-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Terrorism suspect 'framed by in-laws'
France releases baggage handler arrested at airport
Jon Henley in Paris
Friday January 10 2003
The Guardian

The Algerian-born baggage handler arrested at Charles de Gaulle airport near the end 
of last month with guns and explosives in his car was framed by his in-laws in a 
family row, the Paris public prosecutor said yesterday.

The retired soldier who told the police he had seen Abderazak Besseghir handling a gun 
in one of the airport's car parks admitted in custody having taken part in a plot with 
Mr Besseghir's in-laws to set him up, Yves Bot said.

Mr Besseghir was released yesterday afternoon. The prosecutor's office sent an 
assistant public prosecutor to the prison where he was being held to explain the 
situation to him.

Mr Besseghir, 27, was arrested on December 28 after the police found an automatic 
pistol, a machine gun, five cakes of plastic explosive, two detonators and a 
slow-burning fuse hidden in the spare wheel in the boot of his car.

But he puzzled the investigators from the start. He had no police record and no known 
links to radical Islamists.

He said that he had never seen the weapons before and that he was being framed by the 
family of his late wife, who died in a fire at their home in Bondy, outside Paris, 
last summer.

After her death Mr Besseghir was questioned by the police about the blaze, but was 
released without charge.

His wife's family subsequently claimed that just before her death she had threatened 
to leave him because he had become an Muslim fundamentalist.

The airport and anti-terrorist police spent two weeks trying to unravel a non-existent 
terrorist plot at the airport, which is one of Europe's busiest, handling 1,200 
flights and 130,000 passengers a day.

In 2001 it was the point of departure for the shoe-bomber Richard Reid, who tried to 
blow up a Paris to Miami flight in mid-air using explosives concealed in his trainers.

Mr Besseghir was placed under formal investigation - one step short of being charged - 
for "criminal association in relations with a terrorist enterprise" and "multiple 
violation of legislation on firearms, munitions and explosives".

But the police soon admitted their doubts about the case against him, saying that 
neither he nor any of his family fitted the profile of an Islamist extremist.

Nor did the fingerprints found on the weapons match his.

Sources close to the inquiry said yesterday that after being questioned for a second 
time, Marcel Le Hir, the ex-legionnaire whose tip-off originally led to Mr Besseghir's 
arrest, admitted placing the weapons in his car with an associate who is also in 

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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