-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/~viewfromthewall/fwch1.htm">FINAL WARNING:
Chapter One




When you talk about tracing the origin of an organization which is
controlling the destiny of the world, it's obvious that you have to
start at a period which would allow a movement of this magnitude, time
to ferment. Changes like the ones which have, and are occurring do not
take place overnight. We are dealing with a group which must have been
growing for a long period of time, in order to obtain the power and
influence necessary to achieve the global control now being exercised.
When you think of it, in that context, there is such a group.

The leader of this group was a man named, Dr. Adam Weishaupt, who was
born on February 6, 1748, the son of a Jewish rabbi. When his father
died in 1753, he was converted to Catholicism by Baron Johann Adam
Ickstatt, who turned the early training of the boy over to the Jesuits.
Ickstatt, in 1742, had been appointed by the Jesuits to be the curator
of the University in order to reorganize it. He had retired in 1765, but
still controlled its policies.

Although Weishaupt later became a priest, he developed a distinct hatred
for the Jesuits, and became an atheist. Given access to the private
library of Ickstatt, his Godfather, the young man became interested in
the works of the French philosophers, and studied law, economics,
politics, and history. One such philosopher, Voltaire(1694-1778), a
revolutionary who held liberal religious views, had written in a letter
to King Frederick II("the Great", a Mason): "Lastly, when the whole body
of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and infidelity strong
enough, the final blow (is) to be dealt by the sword of open, relentless
persecution. A reign of terror (is) to be spread over the whole earth,
and...continue while a Christian should be found obstinate enough to
 adhere to Christianity." It is believed that Weishaupt got his ideas
concerning the destruction of the Church from Voltaire's writings. He
studied in France, where he met Robespierre(who later led the French
Revolution), and became friends with a few people in the French Royal
Court. It is believed, that through these contacts, he was introduced to

He graduated from the Bavarian University in Ingolstadt, Germany in
1768. He served four years as a tutor until he was promoted to Assistant
Instructor. In 1770, he was chosen by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to
develop an organization that he could use. In 1772, Weishaupt was made
Professor of Civil Law. In 1773, he was made Professor of Canon Law, a
post which had been held by the Jesuits for 90 years. They had founded
most of the Universities, and kept strict control of them in order to
eliminate Protestant influence.

In 1773, Weishaupt got married, against the wishes of Ickstatt, who
denounced him. Two years later, at the age of 27, he was made Dean of
the Faculty of Law. The Jesuits, worried about his quick progression,
tried to thwart his influence by secretly plotting against him, and his
liberal thinking. Not wanting to become a martyr for his free-thinking
ideas, he began focusing on establishing his organization. To confuse
his detractors, he based the organizational structure on the one used by
the Jesuits, however, his intention was to have a secret coalition of

He studied the anti-Christian doctrines of the Manicheans, whose
teachings revolved around astrology, medicine, and magic. He had been
indoctrinated into Egyptian occult practices by an unknown merchant
named Kolmer, from Jutland(in the area around the border of Denmark and
West Germany), who had been traveling around Europe since 1771. He
studied the power of the Eleusinian mysteries and the influence exerted
by the secret cult of the Pythagoreans. Pythagoras was a sixth century,
B.C., philosopher who taught that men and women should combine their
belongings - which became the basic philosophy behind Communism.
Weishaupt also studied the teachings of the Essenes, and acquired copies
of the 'Kabala', 'The Major Key of Solomon' and 'The Lesser Key of
Solomon', which revealed how to conjure up demons and perform occult

He studied the various Masonic writings after meeting a Protestant
Freemason from Hanover. At first he thought about creating a superior
Masonic-like organization, that would be made up of men possessing
superior abilities in all fields, but concluded that Masonry was too

Weishaupt was instructed by the Rothschilds( who were also said to be
Satanists), to leave the Catholic Church, and unite all the different
occult groups. He created the coven called the 'Golden Dawn' which, till
this day, is allegedly the Rothschilds' private coven.

Weishaupt spent five years working out a plan through which all of his
ideas could be reduced to a single system which would be used to fight
the oppression of religion, thereby loosening social ties. He wanted to
replace Christianity with a religion of reason. An initial idea was to
form an organization comprised of "Schools of Wisdom", whose goal was to
"make of the human race, one good and happy family." They were to strive
for the perfection of morals, so he thought about naming the group the
'Perfectibilists', but it lacked the air of mystery and intrigue that he

In 1774, he published a fictitious article called "Sidonii Apollinarus
Fragment", which he said, was to prepare the people for the doctrine of
reason. Weishaupt wrote: "Princes and nations will disappear without
violence from the earth. The human race will then become one family, and
the world will be the dwelling of rational men." He wrote of their aims:
"To make the perfecting of reasoning powers interesting to mankind, to
spread the knowledge of sentiments, both humane and social, to check
wicked inclinations, to stand up for suffering and oppressed virtue...to
facilitate the acquirement of knowledge and science."

On May 1, 1776, under the direction of the newly formed House of
Rothschild (and Wessely, Moses, Mendelssohn; and the Bankers, Itzig,
Friedlander, and Meyer), who instigated the American Revolution to
weaken Great Britain, Weishaupt founded the Ancient Illuminated Seers of
Bavaria, which became known as the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt
said that the name was derived from Luciferian teachings,and means,
'Holders of the Light". In Latin, it means, 'the enlightened ones'. In
layman's terms, it means 'to illuminate', or 'to give light'. It refers
to someone who is enlightened, spiritually and intellectually. Satan,
when he was an angel, was known as Lucifer, the 'Bearer of Light', and
being that the group's name evolved from this, we can see the underlying
nature of its goals. In addition, May 1st was a great day for all
communist nations, where it was known as May Day; and it is also known
as a special day to witches.

There are some earlier groups, with similar names, such as a group known
as the "Illuminated Ones" which was founded by Joachim of Floris in the
1lth century, who taught a primitive, supposedly Christian doctrine of
"poverty and equality". The Rosheniah, or "Illuminated Ones", was a
group in Afghanistan during the 16th century, who sought the
'illumination' from the Supreme Being, who wanted a class of perfect men
and women. After reaching the fourth degree, "Enlightened One", the
initiate would receive mystical powers, and when the eighth and final
degree was reached, they were told they had achieved perfection. An
Afghan scholar said that their purpose was to influence people of
importance to establish harmony in the world, and were devoted to fight
the tyranny of the Moguls, who were the rulers of India. The group
survived until the 1700's, and gave birth to a couple offshoots, the
Alumbrados of Spain, and the Illuminated Guerinets in France in 1654.

The Alumbrados(Spanish for "enlightened" or "illuminated"), was made up
of reformed Franciscans and the Jesuits. They claimed, that once
perfection had been, they would experience a vision of God, and would
enter into achieved direct communication with the Holy Spirit. Once they
had received the "light", they would possess superior human
intelligence. Their unusual claims resulted in the Inquisition issuing
Edicts against them in 1568, 1574, and 1623. Ignatius de Loyola, the
founder of the Jesuits, was put in jail for being a member. This
condemnation forced them to flee to France.

The "Illuminati" was a name used by a German sect that existed in the
15th century. They practiced the occult, and professed to possess the
'light' received from Satan. The name was also used by another group in
1760 at Avignon, who was influenced by the writings of philosopher
Emanuel Swedenborg, which led to the Illuminated Theosophists in 1766 at
Paris, then later in London.

There is no evidence to suggest that Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati
is a continuation of any of these groups, however, whether their
teachings and philosophy had an influence on him, is another question.

Starting with only five members, the Illuminati wasn't fully operational
until 1778.

Weishaupt wrote: "The great strength of our Order lies in its
concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but
always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter
than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to
it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it." He
also wrote: "For the Order wishes to be secret, and to work in silence,
for thus it is better secured from the oppression of the ruling powers,
and because this secrecy gives a greater zest to the whole."

The Order was made up of three degrees: Novice, Minerval, and
Illuminated Minerval; and organized in a manner similar to Freemasonry
and the Jesuits. Even though he admired the structure of the Jesuit
hierarchy, he wrote that no ex-Jesuits were to be admitted, except by
special permission. He wrote that they "must be avoided as the plague."
Their rites and ceremonies were similar to that of the Masons. Their
aim, he said, was to have a one-world government, to allow the elite to
govern the world, thus preventing future wars. One of their early
programs, was to distribute anti-religious material to criticize
clerical leaders, who they saw as obstacles to social progress, and to
oppose the "enemies of the human race and of society."

Weishaupt wrote: "How can the weak obtain protection? Only by union, but
this is rare. Nothing can bring this about but hidden societies. Hidden
schools of wisdom are the means which we will one day free men from
their bonds..."

All members were required to adopt classical names. Weishaupt was called
"Spartacus"(who had been the leader of the slave insurrection in ancient
Rome). His right-hand man, Xavier von Zwack, a lawyer to Prince von
Salm, was known as "Cato" ; Nicolai, the bookseller, was "Lucian" ;
Professor Westenreider was "Pythagoras"; Canon Hertel was "Marius";
Marquis di Constanza was "Diomedes"; Massenhausen was "Ajar"; Baron von
Schroeckenstein was "Mohomed"; and Baron von Mengenhofen was "Sylla".

Their headquarters was in Munich, Germany, and known as the Grand Lodge
of the Illuminati(or Lodge of the Grand Orient), code-named "Athens".
Among their other four lodges: Ingolstadt was known as "Ephesus",
Heidelberg as "Utica", Bavaria as "Achaia", and Frankfurt was known as

The calendar was reconstructed, and the months known by names
reminiscent of the Hebrew language: January was known as "Dimeh", and
February as "Benmeh", etc. They dated their letters according to the
Persian Era, named after the king who began to rule in Persia in 632
B.C., Jezdegerd. Their new year began on March 21st, which some sources
say is New Years Day for witches.

In 1777, Weishaupt joined the Eclectic Masonic lodge "Theodore of Good
Counsel" in Munich, and towards the end of 1778, he came up with the
idea of merging the Illuminati and the Masons. Zwack became a Mason on
November 27, 1778, and working with a brother Mason, Abbe' Marotti, he
divulged the secret of the Order. By the middle of 1779, the Munich
Masonic lodge was under the complete influence of the Illuminati.

During the first four years, about sixty active members had been
recruited by a committee known as the "Insinuators", and close to 1,000
had become indirectly affiliated with the Order. Soon, three more lodges
were established

Few knew the supreme direction of the Order. Only those within the inner
circle, known as the "Areopagite" (meaning "Tribunal"), were aware of
their true purpose. To all others, Weishaupt said that he wanted a
one-world government to prevent all future wars.

The book World Revolution(by Nesta Webster) stated: "The art of
Illuminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, and by encouraging
the dreams of honest visionaries or the schemes of fanatics, by
flattering the vanity of ambitious egotists, by working on unbalanced
brains, or by playing on such passions as greed and power, to make men
of totally divergent aims serve the secret purpose of the sect."

Foolish people, with money to burn, were especially welcomed. Weishaupt
wrote: "These good people swell our numbers and fill our money box; set
yourselves to work; these gentlemen must be made to nibble at the
bait...But let us beware of telling them our secrets, this sort of
people must always be made to believe that the grade they have reached
is the last." Weishaupt explained: "One must speak sometimes in one way,
sometimes in another, so that our real purpose should remain
impenetrable to our inferiors." And what was that purpose? It was
"nothing less than to win power and riches, to undermine secular or
religious government, and to obtain the mastery of the world."

Initiates were told that the Order represented the highest ideals of the
Church, that Christ was the first advocator of Illuminism, and his
secret mission was to restore to men the original liberty and equality
they had lost in the Garden of Eden. Weishaupt said that Christ exhorted
his disciples to despise riches in order to prepare the world for the
community of goods that would do away with property ownership.

Weishaupt wrote to Zwack: "The most admirable thing of all is that great
Protestant and reformed theologians (Lutherans and Calvinists) who
belong to our Order really believe they see in it the true and genuine
mind of the Christian religion." However, when one of Weishaupt's
followers would reach the higher degrees, their secret was revealed:
"Behold our secret...in order to destroy all Christianity, all religion,
we have pretended to have the sole true religion...to deliver one day
the human race from all religion."

Women were also enlisted. He wrote: "There is no way of influencing men
so powerful, as by means of women. These should therefore be our chief
study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them
hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of
standing up for themselves..." He also wrote: "This sex has a large part
of the world in their hands." Female members were divided into two
groups: one group of society women, to give the organization an air of
respectability; and the other group "who would help to satisfy those
brothers who have a penchant for pleasure." The Illuminati also used
monetary and sex bribery to gain control of men in high places, then
blackmailed them with the threat of financial ruin, public exposure, and
fear of death.

Internal fighting soon developed because of Weishaupt's thirst for
power. Besides that, because only nominal dues were collected, the Order
suffered financially.

In 1780, a new member, Baron Franz Friedrich Knigge(1752-1796), was
recruited, and given the pseudonym of "Philo". Knigge was born on
October 16, 1752. He studied law at Gottingen, served in the courts of
Hesse-Cassel and Weimar, and was a well-known writer of romance, poetry
and philosophy. He joined the Masonic lodge of Strict Observance, which
was dedicated to the elimination of the occult sciences, which were
widely practiced. Unable to do that, they were forced to accept it.
Knigge achieved the rank of Brother Commander, and had the title of
Knight of the Swan. He assisted in the establishment of a new Masonic
lodge at Hanau. Because of his developing exposure and interest in the
occult, magic and alchemy, he joined the Rosicrucians, a secret
organization that dated back to the fourteenth century, and reportedly
was an occult group who participated in human sacrifice rituals.

He later renounced alchemy, and devoted his studies to the development
of a form of Masonry that would allow man to regain the perfection they
once had before the fall of Adam and Eve. His idea was to reform
Masonry, and he was going to make these proposals at the Congress of
Wilhelmsbad. However, the Marquis of Constanza (known as "one of the
most notorious of the Illuminati") informed him that the Illuminati had
already done that. In order to lure him, Weishaupt portrayed the Order
as representing the greatest advancement in science, and dedicated to
philosophical advancement. Since this fell in line with Knigge's
thinking, he was drawn into the Order.

Knigge was definitely a catch, because he had a talent for organization,
and soon became the head of the Westphalia Circle. He was instrumental
in pushing for a merger between the Masons and the Illuminati. Weishaupt
wrote of him: "Philo is the master from whom to take lessons; give me
six men of his stamp and with them I will change the face of the
Universe...Philo does more than we all expected, and he is the man who
alone will carry it all through."

Knigge was firmly supported by members of the Areopagite who felt that
Weishaupt's supreme authority should be delegated to others, and they
agreed with Knigge's proposed modifications for the organization. They
were adopted on July 9, 1781. Knigge was able to recruit the most
effective propagandists, and from 1780 on, the growth of the Order was
very rapid because its expansion was facilitated through its affiliation
with the Masonic lodges.

Their goal was now to achieve their aims by splitting mankind into
opposing ideologies, and for them to fight among themselves, thus
weakening national governments and organized religion.

An understanding was finally reached between the Masons and the
Illuminati, and on December 20, 1781, a combined Order was proposed,
which would add to the Illuminati organization, the first three degrees
of Masonry. It wasn't until the Congress of Wilhelmsbad from July 16th
to August 29th, 1781(which was attended by Masons, Martinistes,
representatives from other secret organizations from Europe, America and
Asia), that the alliance was official. Those at the meeting were put
under oath not to reveal anything. Comte de Virieu, a Mason from the
Martiniste lodge at Lyons, upon his return home, when questioned about
the Congress, said: "I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you
that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy
which is being woven is so well thought out, that it will be, so to
speak, impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape it." He
later denounced the Illuminati, and became a devout Catholic.

Because of a movement begun by Dohm's book Upon the Civil Amelioration
of the Condition of the Jews in 1781, and a book by Mirabeau in London,
a resolution was passed at the Congress to allow Jews into the Lodges,
It was obvious that it was done for financial reasons, because the
Illuminati moved their headquarters to Frankfurt, Germany, a stronghold
of Jewish finance. As the Order spread throughout Germany, money was
contributed from such leading Jewish families as the Oppenheimers,
Wertheimers, Schusters, Speyers, Sterns , and of course, the
Rothschilds. Gerald B. Winrod wrote in his book Adam Weishaupt: A Human
Devil that "of the thirty-nine chief sub-leaders of Weishaupt, seventeen
were Jews." Arguments that the Illuminati was solely of Jewish origin,
are completely unfounded.

After the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, the Illuminati functioned under the
following organizational structure:


1) Preparation

2) Novice

3) Minerval

4) Illuminatus

SYMBOLIC (Masonry)

1) Apprentice

2) Fellow-Craft

3) Master

SCOTCH (Masonry)

4) Illuminatus Major(Scotch Novice)

5) Illuminatus Dirigens(Scotch Knight)


1) Presbyter(or Priest)

2) Prince(or Regent)


3) Magus

4) Rex


No other name has become more synonymous with the Illuminati than the
Rothschilds. It is believed that the Rothschild family used the
Illuminati as a means to achieving their goal of world-wide dominance.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild(1743-1812) was born in Frankfurt-on-the-Main in
Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a banker and goldsmith. Their
name was derived from the 'red shield'('rotschildt') that hung over the
door of their shop, and had been the emblem of revolutionary Jews in
Eastern Europe. A few years after his father's death, he worked as a
clerk in a Hanover bank, which was owned by the Oppenheimers. He became
a junior partner, and soon left to take over the business started by his
father in 1750. He bought and sold rare coins, and later succeeded in
buying out several other coin dealers. In 1769, he became a court agent
for Prince William IX of Hesse-Kassel, who was the grandson of George II
of England, a cousin to George III, a nephew of the King of Denmark, and
a brother- in-law to the King of Sweden. Soon Rothschild became the
middleman for big Frankfurt bankers like the Bethmann Brothers, and
Rueppell & Harnier. After expanding his business to antiques, wineries,
and the importing of manufactured materials from England, the Rothschild
family began to amass a sizable fortune.

Prince William inherited his father's fortune upon his death in 1785,
which was the largest private fortune in Europe. Some of this money had
come from Great Britain paying for the use of 16,800 Hessian soldiers to
stop the revolution in America, because the money was never given to the
troops. In 1804, the Rothschilds secretly made loans to the Denmark
government, on behalf of Prince William.

In June, 1806, when Napoleon's troops pushed their way into Germany,
Prince William fled to Denmark, leaving his money with Mayer Rothschild.
History tells us that Rothschild secretly buried William's ledgers,
which revealed the full extent of his wealth, a list of debtors and the
interest required from them, and 600,000 pounds($3,000,000), to keep
Napoleon from confiscating it. Buderus von Carlhausen( Carl Buderus),
the Treasury official who handled William's finances, was given 'power
of attorney', and he in turn made Rothschild his chief banker,
responsible for collecting the interest on the royal loans. Napoleon
announced that all debts being paid to Prince William, were to go to the
French Treasury, and offered a 25% commission on any debts that he would
collect. Rothschild refused.

Developing circumstances soon allowed the Rothschilds to formulate a
plan which would guarantee them the financial control of Europe, and
soon the world. It began with taking advantage of the outcome of the
Battle of Waterloo, which was fought at La-Belle-Alliance, seven miles
south of Waterloo, which is a suburb of Brussels, Belgium. Early in the
battle, Napoleon appeared to be winning, and the first secret military
report to London communicated that fact. However, upon reinforcements
from the Prussians, under Gebhard Blucher, the tide turned in favor of
Wellington. On Sunday, June 18, 1815, Rothworth, a courier of Nathan
Rothschild, head of the London branch of the family, was on the
battlefield, and upon seeing that Napoleon was being beaten, went by
horse to Brussels, then to Ostende, and for 2,000 francs, got a sailor
to get him to England across stormy seas. When Nathan Rothschild
received the news on June 20, he informed the government, who did not
believe him, so with everyone believing Wellington to be defeated,
Rothschild immediately began to sell all of his stock on the English
Stock Market. Everyone else followed his lead, and also began selling,
causing stocks to plummet to practically nothing. At the last minute,
his agents secretly began buying up the stocks at rock-bottom prices. On
June 21, at 11 PM, Wellington's envoy, Major Henry Percy showed up at
the War Office with his report that Napoleon had been crushed in a
bitter eight hour battle, losing a third of his men. This gave the
Rothschild family complete control of the British economy, and forced
England to set up a new Bank of England, which Nathan Rothschild

However, that wasn't the only angle he used to profit from the Battle of
Waterloo. Mayer Amschel Rothschild sent some of William's money to his
son Nathan in London, and according to the Jewish Encyclopedia: "Nathan
invested it in 800,000 pounds of gold from the East India Company,
knowing it would be needed for Wellington's peninsula campaign. He made
no less than four profits: (l)on the sale of Wellington's paper(which he
bought at 50¢ on the dollar); (2)on the sale of gold to Wellington;
(3)on its repurchase; and (4)on forwarding it to Portugal. This was the
beginning of the great fortune."

After Napoleon's defeat, Prince William returned to resume his rule.
Buderus was made a Baron, and the Rothschilds were the richest bankers
in Europe.

In 1817, France, in order to get back on their feet again, secured loans
from a French banking house in Ouvrard, and from the Baring Brothers in
London. The Rothschilds saw their chance to get a firm grip on the
French economy, and on October, 1818, Rothschild agents began buying
huge amounts of French government bonds, which caused their value to
increase. On November 5th, they were dumped on the open market, creating
a financial panic as their value declined. Thus, the Rothschilds gained
control of France.

Mayer Rothschild had founded the Bank of England, the Bank of France,
and the Bank of Germany. His sons, who were made Barons of the Austrian
Empire, were set up to continue and expand his banking empire. Amschel
Mayer Rothschild(l773-1855, who in 1838 said: "Permit me to issue and
control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.") was
in charge of the Bank of Germany in Frankfurt, which was known as M. A.
Rothschild and Sons(which closed in 1901, after the deaths of Mayer Karl
and his brother, Wilhelm Karl- the sons of Karl Mayer Rothschild).
Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774-1855) was the head of the Bank of Vienna
in Austria, known as S. M. Rothschild and Sons (which was closed during
World War II after the Nazi occupation). Nathan Mayer Rothsc
hild(1777-1836, who once said: "I care not what puppet is placed upon
the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets.
The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire,
and I control the British money supply.") was the head of the Bank of
England in London, which was known as N. M. Rothschild and Sons(and has
occupied the same premises since 1809, 2 New Court, St. Swithin's Lane
in London, near the Bank of England and Stock Exchange). Karl Mayer
Rothschild (1788 -1868 ) was the head of the Bank of Naples(closed in
1861). James Mayer Rothschild(l792-1868) was in charge of the Bank of
France in Paris, which was known as Messieurs de Rothschild Freres(whose
name was changed to La Banque Rothschild in 1967).

This was the beginning of the House of Rothschild, which controlled a
fortune estimated to be well over $300,000,000. Soon the Rothschilds
spanned Europe with railroads, invested in coal and ironworks, financed
England's purchase of the Suez Canal, paid for oil exploration in Russia
and the Sahara Desert, financed the czars of Russia, supported Cecil
Rhodes' diamond operations, aided France in creating an empire in
Africa, financed the Hapsburg monarchs, and saved the Vatican from
bankruptcy. In this country, through their American and European agents,
they helped finance Rockefeller's Standard Oil, Carnegie Steel, and
Harriman's Railroad. Werner Sombart, in his book The Jews and Modern
Capitalism, said that from 1820 on, was the "age of the Rothschild" and
concluded that there was "only one power in Europe, and that is
Rothschild." In 1913, the family fortune was estimated to be over two
billion dollars.

After Mayer Rothschild died on September 19, 1812, his will spelled out
specific guidelines that were to be maintained by his descendants:

1) All important posts were to be held by only family members, and only
male members were to be involved on the business end. The oldest son of
the oldest son was to be the head of the family, unless otherwise agreed
upon by the rest of the family, as was the case in 1812, when Nathan was
appointed as the patriarch.

2) The family was to intermarry with their own first and second cousins,
so their fortune could be kept in the family, and to maintain the
appearance of a united financial empire. For example, his son
James(Jacob) Mayer married the daughter of another son, Salomon Mayer.
This rule became less important in later generations as they refocused
family goals and married into other fortunes.

3) Rothschild ordered that there was never to be "any public inventory
made by the courts, or otherwise, of my estate...Also I forbid any legal
action and any publication of the value of the inheritance."

American and British Intelligence have documented evidence that the
House of Rothschild, and other International Bankers, have financed both
sides of every war, since the American Revolution. Financier Haym
Salomon, who supported the patriots during the American Revolution, then
later made loans to James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe,
was a Rothschild agent. As explained earlier, during the Napoleonic
Wars, one branch of the family funded Napoleon, while another financed
Great Britain, Germany, and other nations. Their boldest maneuver came
prior to the Civil War, which will be covered in a later chapter.

The Rothschilds operate out of an area in the heart of London, England,
which is known as 'The City'. Positioned on the north bank of the Thames
River, covering an area of 677 acres or one square mile(known as the
"wealthiest square mile on earth"), it is actually a sovereign
state(much like the Vatican), and is virtually the financial hub of the
world. In 1215, its citizens received a Charter from King John, granting
them the right to annually elect a mayor, a tradition that continues
today; and under him, is a committee of 12-14 men, known as 'The Crown'.
They even have their own police force. All major British banks have
their main offices here, along with branch offices for 385 foreign
banks, including 70 from the United States. It is here that you will
find the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange, Lloyd's of London, the
Baltic Exchange(shipping contracts), Fleet Street(home of publishing and
newspaper interests), the London Commodity Exchange (to trade coffee,
rubber, sugar and wool), and the London Metal Exchange. Since the estab
lishment of the privately owned Bank of England in 1694, 'The City' has
actually become the last word in the country's national affairs, with
Prime Minister, Cabinet, and Parliament becoming only a front for the
real power. In fact, when the queen enters 'The City', she is
subservient to the Lord Mayor, because this privately owned corporation
is not subject to the Queen, or the Parliament.

There seems to be little doubt that the Rothschilds continue to
influence the world economy, and it is known that they are squarely
behind the movement to unite all the western European nations into a
single political entity, which is just another step towards one-world


Freemasons, or Masons, are members of a secret fraternal order known as
the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, whose goals are, supposedly, to
promote brotherhood. One of the major sourcebooks of Masonic doctrine is
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry,
 written in 1871 by Albert Pike, and considered to be the "Masons guide
for daily living." In it, he writes: "Masonry is a search after

According to early Masonic manuscripts, its origins can be traced back
to Adam, who was said to be the first Mason. The apron of Masonry
allegedly represents the fig leaves worn by Adam and Eve in the Garden
of Eden. The knowledge received by Adam after eating from the forbidden
tree, was carried on by his son Seth, and then Nimrod(who was
responsible for the Tower of Babel), the great-grandson of Noah. Dr.
Albert Mackey(33rd Degree), in writing his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry,
referred to the "York manuscript, No. 1" which contained information
from a parchment that dated back to the year 1560 which identified
Babylon as the originator of Masonry. He also cited the Cooke
Manuscript("The Legend of the Craft", which was written in 1420, and is
said to be the second oldest Masonic manuscript), which reveals that
Nimrod taught the craft of Masonry to the workers at the Tower of Babel.
When God confused their language, these secrets were said to be lost.

When King Solomon was building the Temple, it is taught that Freemasonry
was revived. Mackey said that the "Masonic Lodges were initially
dedicated to King Solomon, because he was our first Most Excellent Grand
Master." However, Martin L. Wagner revealed in An Interpretation of
Freemasonry that the "name Solomon is not the Israelitish king. It is
the name in form, but different in its meaning. It is a substitute...a
composite, Sol-om-on, the names of the sun in Latin, Indian and
Egyptian, and is designed to show the unity of several god-ideas in the
ancient religions, as well as with those of Freemasonry." A story
recounted in Masonic tradition, has to do with Hiram Abiff, a Syrian
Master Mason, known as the architect of Tyre, who was said to be hired
by Solomon to build the Temple. He was killed by three Fellow-Crafts,
when he would not reveal the secret Masonic word(so they could get
Master's wages in foreign countries), which was engraved on a gold
triangle he wore around his neck. Solomon found the triangle, and had it
placed in a secret vault under the Temple. Abiff later became a
Christ-like figure to the Masons. Mackey said that "Hiram represent(s) a
popular Syrian god against whom the champions of Jehovah(the Jews)
strove ceaselessly." Another Mason, Daniel Sickles, correlates him with
an Egyptian god, and Pierson's Traditions of Freemasonry said that he
actually represented all of the pagan sun gods, as does Mackey's Lexicon
of Freemasonry. What this does, is to relate the message that it was the
sun god who was the builder of the Temple, which makes this Temple
symbolic, and not to be confused with the Jewish Temple. Pike said in
his Morals and Dogma, that the "Temple of Solomon presented a symbolic
image of the Universe; and resembled, in its arrangements and furniture,
all the temples of the ancient nations that practiced the mysteries."

In ancient Greece, there were organized groups, or guilds(like our
unions), such as the "Dionysiacs", and in Rome, the "Collegium
Muriorum", who built the temples and stadiums. These groups who were the
forerunners of the Masons, were the draftsmen, builders, carpenters, and
craftsmen who erected the huge cathedrals, castles, abbeys and churches
during the Middle Ages. Because they "lodged" or lived together during
the construction, this is where the term "masonic lodge" was originated.

The First Grand Lodge of England met at York in 926, where they adopted
handsigns and passwords to identify themselves. Their workplace, or
Lodges, was where their initiations, rites, rituals and ceremonies took
place. Within their inner circles, witchcraft was practiced.

In the 13th century, they formed an association, headquartered at
Cologne, with Lodges at Strasbourg, Vienna, and Zurich. They called
themselves Free Masons, and had ceremonies for initiation. Near the end
of the 16th century, people who weren't builders, were admitted into the
fraternity, and were called "Accepted" Masons. They were usually
distinguished members of the community, or in short, a source of
funding. Becoming more symbolic, the working masons and builders
eventually quit, as did the Accepted Masons, who had become disappointed
at what the organization really was.

Sir Francis Bacon(1561-1626), an English Lord, was recognized as the
"founder of Free Masonry...the guiding light of the Rosicrucian Order,
the members of which kept the torch of the true universal knowledge, the
Secret Doctrine of the Ages, alive during the dark night of the Middle
Ages." He had been initiated by a secret society of intellectuals
dedicated to civil and religious freedom. His novel, New Atlantis,
published in 1627, a year after his death, by his secretary William
Rawley, "revealed the entire pattern of the secret societies which had
been working for thousands of years to achieve the ideal commonwealth in
the political world." In another of his books, Instauratio Magna, he
wrote of a movement to "reorganize the sciences and restore man to the
mastery over nature that he was conceived to have lost by the fall of

It is believed that Bacon wrote a sequel to New Atlantis, which included
details and timetables of how his Great Plan was to be accomplished. The
secret document was taken to Jamestown in 1653 by his descendant
Nathaniel Bacon, where it was buried in Williamsburg, Virginia "in a
great vault beneath the tower center of the first brick church in Bruton
Parish(now known as the Bruton Vault)." Researchers believe that Thomas
Jefferson was the last to examine the contents of this vault.

Inigo Jones(1573-1652) reorganized the Lodges, introducing the Descartes
rationalism, and they were now known as the Free and Accepted Masons.
Elias Ashmole, a banker, Rosicrucian, and founder of the Oxford Museum,
who became a Mason in 1648, established the three basic degrees: 1)
Entered Apprentice, 2) Fellow-Craft, and 3) Master Mason.

On June 24, 1717, the four lodges in London were united into a Grand
Lodge (sometimes called the Grand Mother Lodge) by three members who met
at the Apple-Tree Tavern, thus beginning the era of modern Freemasonry.
Rather than being a guild of stone masons and builders, they altered
their philosophy and became a pseudo-religion who "tried to cooperate
with the Church so as to be able to work from the inside, rationalize
the doctrine of Jesus and empty it gradually of its mystical content.
Freemasonry hoped to become a friendly and legal heir to Christianity.
They considered logic and the rules of scientific thinking as being the
only absolute and permanent element of the human mind." By 1725, the
movement had spread to France.

The members of the Grand Lodge of England brought their fraternity to
America. In 1730, Daniel Core was appointed Provincial Grand Master of
New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, after the first lodge was
established in Philadelphia. A lodge was established in Boston in 1733.
By the time of the American Revolution, there were 100 Masonic lodges.
The Masons were firmly entrenched in the eastern colonies, but since 95%
of the population identified themselves as Christians, they had to
modify their philosophies to include Christian teachings. The Grand
Lodge of the United States was established in 1777, which officially cut
all ties to their British counterparts.

One writer summed up Masonry this way: "Freemasonry has incorporated
bits of other systems in its initiations and higher degrees, such as
mystery schools, Mithraism, the Egyptian priesthood, the system of the
Pythagoreans, Essenes, Cabalists, Druids, the Orders of the Knighthood,
Rosicrucians, Arabic secret societies, and the Knights Templar."

Masonry slowly spread throughout the world: France(1718-25) , Ireland
(1725-26), Spain(1726-27), Holland(1731), Germany(1730-33),
Africa(1735), Scotland(l736), Portugal (1736), Switzerland (1737),
Italy( 1733-37), Russia(1731-40), Canada(1745), Sweden(1735-48),
Prussia(1738-40), Austria(l742), Poland(1784), and Mexico(1825).

Originally against the Masonic Order, Benjamin Franklin became a Mason
in 1731, at the age of 25. He became the Provincial Grand Master of
Pennsylvania in 1734, and was the "appointed spokesman" of the secret
societies. As ambassador to France, he was honored there at a major
Masonic lodge. It is believed that while he was on a diplomatic trip to
Paris to seek financing for the Revolution, he was initiated as a member
of the Illuminati. George Washington joined the Fredericksburg Lodge #4
in Virginia, in 1752, and when he was elected President in 1789, he was
the Grand Master of the Lodge(the highest official). He took his Oath of
Office on a Masonic Bible, as did his Vice-President, John Adams, who
was also a Mason. This Masonic Bible from the altar of St. Johns Lodge
No. 1 in New York City, which was printed in London in 1767, was later
used for other Oaths administered to Harding, Eisenhower, Carter, Reagan
and Bush. This Masonic Bible has an introductory section that explains
that Masonry is not a Christian fraternity, but in fact supports all
religions. Eight of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were
also members of the Fredericksburg Lodge. Actually, 51 of the 56 signers
were Masons.

Among the ranks of the Masons were: Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Paul
Revere, John Paul Jones, Alexander Hamilton, Benedict Arnold, John
Marshall, Samuel Adams, Anthony Wayne, Francis Marion("The Swamp Fox")
and Ethan Allen. In the military, 24 of Washington's Major Generals, and
30 of his 33 Brigadier Generals were Masons.

It was actually the Masons who instigated and carried out the American
Revolution. The secrecy of the Masonic lodges allowed the Colonial
patriots to meet and discuss strategy. It was commonly believed that the
reason for the Revolution was "taxation without representation", when
actually it was because the Parliament in the 1760's passed a law that
no colony could issue its own money. The colonies had to issue bonds,
and sell them to the Bank, who would then loan them money. This forced
the colonies to pay interest on their money. The Revolution was ignited
by the Boston Tea Party, which was planned during a dinner at the
Bradlee home. The participants were from the St. Andrew Lodge in Boston,
who dressed up as Mohawk Indians, and went aboard the Dartmouth, which
was anchored in the harbor, and dumped its load of tea overboard. The
British government responded by closing the port, and sending in British
troops. Empress Catherine the Great of Russia, who wasn't controlled by
the International Bankers, refused to send in 20,000 Russian troops
against the colonists, when asked by King George III of England. The
attack unified the colonies against England.

The Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry was established in
Charleston, South Carolina in 1801, because that area was geographically
located on the 33rd parallel. They are an extension of French
Freemasonry, and considered liberal. In 1755, the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry had expanded to 32 degrees, and now they
added a 33rd degree. In 1813, the Northern Supreme Council was
established, consisting of 15 states, and was headquartered in Boston.
They were an extension of English Freemasonry, and are considered
conservative. The Supreme Council, which represented the Southern
jurisdiction, relocated to Washington, D.C., and covers the remaining 35
states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. protectorates. It is
considered the Mother Supreme Council of the World.

Among the Presidents who have been Masons: Washington, Jefferson(33rd
Degree), Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Andrew Johnson(32nd
Degree and Grand Master ), Garfield , Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, Harding
( 32nd Degree ), Franklin Roosevelt(32nd Degree), Truman(33rd Degree and
Grand Master), Eisenhower, Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson(lst Degree), Nixon,
Ford(33rd Degree), Carter, Reagan(33rd Degree), Bush, and Clinton.

Many State Governors, U.S. Senators and Congressmen are Masons. The
Masonic Bible says that "for well over 150 years, the destiny of this
country has been determined largely by men who were members of the
Masonic fraternity."

There are about 16,000 Blue or Symbolic Lodges, with a Grand Lodge in
every state, which represent more than four million members. There are
150 Grand Lodges in the world, and a world-wide membership of over

Members must be 21 years old, however, sons of members can be initiated
at 18. Before consideration, an initiate must prove themselves to be
"mentally and physically competent, of good moral character, and believe
in the existence of a Supreme Being." Among their affiliated
organizations: The Order of Demolay, The Order of Rainbow for Girls, and
The Order of Job's Daughters, which allow children as young as 11 to
become indoctrinated in Masonic teaching. The Order of the Eastern Star,
Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and Daughters of
the Nile are organizations closely aligned with the Masons.

Their literature claims that "Freemasonry is not a religion even though
it is a religion in character...does not pretend to take the place of
religion nor serve as a substitute for the religious beliefs of its
members...(and) accepts men, found to be worthy, regardless of religious
convictions." They claim that they exist "to make good men better
through its firm belief in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man
(and) consists of men bound together by bonds of Brotherly Love and

Any organization which strives to adhere to such a high moral standard
certainly should deserve our admiration and respect. However, why have
they elicited the criticism that they have. The Vatican has issued many
Edicts condemning Masonry: Pope Clement XII in 1738, Pope Benedict XIV
in 1751, Pope Plus VII in 1821, Pope Leo XII in 1825, Pope Plus VIII in
1829, Pope Gregory XVI in 1832, Pope Plus IX in 1846 and 1873, and Pope
Leo XIII in 1884 and 1892. Pope Leo XXIII said that the goal of the
Masons was the "overthrow of the whole religious, political and social
order based on Christian institutions and the establishment of a state
of things based on pure naturalism." Until 1974, the Roman Catholic
Church had forbidden its members to be Masons, and on March 21, 1981,
the Vatican warned that "all Roman Catholics who belong to Masonic
lodges risk excommunication."

In 1784, and again in 1845, the Bavarian government considered Masonry a
danger to the state. In 1814, The Regency of Milan and Governor of
Venice echoed these same sentiments. King John VI of Portugal issued
orders in 1816, and again in 1824, prohibiting the operation of the
fraternity. In Russia, in 1820, Alexander I banished the Order.

Many writers in the late 180O's, such as Archbishop Meurin and Dr.
Bataille, said that Masonry was just a cover organization for Satan
worship, which occurred within its higher degrees, and was unknown to
the ordinary member. In 1921, Dr. James Anderson wrote a booklet on
Freemasonry called The Anderson Constitution in which he wrote:
"Freemasonry rapidly expanded in Europe. In France, a number of the
Masonic sects dabbled with magic and occultism. In Germany some were
called Order of the Gold, and Rosy Cross(or Rosicrucians). In England,
during the 1880's, the famous magical society, the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn adopted most of the Masonic grades." Many Druid ceremonies
and witchcraft rites have been incorporated into Masonic rituals.

So, are the Masons a Christian organization? The answer is a resounding
No! Their literature claims that Jesus was just a man, equal to Mohammed
and Krishna, the Hindu God. He is called the "son of Joseph", not the
Son of God. Initiates are told that Masonic rituals are "based on the
Bible", however in Chase's Digest of Masonic Law it says that "Masonry
has nothing whatever to do with the Bible...it is not founded upon the
Bible, for it were it would not be Masonry, it would be something else."
Chase said that the Bible is just one of the "holy books" of man, equal
to the Koran, Hindu Scriptures and others. Its literal meaning was meant
only for the ignorant masses. At the end of the initiation for the Royal
Arch degree, the initiate has the lost name of "God" whispered to him:
"Jebulon". Mackey, in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, said that
"Freemasonry is not Christianity" and indicates that this name actually
represents a composite of the names of the sun god of three religions:
"Jah", the Syrian form of Jehovah; "Eel", which is Baal; and "On", the
Egyptian sun god. J. D. Buck(32nd degree) wrote in Mystic Masonry(1925):
"The only personal God Freemasonry accepts is humanity in
toto...Humanity therefore is the only personal God that there Masonic
philosophy is that God is whatever you want him to be and is referred to
in general terms as the "deity" and the "Great Architect of the
Universe", but in higher degrees, he is identified as a force of nature,
usually the sun.

Mackey, in his Masonic Rituals said that the elimination of the name of
Jesus, and references to him, in Bible verses used in rituals are
"slight but necessary modifications." Mackey also wrote in his Lexicon
of Freemasonry: "The religion then of Masonry is pure theism on which
its different members engraft their particular opinions, but they are
not permitted to introduce them into the lodge or to connect their truth
or falsehood with the truth of Masonry...A Christian Mason is not
permitted to introduce his own peculiar opinions with regard to Christ's
mediatorial office into the Lodge." No masonic prayers in monitors,
handbooks and guides, end in Jesus' name, and if it is discovered that
they do, the Grand Lodge of that state will revoke their charter. Edmond
Ronayne(a Master Mason), wrote on page 74 of the Masonic Handbook(later
revised to eliminate the passage): "When a brother reveals any of our
great secrets...or whenever a minister prays in the name of Christ in
any of our assemblies, you must always hold yourself in readiness, if
called upon, to cut his throat from ear to ear, pull out his tongue by
the roots, and bury his body at the bottom of some lake or pond."
According to Morris in The Freemason's Monitor (or Webb's Monitor),
which omits any reference to the name of Jesus: "Prayer...should be of a
general character, containing nothing offensive to any class of
conscientious brethren."

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale(1898-1993), author of The Power of Positive
Thinking was a 33rd degree Mason, and his name appeared in many Masonic
publications. In March, 1991, he was featured in the cover story of The
Scottish Rite Journal(formerly known as the New Age magazine), and is
quoted as saying that "Masonry became an early and essential part of my
success." On Sunday, February 24, 1991, Peale had told the congregation
of Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral in California: "Jesus Christ,
Buddha and Krishna are examples of great philosophers who taught how to
use mind power." In May, 1991, at a Dallas, Texas seminar for Christian
writers, Dina Donahue, a contributing editor for Guidepost
 magazine(which Peale founded), said that any submission to the
publication can never refer to the deity of Jesus, and that he is the
only means by which salvation can be achieved. He can only be presented
in a historical context as a prophet and philsopher. She said that the
reason for this was that "Guidepost is an interfaith magazine, and Dr.
Peale does not want to offend those who are not Christians."

In Les Sectes et Societies Secretes published in 1863, Le Couteulx de
Canteleu wrote that the goal of the Masonic Order "was, is and will
always be the struggle against the Church and the Christian religion..."
Joseph Fort Newton wrote in The Builders: "Masonry...is Religion, a
worship in which all good men may unite, that each may share the faith
of all...Where else, except in a Masonic lodge, could men of many
religions meet, each praying for all and all for one." Mackey wrote in
his Textbook of Masonic Jurisprudence, that Masonry is "undoubtedly a
religious institution"; and also in his Manual of the Lodge, he
emphatically states that "Masonry is a religious institution." Buck
wrote in Mystic Masonry that Masonry is "a world wide religion...Masonry
is the universal religion only because and so long as it embraces all

High level Masons believe that Lucifer never fell to earth, and that
Lucifer is really God, and refer to Jehovah by the name of "Adonay",
saying that he is the god of evil because he forces men to be
subservient to his repressive dictates. Masonic books given to
handpicked members of the 32nd and 33rd Degrees, say that Jesus was an
impostor, and that Lucifer is the true God. The Masons have their own
Luciferian based calendar. Where ours is based on the years before
(B.C.) and after (A.D.) the birth of Christ, theirs counts its years
with the suffix A.L. means Anno Lucis or "Year of Light(Lucifer)".

In Morals and Dogma, Pike wrote: "Every Masonic lodge is a temple of
religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion...Masonry, like
all religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its
secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses
false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead...to
conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them
away from it...The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a
teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason." He wrote that "every
man's conception of God must be proportioned to his mental cultivation,
and intellectual powers, and moral excellence. God is, as man conceives
him, the reflected image of man himself." The next statement reduces the
Masonic philosophy to a single premise. Pike writes: "The true name of
Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a
black god...Lucifer, the Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to
give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it
he who bears the Light...Doubt it not!"

I think these various passages should settle any arguments concerning
the anti-Christian nature of the Masons. Their role in history seemed to
be to act as a diluting factor, to lessen the impact of Christianity
through tolerance, and to politically work towards the goals established
by the Illuminati.

The Masonic Organizational Structure

The Blue Lodge (Symbolic Lodge of Masonry):

1) Entered Apprentice

2) Fellow-Craft

3) Master Mason

Albert Pike explained in Morals & Dogma: "The Blue Degrees are but the
outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed
there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false
interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but
it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true
explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry...It is
well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is
contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will
labor in vain."

Lodge of Perfection (Scottish Rite or Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite):

4) Secret Master

5) Perfect Master

6) Intimate Secretary

7) Provost and Judge

8) Intendant of the Building

9) Master Elect of Nine

10) Elect of Fifteen

11) Sublime Master Elected(Sublime Knights Elect of the Twelve)

12) Grand Master Architect

13) Master of the Ninth Arch(Knight of the Ninth Arch)

14) Grand Elect Mason

Council of Princes of Jerusalem:

15) Knight of the East(Knight of the Sword)

16) Prince of Jerusalem

Chapter of Rose-Croix

17) Knight of the East and West

18) Prince of Rose-Croix(Knight of the Eagle)

The Consistory (Council of Kadosh)

19) Grand Pontiff

20) Master Ad Vitam(Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges)

21) Patriarch Noachite(Prussian Knight)

22) Prince of Libanus(Knight of the Royal Axe)

23) Chief of the Tabernacle

24) Prince of the Tabernacle

25) Knight of the Brazen Serpent

26) Prince of Mercy

27) Commander of the Temple

28) Knight of the Sun(Prince Adept)

29) Knight of St. Andrew

30) Grand Elect Knight of Kadosh

Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret

31) Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander

32) Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret

Supreme Council

33) Sovereign Grand Inspector General

The Mother Supreme Council of the World in Washington, D.C., awards all
33rd Degrees. It is the only degree that can't be earned- it is
conferred "because of outstanding service to others which reflects
credit upon the Order." All Illuminati members are 33rd Degree Masons.

Red Masonry or York Rite(or Craft Masonry):

All Masons go through the 1st 3 degrees of the "Blue Lodge and then must
decide whether they want to enter either the Scottish or York
Rites(Capitular Degrees).

Mark Master

Past Master

Most Excellent Master

Royal Arch Mason(Holy Royal Arch)

Royal Master

Select Master

Super Excellent Master

Order of the Red Cross

Order of the Knights of Malta

Order of Knights Templar


>From Bavaria, the Order of the Illuminati spread into the Upper and
Lower Rhenish provinces, Suabia, Franconia, Westphalia, Upper and Lower
Saxony; and outside Germany into Austria and Switzerland. Soon they had
over 300 members from all walks of life, including students, merchants,
doctors, lawyers, judges, professors, civil officers, bankers, and
ministers. Some of their more notable members were: the Duke of Orleans,
Duke Ernst Augustus of Saxe-Weimar-Coburg-Gotha, Prince Charles of
Hesse-Cassel, Johann Gottfried von Herder(a philosopher), Count Klemens
von Metternich, Catherine II of Russia, Count Gabriel de Mirabeau,
Marquis of Constanza("Diomedes"), Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick("Aaron"),
Duke Karl August of Saxe-Weimar, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(a poet),
Joseph II of Russia, Christian VII of Denmark, Gustave III of Sweden,
and King Poniatowski of Poland.

By 1783, there were over 600 members; and by 1784, their membership
reached nearly 3,000. By 1786 they had numerous lodges across the
various German provinces, Austria, Hungary, England, Scotland, Poland,
France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Spain, Sweden, Russia,
Ireland, Africa, and America.

By the time of the 3rd Masonic Congress in Frankfurt in 1786, the
Illuminati virtually controlled all the Masonic lodges, and at this
meeting their goals were stated as: "1) Pantheism for the higher
degrees, atheism for the lower degrees and the populace; 2) Communism of
goods, women, and general concerns; 3) The destruction of the Church,
and all forms of Christianity, and the removal of all existing human
governments to make way for a universal republic in which the utopian
ideas of complete liberty from existing social, moral, and religious
restraint, absolute equality, and social fraternity, should reign."

Students who were members of wealthy families, with international
leanings, were recommended for special training in internationalism.
Those selected by the Illuminati were given scholarships to attend
special schools. Weishaupt wrote: "I propose academies under the
direction of the Order. This will secure us the adherence of the
Literati. Science shall here be the lure." He also wrote: "We must
acquire the direction of education, of church, management of the
professorial chair, and of the pulpit." Today, there are many such
schools. Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth, was educated at an
Illuminati school in Gordonstown, Scotland, at the insistence of Lord
Louis Mountbattan(whose uncle was a Rothschild relative and who became
an admiral after the end of World War II). Those trained at such schools
were placed behind the scenes as experts and advisors to perpetuate
Illuminati goals.

Weishaupt, worried that his control of the Order was diminishing, argued
repeatedly with Knigge. While he preferred to work in secrecy, Knigge
wanted to move on to more substantial things. In January, 1783, Knigge
wrote in a letter to Zwack: "It is the Jesuitry of Weishaupt that causes
all our divisions, it is the despotism that he exercises over men
perhaps less rich than himself in imagination, in ruses, in cunning...I
declare that nothing can put me on the same footing with Spartacus as
that on which I was a first." He also wrote: "I abhor treachery and
profligacy, and I leave him to blow himself and his Order into the air."
On April 20, 1784, Knigge quit, followed by Baron Bassus("Hannibal"),
Count Torring, Prince Kreitmaier, and others. In July, Knigge signed an
agreement promising to return all documents in his possession, and to
keep quiet on what he knew about their plans and activities. Some
researchers believe that Knigge had also discovered that Weishaupt was a
Satanist. He resumed his work as a writer, later becoming an inspector
of schools at Bremen, where he died on May 6, 1796.

To insure that the activities of the Order would remain a secret, a
warning as to the consequences of betraying the Order was including in
the ceremony of initiation. They would point a sword at the initiate and
say: "If you are a traitor and a perjurer, learn that all our Brothers
are called upon to arm themselves against you. Do not hope to escape or
find a place of safety. Wherever you are, shame, remorse, and the rage
of our Brothers will pursue you, and torment you to the innermost
recesses of your entrails."

In October, 1783, Joseph Utzschneider, a lawyer, who had dropped out of
the Order in August, presented to the Duchess Maria Anna, a document
which detailed the activities of the Illuminati. He was upset because he
had been promoted too slow, and was constantly prodded to prove his
loyalty. The Duchess gave the information to the Duke. On June 22, 1784,
Duke Karl Theodore Dalberg, the Elector Palatinate of Bavaria, after
discovering from the information that the goals of the Illuminati were
to "in time rule the world," by overthrowing all civil government,
criticized all secret societies, and groups established without
government sanction. On March 2, 1785, he issued a proclamation
identifying the Illuminati as a branch of the Masons, and ordered that
their Lodges be shut down. The government began a war against the Order
by initiating judicial inquiries at Ingolstadt. In an attempt to
preserve the secrecy of their motives, the Areopagite burned many of
their documents, however, the government was able to seize many of their
papers when they raided the Lodges.

After being replaced at the University in February, Weishaupt fled
across the border into Regensburg, finally settling in Gotha, where he
found refuge with another Illuminati member, the Duke of Saxe-Gotha.

In April, 1785, Utzschneider was able to convince three other members to
come forward. They were fellow professors at the Marienburg (Marianen)
Academy who had doubts about the validity of the organization's
principles when they discovered that they would receive no mystical
powers. They were also disgruntled over Weishaupt's tyranny. Cossandey,
Grunberger, and Renner went before the Court of Inquiry on September 9,
1785, where they supplied valuable information, such as membership
lists, and revealed their aims and goals, which they consolidated into
the following six points:

1) Abolition of the Monarchy and all ordered government.

2) Abolition of private property.

3) Abolition of inheritance.

4) Abolition of patriotism.

5) Abolition of the family, through the abolition of marriage, all
morality, and the institution of communal education for children.

6) Abolition of all religion.

The purposes of these six points were to divide the people politically,
socially, and economically; to weaken countries and create a one-world
government. They testified that "all religion, all love of country and
loyalty to sovereigns, were to be annihilated..."

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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