-Caveat Lector-
Something's really fishy about this story...why would the professor 'destroy' the bacteria and then report it as missing?
If indeed all the vials were 'destroyed' (and how does one 'destroy' vials of plague?), how then could authorities 'account' for all of them?
-------Original Message-------
Professor Arrested in Plague Vials Case
By BETSY BLANEY, Associated Press Writer
January 16, 2003, 8:32 AM EST

LUBBOCK, Texas -- When 30 vials of a deadly bacteria that causes bubonic
plague were reported missing from Texas Tech University, anxiety here was
palpable. Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge contacted the mayor, a
terrorism alert was triggered and dozens of investigators from the FBI and
other agencies converged.

But officials said Wednesday the bacteria wasn't missing after all. They
alleged a Texas Tech professor had destroyed the vials before reporting
their disappearance.

Dr. Thomas C. Butler was arrested Wednesday on a complaint of giving false
information to the FBI. According to U.S. Attorney Dick Baker, Butler said
Tuesday that vials containing bacteria obtained from tissue samples from
East Africa were missing when "truth in fact, as he well knew, he had
destroyed them prior to that."

Butler was booked into the Lubbock County Jail. He was scheduled to make
his initial court appearance Thursday.

"We have accounted for all those missing vials and we have determined that
there is no danger to public safety whatsoever," Lubbock FBI Lupe Gonzalez
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