-Caveat Lector-

> Several questions.  If pagans were the larger organized group, why
> didn't the pagan community just absorb the smaller group of Christians?
> Why was there so much persecution of the pagans by Constantine if
> paganism was what was favored?  Is paganism making a comeback thru the
> gradual transition of Christmas to Winter Holidays, as they are
> celebrated in the atheistic Soviet Union?  Why no balance in the article
> by using scholarship from the Catholic Encyclopedia on this topic?  In
> any reasonable discussion, Catholics would speak for Catholic beliefs
> and pagans should speak for pagan beliefs.

The religion of Christianity has historically been used as a mass murderous
coercive weapon (as have most religions) to further the control and power
of the elite. Considering the bloody history of Christianity (originally an
Unorthodox Jewish Sect) with its mass murders of millions of people it is
quite laughable to read the opinions of those who brand Mohammedism as a
particuarly violent belief.

The heritage of Judeo-Christianianty  (and to a lesser degree Mohammedism)
is blood, death and destruction.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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