-Caveat Lector-

McDougal Innocent of Obstruction
Monday, April 12, 1999; 1:19 p.m. EDT

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- Susan McDougal was found innocent of obstructing
Kenneth Starr's Whitewater investigation and the judge declared a mistrial
today on the other two charges against her.
U.S. District Judge George Howard Jr. declared the mistrial on two criminal
contempt counts just before jurors delivered the innocent verdict in the
``I had a fair trial and my day in court and I thank you for that,'' Mrs.
McDougal told the judge in court after the jury left the courtroom.
Prosecutor Mark Barrett said a retrial is ``obviously an option.'' Barrett
said he hoped prosecutors would decide within a couple of weeks whether to
try again.
Mrs. McDougal hugged her fiance, Pat Harris, and her attorney, Mark
Mrs. McDougal was charged with obstruction and criminal contempt for
refusing to testify to grand juries in the Whitewater probe in 1996 and in
She said her refusal was based on her fear that she would be charged with
perjury unless she falsely testified against the Clintons.
© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

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