-Caveat Lector-


 World News

January 02, 2003

Jewish liberals attack poll ban on Arab MPs
>From Ben Lynfield in Jerusalem

LEADERS of Israel's Arab minority were joined by Jewish liberals yesterday
in protests over the banning of an Arab nationalist party from the general
election later this month.

They claimed that the banning of the National Democratic Alliance and its
leader, Azmi Bishara, an Israeli-Arab MP, was part of a campaign by the
ruling Likud Party to exclude Arab citizens from Israeli politics. This was
denied by Likud leaders, who said that Mr Bishara had been banned not
because he was an Arab but because he allied himself with Israel's enemies.

Naomi Chazan, a member of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, and of the
liberal Meretz Party, said: "This is a gross violation of one of the most
basic rights of citizenship in a democracy - the right to vote and be

She said that the ban on Mr Bishara, and an earlier ban on Ahmed Tibi, a
fellow Arab member of the Knesset, were part of a "very racist process" of
driving Arabs, who make up a fifth of Israel's population, out of politics.

"This is really very serious," she said. "It could undermine the entire
basis of Israeli democracy."

Ms Chazan called on the Supreme Court, which must consider an appeal by
January 9, to overturn the bans.

Israeli Arabs have faced severe discrimination in land use, building
rights, education and social services since Israel's establishment in 1948.
The one exception was the 1992-95 tenure of Yitzhak Rabin, the Prime
Minister whose centre-left coalition depended on a tacit alliance with Arab

Lacking the benefits and budgets accorded their Jewish counterparts, the
right to vote and run for the Knesset traditionally served as one of the
spheres in which Israeli Arabs enjoyed equality with Jews.But many Arabs
complain that the State seeks to dictate to them who will be their leaders
and many Israeli Jews are fearful that Arab citizens are growing
increasingly radicalised.

The ban by the central election commission, at the behest of Elyakim
Rubinstein, the Attorney-General, is based largely on allegations that Mr
Bishara called for "armed struggle" against Israel, in violation of an
amendment to a law passed last year. It was also based on a report by the
Shin Bet intelligence service that Mr Bishara supported the deportation of
Jews from Israel to achieve an Arab majority.

Mr Bishara denied backing armed struggle, said that the Shin Bet material
was spurious and argued that the real issue was his ideology. He stipulated
that Israel should cease to be a state that defined itself as belonging to
Jews worldwide and instead should evolve into one that belongs equally to
all its citizens.

Mr Bishara was put on trial for sedition last year for making statements in
Syria that were interpreted as backing attacks by the Iranian-backed
Hezbollah militia against Israeli targets. The trial is still running.

On Monday the electoral commission rejected an attempt to disqualify
another Arab MP, Abdul-Malik Dahamshe, which Likud leaders argued showed
that they were not against Arabs, but against threats to the State.

Tzipi Livne, a Likud minister, said: "A small number of Arab leaders are
using Israeli democracy in order to undermine Israel's existence. They are
representing the position of the Palestinians, who are using terrorist
means against the citizens of Israel. It is the right of a democracy to
defend itself."

Issam Makhoul, another Arab MP, complained that Likud's actions were
motivated by a combination of political calculation and racism. He said
that, as Israel's right-wing and left-wing blocs were evenly split,
encouraging Arab citizens to drop out of electoral politics would boost the
right wing in future elections.

"But it is even more dangerous than that," he said. "They are also trying
to say that all those who don't agree with the national consensus have no
place in Israeli democracy."

Mr Bishara said that he would call for a boycott of the elections on
January 28 unless the Supreme Court struck out the bans.

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