-Caveat Lector-

> Morals? Both sides have committed evil atrocious acts. Again I state ( I
> know it's hard for this one to get through)- there is no moral high
> to be had from any side here.

You are being coy and equivicating.By equating the acts of the oppressor
with the oppressed - the occupied with the occupier, you ARE expressing
a moral opinion - a bad moral opinion. Merely throwing up your hands
and saying 'a pox on both your houses' condones the basic evil of a
brutal occupation and the illegal annexation of another people's land
and heritage.

> Maybe there is a rule that 2 people can't post information from the same
> article. I must have missed it. Mea culpa.

But of course you did not simply 'post information.' Rather you posted
an editorial attacking my post as somehow improper because I only
quoted that part of the article reporting the murder of the 11 year old
girl by Israeli soldiers. Obviously I have no debate with one reading,
commenting upon or posting the entire article since I intentionally
cited the specific article reference.

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