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-Caveat Lector-
Part of the longstanding _Project_ theory of geopolitics, is that the Vatican and Rockefellers routinely line-up against the Judeo-Masonic Anglophile cabal (NeoBritish Empire). . .the Vatican for its preference of faith based society vs "Modernism," to say nothing of their long-standing war with the Jews, and the Rockefellers for their long-standing alliance with Saudi Arabia to control the world's oil resources.  We find this confirmed below in David Rockefeller's recently published _Memoirs_:
Page 494: [Epilogue]
". . .It was only with time that I began to understand the connection between the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the failure over a period of almost 50 years to resolve the dilemma of the Middle East.  President Nasser's 1969 warning to me about the "growing instability and radicalism" throughout the region resonated strongly.  Despite efforts by people of good faith on all sided, this dangerous cancer has never been excised, and it now threatens the stability and prosperity of the entire world."
Of course, the "only with time" part is a lie [unless old Rocky is already senile], but note that this Rockefeller statement is in direct oppostion to the Zionist propaganda barrage (now politically correct) that the the Arab-Israeli conflict is only a small part of the motivation of the terrorists!
Note further that it was old David who tottered-out during the impeachment crisis to welcome and introduce Bill Clinton to a CFR meeting where Clinton spoke.  Also recall Clinton's several visits to the Rockefeller vacation spot in Aspen.  Clinton was clearly a Rockefeller tool as evidenced by his luke warm enthusiasm for the crusade against Iraq and terrorism and, most important, for his opposition to the Likud in Israel.  Clinton intervened directly in Israel elections trying to defeat the Likud.
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
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