-Caveat Lector-

Print Edition Ha'aretz
Wednesday, January 01, 2003 Tevet 27, 5763
Israel Time:  04:10  (GMT+2)

Studies: Americans fatter and drunker

By Reuters

CHICAGO - For the bleary-eyed able to stomach a tidbit of health news after
ringing in the New Year, more Americans are getting fat and drunk each
year, with sometimes deadly results, researchers said yesterday.

More than one in five American adults could be classified as obese in 2001,
up almost 6 percent from the year before. And more than one in four
Americans engage in bouts of binge drinking - defined as five or more
drinks at one sitting with the goal of getting drunk - up 35 percent from

"I guess you could say we're fat and drunk," said Timothy Naimi, a
researcher at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
Atlanta, summarizing a pair of studies based on a huge telephone survey of
more than 200,000 adults.

"We're a society that is somewhat taken with excesses," Naimi said.

The studies' publication in the Journal of the American Medical Association
was timed by the journal to coincide with the revelry associated with New
Year's Eve.

U.S. driving fatalities more than double on New Year's Day as celebrants
take to the roads.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an average
of 393 people died in traffic accidents after midnight on New Year's Day
over the past three years, more than half of them alcohol-related. That
compares to the daily average of about 115 traffic deaths - roughly 42,000
a year - 40 percent of them blamed on alcohol.

Bingeing - whether on alcohol or food - is a potentially fatal health
problem, CDC researchers said.

Abuse of alcohol kills roughly 100,000 Americans a year, the third-leading
cause of preventable deaths after smoking and physical inactivity. Binge
drinking accounted for roughly half those 100,000 deaths, Naimi said.

Obesity is another killer, and its prevalence among U.S. adults nearly
doubled in the past decade to 21 percent of adults, the CDC researchers

Obesity has been declared a global problem by the World Health
Organization, and 45 percent of adults in some oil-rich Persian Gulf
nations are obese, according to the study

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