-Caveat Lector-

Hello CTRL,
I have question for any of you observing the bombing of Yugoslavia. Has anyone seen on 
any major media news service the full consequences of the bombing of Yugoslavia? I 
have only to date seen the structural damage to buildings and other types of 
structures being done. I have yet to see any dead bodies as in dead people in any of 
the stuff broadcast on T.V.. I have heard the newscatsters repeatally report that some 
numbers of people have been rumored to have been killed by Serbian officeals. I would 
bet even money they are not showing any of the dead bodies or dead people in the views 
of bombed out buildings and structures in order to propagandally sanitize the bombing 
going on over there. If the general public were allowed to view the entire 
consequences of the bombing over there I think they would view this very differently. 
There is a mass campaign to try and enlist new young recruits to all branches of the 
military. In my oppinion if they saw on T.V. the actual bodies of dead people as a 
direct result of war I seriously doubt they would enlist. I would like to hear anyones 
oppinion concern the topic of the medias lack of total reporting of the Bombing of 
Yugoslavia. They to date are only broadcasting half truths if that much. Have a great 
day :-)

Best regards,
Mark Allen Pitt :-) A.A.S. ;-) aka Scroll lock *.* BBS
ICQ number; 4861371
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Zero Mass Energy; The Study of Free Systems.

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