-Caveat Lector-

<< Arkansas seems to be having a few problems of late ... A<>E<>R >>

>From LATimes

Wednesday, April 14, 1999
21 Million Pounds of Meat, Poultry Are Declared Unfit
>From Times Wire Services

 WASHINGTON--Federal food inspectors declared unfit for human consumption 21
million pounds of meat and poultry produced by the same Arkansas plant from
which 30 million pounds of meat products were recalled three months ago.
     The meat, products of Thorn Apple Valley's Forrest City, Ark., plant,
was being housed in warehouses and waiting to be shipped to distributors,
officials with the U.S. Agriculture Department's food safety and inspection
service said.
     "These products may contain physical, chemical and-or microbiological
contaminants that render the product adulterated and not fit for human
consumption," an agency release said. It did not elaborate.
     In January, Thorn Apple Valley recalled 30 million pounds of hot dogs
and luncheon meats produced at the same Arkansas plant. That recall was
because of possible contamination with the listeria bacteria.
     USDA officials said an investigation begun after the recall led them to
halt the use of all of the remaining product.
     Thorn Apple Valley, based in Southfield, Mich., has about 9 million
pounds of meat and poultry products on hold in warehouses across the United
States. More than 12 million pounds of the products subject to recall have
been exported to Russia and South Korea, and USDA officials said the
appropriate international officials had been notified of the latest action.
     The plant has not produced hot dogs or luncheon meats since Dec. 31,
when the government suspended inspection because the plant had not complied
with sanitation requirements, USDA officials said.
     No illnesses have been reported to health officials from the recalled
meat, the USDA said.
     The department said consumers should check their refrigerators for
products bearing the codes "EST 13529" or "EST P-13529." Any such products
should be returned to the place of purchase.
     The recall covered products produced between July and December 1998.
     The government's formal condemnation of the meat was praised by
consumer groups as a sign that the USDA is taking tougher action against
companies to protect the food supply.
Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved


>From Reuters

Monday April 12 1:44 PM ET

Meat, Poultry Can Now Apply For 'Organic' Label

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the federal government nears the end of a decade
of dithering over how to define organic foods, one agency said Monday it
would allow some meat and poultry products to carry a national organic

Organic fruits, vegetables, meats and other items are one of the
fastest-growing segments of the U.S. food industry, appealing to aging Baby
Boomers in search of healthier meals.

But the U.S. Agriculture Department has been unable to come up with broad
labeling regulations for what constitutes ''organically-grown'', despite a
directive from Congress in 1990. In frustration, the U.S. organic industry
said last month it would develop its own national guidelines to replace a
jumble of conflicting state regulations.

The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service, which has authority over just
meats and poultry, said it would begin allowing labels that claim a product
is ``certified organic'' by a recognized entity.

Organic meat and poultry companies must submit the labels to the agency for
approval, and supply documentation provided by the organic certifying
entity. The agency said it will also continue to regulate labeling claims of
meat products raised without added hormones or antibiotics.

A separate agency within the USDA, the Agricultural Marketing Service, is
expected to publish a proposed rule defining ``organic'' for all farm
products later this year.

A similar attempt in 1997 to establish broad rules for organic foods
attracted more than a quarter-million comments from consumer groups, organic
growers, food companies and others. The outpouring of opposition to the use
of biotechnology in plants and animals, and to sewage sludge as fertilizer
for organic foods sent the USDA back to the drawing board for another
attempt at the rules.


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