-Caveat Lector-

This green card stuff is like putting the Star of David on the Jews
during WWII; an emblem, of which they could be proud, but resulted in
Hitler's Master plan identifying his enemies.

The green card became popular in the mid eighty period; I knew one
Iranian who was broken hearted over the sitution with his home country
and the USA; he loved America, and wanted to return to Iran - he was
into computer programming and suddenly, he was the enemy with or without
a green card.

During WWII of course, one could tell the Japanese when they were taken
from their homes; there were cartoons with Japanese, all with buck
teeth; yet, if one looked at Eleanor Roosevelt, her teeth were the
buckiest of buckiest....so another enemy identified and march to
concentration camps.

Now, all this talk about the concentration camps;  the the Mexican guard
going after those wishing to excape from Mexico, to come to the land
where the streets are paved with gold.....

Now does one wonder why China built the great wall; of whom do they have
to be afraid.  In a ground war, we would be out numbered; their size, is
what has kept them unreachable, the weakness was the love of the scholar
and not the warrior....Japan beat them in a war?

It is a time warp as recorded in one communication = it is 1938, only it
looks like we are about to become the butchers....look at Janet Reno,
that Butcher of Waco....if they do that to American Citizens, who have
done no harm except to try to explaint what this Master Plan is (after
all, Hitler thrived in the Revelations) so the Feds made it possible for
how many people was it - men, women, children, to burn in the fiery
furnances - remember what happend to the Jewish people, men, women, and

Hallep Bobb's Do and David Korerish, and he took that name right out of
the bible - were trying to tell the American people that we were walking
into a trap.   Clinton is the Beast in the Revelations, not Hitler
...and it is all symbolism.   If the truth be known, if people read
their Old Testament, they would not want their children to read it.
But, it is the law - ever stop to think of that - that our constitution
replaced the bible, with the law.....andn it is up to the peope to rule,
not these so called demigods to rule.  These people in the Congress and
the office of the President are to serve and provide services; they are
not to play games of sodomy in the White House while they are putting
the foulest of TV programming on the air not fit for human consumption;
they are feeding the people garbage...

Prior to WWII, Hitler's Germany had pornography spread all over the
country; books on black magic, propagand to hate the Jew - but first, as
I recall, didn't Hitler disarm the people of Germany?

Well we see what Hitler did; and Clinton has the makings of a monster
greater than Hitler....Hitler, took on the work of the League of
Nations; Clinton takes on work of the UN, but has even superseded its
powers, by the creation of a war force called NATO which is about to
replace the UN in Europe.

Yes, there is Evil iunder the sun, and it began this time, in Clinton's
Garden of Eden, where he has reduced the levelof this country to the
serpent and he expects the people of this country to slither around with
him in the mud.

Vote them all out.   Take Al Gore, this born again Christian, and get a
good look at him.  What is he; who is he; why is he.

Pat Buchanan begins to look better and better to me; he speaks the truth
- but he better speak the whole truth, because Americans are fed up with
the news media, and both major parties.

They want a real man in the White House, not a simpering little Coward
hiding behind the skirts of two women = one the Butcher of Waco, and the
other, Madam Albright...the would be butcher of the Balkans.

Colleen Walsh Jones

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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