-Caveat Lector-

Samatha 'Smith' wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 99-04-08 07:51:43 EDT, you write:
> > Recently picked up on net that Mossad was involved with CIA in
> >  assassination of JFK; well, this would make Gideon's Spies really in
> >  cahoots with my bible code which was situated within a particular
> >  edition of the Gideon placed bible.....and why the Nazis coming to
> >  America under protective orders were aided by B'nai Brith, a masonic
> >  order of German descent....this would implicate Herr Kissinger, who was
> >  counter intelligence in 1940 period also working as Soviet Spy Code Name
> >  BOR.
>     I came upon the same info recently (about the Mossad involvement in JFK).
>  I now have THE book on the subject, "Final Judgement:  The Missing Link in
> the JFK Assassination Conspiracy" by Michael Collins Piper.  Piper posts
> frequently on Alt.conspiracy(jfk).

This is silly! But enjoy the book anyway.

>     I've only just begun the book, so cannot pass judgement, but if it is
> true about the Mossad, there are several things to be restructured in MY
> thinking, anyway.
>     Can you explain further how the B'nai Brith aided the Nazis?  Never heard
> that before.
> Samm

This, unfortunately, is true. But not in the way you think. They were
covering for the Zionists who made deals with Eichman.


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