-Caveat Lector-

Howard Davis wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
>Kris Millegan wrote:
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

>> It was
>> only t}he adoption of the Constitution in 1787 which undercut these projects.
>> As soon as the document was sent to the states for ratification, Albert:
>> Gallatin became the mastermind of the Pennsylvania opposition forces. John
>> Smilie, a Gallatin lieutenant, was the floor leader of the
>> anti-ratificationists in the state convention. Smilie condemned the
>> Constitution for "inviting rather than guarding against the approaches of
>> tyranny," and what he said was its "tendency to a consolidations not a
>> confederation, of the states." Gallatin lost; Pennsylvania ratified by a
>> two-to-one majority.
>Well, was he wrong? It certainly looks to me like it has "invited rather
>than guarding against the approaches of tyranny".
>Howard Davis

        from Who Got Einstein's Office? by Ed Regis:

        "...In an account of Godel's life and work, mathematician
        Solomon Feferman describes how Godel almost did himself out
        of American citizenship. For this an oral examination was
        required, and so Godel studied the United States Constitution.
        He noticed that, well...it had quite a few problems. For one
        thing, there were some contradictions in it. And for another,
        if you really looked closely enough, you'd find that the
        United States -quite legally!- could be turned into a
        dictatorship. He confided these discoveries to his friend,
        Oskar Morgenstern, who told him that he could not mention
        any of this at his citizenship examination.

        "On April 2, 1948, Godel showed up at the government offices
        in Trenton, accompanied by Einstein and Morgenstern who were
        there as witnesses. On the drive down to Trenton, Einstein kept
        telling a bunch of stories and anecdotes to keep Godel's mind
        off the logical problems of the American Constitution. But then
        the proceeding began. 'Up to now you have held German
        citizenship,...' the official began, but Godel jumped in and
        corrected this immediately. He was Austrian, not German.
        'Anyhow,' the official continued, 'it was under an evil dictator-
        ship, but fortunately that's not possible in America...'

        " 'On the contrary,' Godel cried out, 'I know how that can
        happen!' Finally, though, Einstein and Morgenstern succeeded in
        restraining Godel long enough for him to be examined and duly
        sworn in as a citizen of the United States."

        Constitution worshippers make me a bit uneasy (but, as a
        foreigner, I won't take them to task -or Rambouillet- over it.
        Anyways, it's not just an American problem). Nevertheless,
        even if it isn't a great document, it is a common one so I
        figured the best solution was for America to abide by the
        damn thing long enough to find out what its actual flaws were.

        Now I'm not so sure; maybe it has been followed all too well.
        Anybody know Godel's "proof"? The original source is:
        Feferman, Solomon, et al. (eds.) Kurt Godel: Collected Works.
        Volume 1: Publications 1929-1936. Oxford: Oxford University
        Press, 1986. which includes Feferman's biographical essay on


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