-Caveat Lector-

 from:  http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a370caa45367f.htm

 Away From The Public Eye, Bill Clinton Is A Violent, Profane Man
 Who Wants To' Kill' His Enemies

 Capital Hill Blue, April 8, 1999
 For fair use

 Away from the public eye and the vaunted White House spin machine,
 President Bill Clinton is a vulgar, vengeful man who believes in
 "killing" people try to hurt him, those who know Clinton best say.

 White House staffers, Clinton confidants and others describe
 Clinton as "incredibly profane" and "an angry man who wants to
 inflict as much pain as possible on his enemies."

 Former White House senior staff member George Stephanopoulos in his
 book, All Too Human, writes about Clinton's mishandling of the
 Somalia crisis and shows the depth of the President's violent

 "'We're not inflicting pain on these fuckers,' Clinton said, softly
 at first. 'When people kill us, they should be killed in greater
 numbers.'  Then, with his face reddening, his voice rising, and his
 fist pounding his thigh, he leaned into Tony [Lake], as if it was
 his fault. 'I believe in killing people who try to hurt you. And I
 can't believe we're being pushed around by these two-bit pricks.'"

 Those who have known Clinton since his days in Arkansas say the
 quote is "vintage Bill."

 "Only an idiot would buy the public persona of Bill Clinton," says
 Walter Erricson, a retired reporter who covered Clinton in his
 early political days in Arkansas. "He is an incredibly profane
 individual. He is now and always has been an angry man who wants to
 inflict as much pain as possible on his enemies."

 White House staff members say Clinton curses like a sailor, has
 temper tantrums that cause people to back away from him and uses
 the word "kill" often to describe what he wants to do with his

 "Once, when the House was finishing up its impeachment
 investigation, the President slammed his fist down on the table and
 said 'I'd like to kill all of these sons of bitches and just be
 done with it!' There was a long, painful period of silence until he
 regained his composure. Then everybody went on like it was never
 said," says one former White House staffer.

 Samuel Wilson, a former political worker in Clinton's second
 campaign for governor, remembers the candidate encountering a
 critic at a campaign appearance in a small town. After the critic
 told Clinton he was nothing but a "two-bit politician" and then
 walked away, Clinton turned to a campaign aide and said "write down
 the name of that motherfucker. When I'm back in office, he's a dead

 "I remember his look. It was cold," Wilson said. "I don't want to
 think he wanted to kill him literally, but I'm sure some sort of
 revenge was inflicted later on."

 In fact, it was fear of what Attorney General Bill Clinton could do
 to her business that kept nursing home operator Juanita Broaddrick
 from reporting Clinton's rape of her 21 years ago in a Little Rock
 hotel room.

 "Her fears were justified," says retired reporter Erricson.
 "Everybody knew Bill Clinton was a man who got even, any way he

 Helen Shannon, who worked in the Arkansas Statehouse during
 Clinton's second term as governor, said the governor would
 personally order state contracts canceled when he got angry with

 "The word would come down from the governor's office that somebody
 was off limits and we would cancel their contracts and put them on
 a 'don't use' list. It happened a lot," she says.

 Shannon, who was dating a member of Clinton's staff, says Clinton
 would order audits of contracts and tell the the Arkansas State
 Police to "turn up the heat" on somebody he didn't like.

 "When Bill Clinton ran Arkansas, it was a police state," she says.

 White House staff members tell similar stories. At one meeting,
 Clinton told staff members he wanted everyone in the Independent
 Counsel Kenneth Starr's office audited by the IRS.

 "Several people in the meeting told the President he shouldn't do
 that," the staff member remember. "He slammed his fist down on the
 table and said: 'I can do any Goddamned thing I want. I'm President
 of the United States. I take care of my friends and I fuck with my
 enemies. That's the way it is. Anybody who doesn't like it can take
 a hike."

 The White House did not return calls for comment.


 Nice guy...cool under pressure, a wonderful leader who certainly
 will lead us to victory with the help of our new narco-terrorist

 Posted by: Lonnie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:08:18 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 Where were all these people when he was running for President? Why
 do they wait until now? Geez.

 From: dj88 (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:13:37 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 He is a mentally disturbed person. He is above the law. He will not
 leave the WH voluntarily. Not now, not ever. "I can do any
 Goddamned thing I want, " Pretty much says it all.

 From: kassie (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:15:27 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 No, we have nothing to be afraid of.

 He will step down in 2001 just like the law says.

 He will not use World War III and Y2K as an excuse to invoke
 martial law.

 Just keep your eyes on your mutual funds and everything will be OK.

 From: Mmmike ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:15:27 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      "White House staff members tell similar stories. At one
      meeting, Clinton told staff members he wanted everyone in
      the Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office audited by
      the IRS."

 This alone should be enough to impeach him a second time on abuse
 of power.

 The Clinton body count looks more credible every day.

 From: dalereed ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:15:36 PDT

 To: dalereed
 Good God he is really a nutball. God help America.

 From: oldironsides ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:19:49 PDT

 To: dalereed
 Preaching to the choir...The masses only know what Dan Rather tells
 them, and Mr. Courage isn't going to tell them THIS.

 From: Wm Bach (www.@aturk) *
 04/08/99 06:22:39 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 As revealing as this article is, it does not reveal the full extent
 of this bastard-son-of-an-alcoholic-whore's meglomania and
 uncontrollable vitriole. It has become quite obvious that his very
 soul is so filled with hate that he does not merely want to "kill"
 his enemies -- he wants to (and aims to) kill his friends as well.

 Bill clinton will not be satisfied until every human being on earth
 has paid for the self-induced pain of his dysfunctional childhood.
 Remember: "The child is the father of the man."

 From: clews ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:23:01 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 We've all had great sport in choosing that one famous quote or
 phrase that will forever be associated with Clinton ("I NEVER had
 sex with that woman...."; "I feel your pain....", etc.). Now, we
 have another WJC identifier:

      Get mad AND get even.

 From: RightOnline (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:24:12 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      In fact, it was fear of what Attorney General Bill Clinton
      could do to her business that kept nursing home operator
      Juanita Broaddrick from reporting Clinton's rape of her 21
      years ago in a Little Rock hotel room.  "Her fears were
      justified," says retired reporter Erricson. "Everybody knew
      Bill Clinton was a man who got even, any way he could."

 Put that in front of Susan Estrich's fat face!

 From: Paine's Ghost ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:29:35 PDT

 To: RightOnline
 That's a good one but I prefer:

      "We're not inflicting pain on these fuckers"

 Sort of sums up this whole nightmare administration.

 From: Lonnie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:29:44 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      "When Bill Clinton ran Arkansas, it was a police state," she
      says. White House staff members tell similar stories. At one
      meeting, Clinton told staff members he wanted everyone in the
      Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office audited by the IRS.


 The epitome of a Bad President. The worst in my lifetime.

 From: JPJones ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:30:45 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 Is that what he had in mind when he blathered about feeling our

 From: ewo (Clinton: America's First Dictator.) *
 04/08/99 06:31:50 PDT

 To: Mmmike
 Considering how the rapist treats his friends it is clear that his
 enemies have much to fear. Fortunately his enemies list is sooo
 long he doesn't know where to begin to punish them. But I'm not
 worried, my 401K is doing fine. P.S. I forgot to mention that I was
 also able to get on Rush's show a while back. Now, tho, I'd rather
 spend my time on FreeRepublic.

 From: Jan from Jersey (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:31:51 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 Just when I thought I had heard it all! Like dj88 says, where were
 these people when he was running for President, and Governor, for
 that matter?!

 Why did so many who KNEW his true persona continue working for him?
 Fear? I don't understand.

 This is truly frightening. Makes me wonder if a missile will take
 us all out at the House Manager's dinner.

 From: mombonn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:33:21 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 I wonder if Sam Wilson knows if the "critic" is living or dead.
 Knowing what we do now, it bears looking into.

 From: Requiem for Truth (Rally in Washington) *
 04/08/99 06:33:51 PDT

 To: dj88

      Where were all these people when he was running for President?
      Why do they wait until now? Geez.

 My thoughts exactly.

 From: MrConfettiMan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:36:13 PDT

 To: Wm Bach

      Preaching to the choir...The masses only know what Dan Rather
      tells them, and Mr. Courage isn't going to tell them THIS.

 If the masses did know, I really have to wonder if they'd care.
 They certainly knew more about him when voting him in the second
 time, yet they chose him again and most conservatives stayed home.

 I still can't imagine buying a car from him let alone giving him
 the keys to the White House.

 From: RightOnlinesWife (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:36:52 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      Samuel Wilson, a former political worker in Clinton's second
      campaign for governor, remembers the candidate encountering a
      critic at a campaign appearance in a small town. After the
      critic told Clinton he was nothing but a "two-bit politician"
      and then walked away, Clinton turned to a campaign aide and
      said "write down the name of that motherfucker. When I'm back
      in office, he's a dead man."

 I wonder what this two-bit commie *ss ho#e has in store for us

 Time to stick together all the way to the White House and an
 overwhelming sweep on the Hill.

 Cincinatus' wife

 From: Cincinatus () *
 04/08/99 06:36:57 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 I just dont understand why it is not the best, if not necessary and
 the safest, for Mrs Broaddrick to make available in the public
 domain a full unedited recouting first person singular "witness" of
 her accusation. She is nuts to think her limited NBC interview will
 provide her any safety. Those who proclaim "she has done enough"
 are out to have her financially ruined or hurt. Dont you see what
 type of guys this man is?

 Sorry, know this is irritating to most here but I am obsessed with
 how poorly the single most important disclosure we have had about
 Clinton has been managed. Mrs Broaddrick, you are in deep deep
 peril. This guy is gonna "pay back".

 Mrs Broaddrick a complete testimony by you of everything you can
 remember made available to all on the www and to anyone in video
 format would drive a stake into this beasts heart. Your nightmare
 would be over. Why dont you wish safety fr yourself and heirs?

 From: Cato_the _elder (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:37:00 PDT

 To: Lonnie
 This side of him has gotten NO play whatsoever. The whoring, the
 disorganization, the lying.. yes. But the vengefulness would
 complete the picture such that NOBODY could get away with calling
 his opponents McCarthyite prudish interrogators, etc...

 Man, I wish the Wash. Times would reprint this. Get it out there..

 From: nonstatist (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:37:24 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      Clinton...wanted everyone in the Independent Counsel Kenneth
      Starr's office audited by the IRS...(when) told...he shouldn't
      do that, (Clinton) slammed his fist down on the table and
      said: 'I can do any Goddamned thing I want. I'm President of
      the United States

 This article is so full of chilling statements it is hard to choose
 one or two to comment rationally upon.

 This man shouldn't be in the White House; he should be locked up
 restrained and under 24 hour guard. He's a danger to everyone
 around him.

 And he's our President. God help us all! We would all be better off
 spending more time on our knees praying. Nothing else seems to be
 capable of delivering us from this man.

 From: Gritty (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:37:58 PDT

 To: dj88

 Gee, this is really "BREAKING" news, isn't it

 04/08/99 06:43:01 PDT

 To: JPJones

      "When Bill Clinton ran Arkansas, it was a police state"

 When Bill Clinton ran The United States it was a ___________

 You all know what to do....

 From: motzman (helpi'[EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:44:45 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      "Several people in the meeting told the President he shouldn't
      do that," the staff member remember. "He slammed his fist down
      on the table and said: 'I can do any Goddamned thing I want.
      I'm President of the United States. I take care of my friends
      and I fuck with my enemies. That's the way it is. Anybody who
      doesn't like it can take a hike."

 Thats right Mr. Bumppers, he's got the football.

 From: phlap ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:46:53 PDT

 To: nonstatist
 I sent this to the San Diego Union Tribune with the following

 This is the type of thing that you need to put in front of the
 public every day until they get it through their heads what kind of
 a monster and criminal occupies the White House.

 From: dalereed ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:48:45 PDT

 To: clews

      Bill clinton will not be satisfied until every human being on
      earth has paid for the self-induced pain of his dysfunctional
      childhood. Remember: "The child is the father of the man."

 Again one is struck by the similarities to Herr Hitler.

 "So the American people thought they could impeach me Hunh. How
 about being involved in a nice WAR, maybe they'd like that
 better! Dumb Pricks!"

 Of course this article begs the question.Where were all these
 people in 92 or 96 ?

 From: tet68 () *
 04/08/99 06:48:54 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      "When Bill Clinton ran Arkansas, it was a police state,"
      she says.

 Now that the boy rapist runs the United States it is rapidly
 becoming a police state. The handwriting was on the wall when he
 fired all the US attorneys and replaced them with his own stooges.
 Now under Butch Reno the Rapist 'Justice' Department would be a
 laughingstock, except it's too shocking and terrifying to laugh at.
 Is this what it feels like to experience God's wrath?

 From: theknep ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 06:49:11 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      "I can do any Goddamned thing I want. I'm President of the
      United States. I take care of my friends and I fuck with my
      enemies. That's the way it is. Anybody who doesn't like it can
      take a hike."

 feel the love everyone.

 From: 4Liberty (RESIGN YOU SICK B@ST@RD!!) *
 04/08/99 06:49:15 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      "When Bill Clinton ran Arkansas, it was a police state,"
      she says.

 Now that Clinton is running America it is a police state and
 getting worse. See hate crime legistation. If the Congress passes
 it, conservatives days are numbered.

 From: swampfox98 (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:50:27 PDT

 To: dj88

 "..where were all these people when he was running for President?"

 Poor Col. Holmes died of a broken heart, he made his letter from
 Clinton resisting the draft PUBLIC....it was mostly ignored by the
 press. Poor Jennifer Flowers went on TV, released taped
 conversations between her and Clinton...and the sheeple didn't
 believe what they heard.

 Clinton is in control of the most powerful office and country in
 the world..and God Help us, our Senate let us down in the only
 chance we had to get rid of him.

 From: spectre () *
 04/08/99 06:50:51 PDT

 To: To All
 Back in '92 & '96 the phrase 'character counts' has been proven,
 beyond a doubt! This is the worst president in history.

 We, the American people, will have to 'live down' his legacy. His
 transgressions, against the country, as well as the world, will be
 with us for generations.

 Pity our kids

 From: BBPark (RBrenz97@AOL) *
 04/08/99 06:51:33 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      "He is now and always has been an angry man who wants to
      inflict as much pain as possible on his enemies."

 And he's a typical wusse punk. They can give instructions to their
 muscle guys, but they have to physically attack smaller women to
 feel tough. If he ever gets convicted and loses his bodyguards,
 some bubba will have fun with him, and maybe bring up the subject
 of Juanita.

 He can put some ice on it.

 04/08/99 06:56:38 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      "After the critic told Clinton he was nothing but a "two-bit
      politician" and then walked away, Clinton turned to a campaign
      aide and said "write down the name of that motherfucker. When
      I'm back in office, he's a dead man."

 Let's hope Milosevic does not call Clinton a two-bit politician
 because we could be looking at a nuclear war.

 From: monocle (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:58:40 PDT

 To: Lonnie

      >>Only an idiot would buy the public persona of Bill Clinton,"
      says Walter Erricson, a retired reporter who covered Clinton
      in his early political days in Arkansas. <<

 Gee, I thought that since the press knew this, they might have
 decided to pass it along to the American public

 I guess that would be called objective reporting and we certainly
 don't need any of that!!!

 From: irish guard (emailname) *
 04/08/99 06:59:30 PDT

 To: dj88
 "Where were all these people when he was running for president?"

 That's what I was thinking. The sad part is, had this been reported
 about Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan or Bush, I would have
 dismissed this as exaggerated gossip. Not with this scumbag,

 From: Coop ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 07:02:14 PDT

 To: RightOnlinesWife

      If the masses did know, I really have to wonder if they'd care.

      Oh, they would care....deeply....in that classic liberal,
      simpering '...'he couldn't help himself - look what kind of
      family life he had; poor thing, it's damn near a miracle he
      turned out as well as he did. Best thing we can do is support
      him as much as possible, and give him 'space' enough to work
      out his problems.....'

 Quintessential liberal philosophy - no one is responsible for
 anything, we're all victims, etc.. Sad to say, but there are a
 great number of sheeple in this country,(imcluding my parents) who
 will always like, and support, Bill Clinton, for no reason other
 than that he is a DEMOCRAT!!

 Sometimes I wonder if there's much hope for this country, anymore.
 Then I come here to Free Republic (Thank you, Jim Robinson) and am

 From: Le-Roy (Weare@thecrossroads) *
 04/08/99 07:05:15 PDT

 To: Cincinatus

      "After the critic told Clinton he was nothing but a "two-bit
      politician" and then walked away, Clinton turned to a campaign
      aide and said "write down the name of that motherfucker. When
      I'm back in office, he's a dead man." "

 Now, does anyone remember what happened to the woman, who shouted,
 "Those boys died and it's your fault". Wasn't she and her husband
 arrested by the Secret Service? And what about that guy, who asked,
 "What happened to the middle class tax cut?" Wasn't he arrested by
 the Secret Service. Perhaps next time a Freeper is visited by the
 Secret Service, we should ask them about being enforcers for Bill

 From: kermit ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) *
 04/08/99 07:07:22 PDT



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