. The club was Baker's, if I recall (I was the local
correspondent for couple of magazines back then). As I recall, the police
did arrest somebody but the suspect was acquited...."

        One biography has it that "in the 1950s, Baker's star seemed as
golden as any performer in jazz. His fall from grace qualifies as one of
the most gripping and saddest tales in the music's history. Moving to
Europe in the late 1950s, he did time in an Italian jail. In 1968, after
moving to San Francisco, he was mugged and beaten so badly that he lost a
few of his teeth. For a time Baker was unable to play, supporting himself
by pumping gas. Vagabonding through Europe for much of the 1970s and 1980s,
he died after falling from an Amsterdam window in 1988 - an incident that
has never been explained."

   "Lenny Breau [guitarist] was murdered, I heard.....in the early 80's???
He was found dead in a swimming pool in L.A. I think...maybe someone can
verify??? The case  is still unsolved....this I've heard from numerous
sources.... Poor Lenny, he was an excellent player who really gave his all
and created some beautiful music.... I think the primary suspicion about
Breau's death was that it was drug related...."

        Although Breau's death, according to one biographical note to his
records, was "originally thought to be an accidental drowning, it was soon
discovered that he had actually been murdered. The Los Angeles Coroner
report determined that Lenny had been strangled; the case remains unsolved
to this date.
   "Has anyone mentioned the great drummer Phillip Wilson, who was brutally
murdered several years ago in a supposedly drug-related crime? And don't
forget King Curtis, shot I believe in the early '70s...."
   "Wasn't [tenor saxophonist] Wardell Gray found in the desert outside of
Vegas with bullets in his head? I seem to remember this grim mention in a
liner note. This is a rather bleak thread, isn't it?

        A publicity release for a novel based on Wardell Gray's life, Death
of a Tenor Man by Bill Moody (Walker & Company, 1996) reported, "police
said he overdosed and 'fell out of bed,' dying later 'of complications.'
Some suspected Gray's death was the mob's way of telling the African
American businessmen who backed the Moulin Rouge Casino that "this town
isn't big enough for the both of us." Whatever the case, Gray's murder was
never investigated. It hung over the Moulin Rouge like a storm cloud, and
within six months the club went under. Gray's death remains unsolved to
this day."
        And so it goes.


Brussell's unpublished ms.,Operation CHAOS,
was the foundation of this essay. Documentary
film-maker Lee Lew Lee contributed as well.


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